Western load out (3030 peacekeeper and wingman only)
Hot Spot!
Females only
Support only
One Building
Recon only
Xl cargo shorts (no backpacks)
Heavy Weapons Only
Subs only
Assault only
No ultimates
Assault weapon
Choose Each Other's Legend(2 or more people)
Stay where you land. (Untill the ring comes then stay at next spot on map)
Dual Mozambique by 2nd ring close
Gung ho (push every fight you hear)
Halo load out (snipers and shotguns only)
First Two Guns you pick up Only
Sniper only
Afk For 10 Seconds After Every Kill
Cant Stop Wont Stop(2 or more and everyone must use movement legends)
Randos all players select one legend in the lobby and let the game decide
Males only
Pistols only
Light Weapons
Predator follow the last team to jump out of the jump ship and kill
Remove your Armor and start with nothing don't worry it'll give you a shield when you do 100 damage
Skirmisher only
Solo each player lands apart and meets in middle
One Chest
Controller only
Energy Weapons
Grenades only
Run and gun. Shoties and pistolas
Throwing hands. Yep just what it sounds like
You're in the house no running walk only
It looks naked( no attachments or optics)
Southpaw settings
Every kill-assist change gun
Lmg and sub
Double charge rifle
Fan favorite wingman and charge rifle
Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker
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Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker
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{"Title":" Mr.'s original Apex Legends Challenge Wheel","Description":null,"FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Western load out (3030 peacekeeper and wingman only)","Lmgs","Hot Spot!","Shotguns","Females only","Support only ","One Building","Recon only ","Xl cargo shorts (no backpacks)","Heavy Weapons Only","Subs only","Assault only ","No ultimates","Assault weapon ","Choose Each Other's Legend(2 or more people)","Stay where you land. (Untill the ring comes then stay at next spot on map)","Dual Mozambique by 2nd ring close","Gung ho (push every fight you hear)","Halo load out (snipers and shotguns only)","First Two Guns you pick up Only","Sniper only","Afk For 10 Seconds After Every Kill","Cant Stop Wont Stop(2 or more and everyone must use movement legends)","Randos all players select one legend in the lobby and let the game decide ","Males only","Pistols only ","Light Weapons","Predator follow the last team to jump out of the jump ship and kill","Remove your Armor and start with nothing don't worry it'll give you a shield when you do 100 damage","Skirmisher only ","Solo each player lands apart and meets in middle","One Chest","Controller only ","Energy Weapons","Grenades only ","Run and gun. Shoties and pistolas","Throwing hands. Yep just what it sounds like","You're in the house no running walk only","It looks naked( no attachments or optics)","Southpaw settings ","Every kill-assist change gun","Lmg and sub","Double charge rifle ","Fan favorite wingman and charge rifle "],"Style":{"_id":"651f460ee5159c29b6cf7a0d","Type":0,"Colors":["#607d8b","#263238","#9e9e9e","#3f3f3f","#00bcd4","#004b55","#795548","#30221d","#ffc107","#694f00","#4caf50","#1e4620","#f44336","#710d06","#000000","#ffffff","#ff5722","#741c00","#2196f3","#063d69","#673ab7","#291749","#ff9800","#663d00","#cddc39","#575e11","#e91e63","#600927"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[2,3],[10,11],[2,3],[0,1],[12,13],[12,13],[4,5],[14,15],[0,1],[8,9],[16,17],[18,19],[12,13],[16,17],[20,21],[18,19],[6,7],[22,23],[6,7],[24,25],[2,3],[18,19],[10,11],[20,21],[22,23],[26,27],[24,25],[24,25],[8,9],[12,13]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/upl/TrPWg7jCmr.jpg","Confirmed":false,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":null,"CategoryId":1,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"TrPWg7jCmr"}