ANDROMEDA - Princess of Ethiopia
ANTLIA - The Air Pump
APUS - The Bird of Paradise
AQUARIUS - The Water bearer
AQUILA - The Eagle
ARA - The Altar
ARIES - The Ram
AURIGA - The Charioteer
BOOTES - The Herdsman
CAELUM - The Chisel
CANCER - The Crab
CANIS MAJOR - The Greater Dog
CANIS MINOR - Lesser Dog
CARINA - The Keel
CASSIOPEIA - The Seated Queen
CENTAURUS - The Centaur
CEPHEUS - The King
CETUS - The Whale (Sea Monster)
CHAMAELEON - The Chameleon
CIRCINUS - Compass
COLUMBA - The Dove
COMA BERENICES - Berenice's Hair
CORONA AUSTRALIS - The Southern Crown
CORONA BORELIAS - The Northern Crown
CORVUS - The Crow/Raven
CRATER - The Cup
CRUX - Southern Cross
CYGNUS - The Swan
DELPHINUS - The Dolphin
DORADO - The Dolphinfish
DRACO - The Dragon
ERIDANUS - The River
FORNAX - The Furnace
GEMINI - The Twins
GRUS - The Crane
HERCULES - The Strongman
HOROLOGIUM - The Pendulum Clock
HYDRA - The Sea Serpent
HYDRUS - The Water Snake
INDUS - The Indian
LACERTA - The Lizard
LEO - The Lion
LEO MINOR - The Lesser Lion
LEPUS - The Hare
LIBRA - The Scales/Balance
LUPUS - The Wolf
LYNX - The Cat
LYRA - Lyre/Harp
MENSA - The Table Mountain
MICROSCOPIUM - The Microscope
MONOCEROS - The Unicorn
MUSCA - The Fly
NORMA - The Carpenter's Square
OCTANS - The Octant
OPHIUCHUS - The Serpent-Bearer
ORION - The Hunter
PAVO - The Peacock
PEGASUS - The Winged Horse
PERSEUS - The Hero
PHOENIX - The Phoenix
PICTOR - The Painter's Easel
PISCES - The Fishes
PISCIS AUSTRINUS - The Southern Fish
PUPPIS - The Poop Deck
PYXIS - The Compass Box
RETICULUM - The Reticle
SAGITTA - The Arrow
SCORPIUS - The Scorpion
SCULPTOR - The Sculptor
SCUTUM - The Shield
SERPENS - The Snake
SEXTANS - The Sextant
TAURUS - The Bull
TELESCOPIUM - The Telescope
TRIANGULUM - The Triangle
TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE - The Southern Triangle
TUCANA - The Toucan
URSA MAJOR - The Great Bear
URSA MINOR - The little Bear
VELA - The Sails
VIRGO - The Virgin
VOLANS - The Flying Fish
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