{"Title":"Dare or Dare","Description":"","FontSize":7,"LabelsList":["Scream bagels ","Give someone 5
quot;,"Go home","Take 1$ from someone random","Ding dong dich","Go up to a house and say \"do you have time to talk about Jesus","Run and scream around the park","Go home","Make someone else do a dare","You have to give someone 1 dollar","Go to Belair and get rings pop's for everyone","Make someone else do a truth","Add your own dare","Skip","Run around without a shirt","Give the person to your left 1
quot;,"Give the person to your right a piece of gum","Scream tacos","Jump off of your bike while ridding it","Go on a ramp with a scooter","Give the person on your right a frozen hot chocolate from human bean","Let the person on your left play on your phone","Let someone look at your search history","Tell us the weirdest thing you have done","Call your crush and tell them you like them ","Call someone a poopy","Eat a leaf","Go up to your crush (don't call her say it in person) and tell her that you like her","Tell us about the dumbest thing you have ever done","Tell us the most embarrassing thing that happened to you","Take someone's sweat shirt and if they don't have a sweatshirt then eat a bagel","Give the person on your right a ringpop","Eat a leaf","Give everyone 1
quot;,"Buy some gold fish snacks"],"Style":{"_id":null,"Type":0,"Colors":["#f44336","#9c27b0","#8bc34a","#4caf50","#3f51b5","#192048","#03a9f4","#014462","#009688","#003c36","#38511b","#ffeb3b","#7e7100","#ff9800","#663d00","#795548","#30221d","#607d8b","#263238","#e91e63","#600927","#673ab7","#291749","#2196f3","#063d69","#00bcd4","#004b55","#1e4620","#cddc39","#575e11","#ff5722","#741c00","#9e9e9e","#3f3f3f","#710d06","#3e1046","#ffc107","#694f00"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[2,10],[11,12],[13,14],[15,16],[17,18],[19,20],[21,22],[23,24],[25,26],[3,27],[28,29],[30,31],[32,33],[0,34],[1,35],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[2,10],[11,12],[13,14],[3,27],[1,19],[19,20],[21,22],[23,24],[25,26],[3,27],[27,3],[36,37]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/dare-or-dare-377g.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2020-05-14T06:05:21.251Z","CategoryId":7,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"dare-or-dare-377g"}