Ab Toe Touch Close Wide Push Ups Spidey lunges Fire Hydrants Bear crawls Bird Dog Crunches V-up Crunch Side Plank Rotation with Kick Side Plank Plank Walks Pushups Silly billy Single-Leg Reach & Jump Dips Ice skaters Twist Crunches Star Squats Lunge Knee Up Down Dog Abs Plank Jack Shoulder Touch Spidey Mountain Climbers Up down plank Climb rope Pike Push-Ups Donkey Kicks Walkout to Push-up One-Legged Balance Taps Mt climbers Burpees Sprints Marching Butt Bridge Squats Squat jumps Dribble Shoot Bike Crunches Sumo Squats Twist climber Single-Leg Butt Bridge Leg Raises Punch Kick Star jumps Bunny hops Froggers Side Lunge Shuffle Reverse lunges Mummy kicks Frog jumps Plank Hops Diamond Push-ups Superman

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