Piggy default
Little brother small traps
Mother big traps
Father slow traps
Grandmother alarm traps
Sheepy egg traps
Pandy black hole traps
Teacher Telepoters
Memory default traps
Kitty small traps
Mimi big traps
Dinopiggy slow traps
Daisy alarm traps
Angel egg traps
Pony black hole traps
Devil teleporters
Doggy default traps
Giraffy small traps
Beary big traps
Foxy slow traps
Elly alarm traps
Soldier egg traps
Zompiggy black hole traps
Badgy teleporters
Bunny default traps
Skelly small traps
Clowny big traps
Tigry slow traps
Mousy alarm traps
Parasee egg traps
Zizzy black hole traps
Robby teleporters
Billy default traps
Torcher small traps
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