over 250 pages
bookseller recommendation
translated book
elemental magic
shadow/fire in the title
the chosen one
cover you hate
written by multiple authors
podcaster or gamer
color in the title
two word title
favorite genre
banned book
lost in space
grim dark fantasy
natural disaster
first in a series
features body positivity
set in space
epistolary novel
high fantasy
literary fiction
horror novel
gothic horror
purple cover
female protagonist
good vs evil
political thriller
name in the title
read in one setting
oldest book on your tbr
author uses initials
set outside your country
set in a big city
under 250 pages
illustrated cover
cute cover
most anticipated
hyped book
set in your favorite country
mood read
part of a duology
debut novel
season in the title
male protagonist
could make you cry
second chance romance
parallel universe
medical thriller
war story
viscount, earl or duke
celebrity memoir
political upheavel
starts with the same letter as your name
you/your in the title
bad boy
fated mates
middle grade
unrequited love
desert setting
poc protagonist
number in the title
read from before author
love or heart in the title
white cover
5-star predicition
kindle unlimited
queen/king in the title
female author
great first sentence
black cover
green cover
movie/tv series adaptation
mythology retelling
disable protagonist
face on the cover
rich vs poor
orange cover
childhood sweethearts
dark romance
inspired by mythology
summoning evil
kill or dead / die in th title
teen protagonist
backlist book
time travel
from the library
alpha male
short story
pattern on the cover
queer protagonist
book club read
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true crime
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set in the past
treasure/scavenger hunt
isolated setting
school setting
grumpy sunshine
camp horror
animal on the cover
time paradox
feel-good book
cozy fantasy
new to you author
blue cover
alien encounter
friend pick
set in your favorite city
pink cover
magical realism
non-binary author
post apocalyptic
book box edition
family drama
favorite setting
lost city
set at court
books about books
age gap romance
coastal setting
set in fall
own voices
writer or journalist
creepy cover
published last year
bird on the cover
reality show/film industry
friend recommendation
villain protagonist
modern classic
fake dating
historical figures
fantasy romance
fairy tale retelling
urban fantasy
coming of age
over 300 pages
historical romance
flowers on the cover
reverse harem
political fantasy
child protagonist
dark/night in the title
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domestic thriller
dark fantasy
celebrity romance
cozy mystery
battle for the throne
dystopian government
features climate change
indie or self-published
buy a new book
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shortest book on your tbr
moon / sun on the cover
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longest book on your tbr
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three word title
morally grey character
spaceship on the cover
over 35 chapters
long title (5+ words)
set in spring
mafia romance
red cover
extreme horror
sports romance
matches your current outfit
set on an island
sci-fi horror
highest rated on goodreads
multiple pov
sci-fi thriller
pet pick
favorite sub-genre
favorite author
friends to lovers
romantic suspense
adventure story
under 300 pages
part of a 4+ book series
romantic thriller
at risk of being unhauled
over 400 pages
last in a series
cosmic horror
set in winter
even page number
body horror
set in summer
missing person
place in the title
set on a ship
artificial intelligence
one word title
spies or secret agents
forced proximity
most recent purchase
character with your name
roommates to lovers
set in the future
cover you love
moon/light in the title
new release
locked room mystery
band of thieves/outlaws
retired assassin
author with more than 5 books
non-human character
enemies to lovers
with a map
set in a small town
road trip
diverse historical ficition
brown/beige cover
written in first person
seasonal romance
dark academia
published before 2020
written in third person
found family
object on the cover
tbr veteran
marriage of convenience
love triangle
young adult
essay collection
male author
based on a true story
secret identity
nominated for goodreads choice awards
virtual reality
outside your comfort zone
lowest rated on goodreads
second chance author
least read genre
won an award
legal thriller
odd page number
mutant virus
yellow cover
city/world in the title
final girl
water on the cover
portal fantasy
partner pick
previous dnf
set in nature
memory loss
training sequence
over 500 pages
favorite color
multiple timelines
last/time in the title
forbidden love
william shakespeare
james baldwin
book published in the 90’s
book published in the 70’s
book published in the 60’s
book published in the 50’s
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