Common 1/2 Uncommon 1/4 Good 1/5 Natural 1/8 Rare 1/16 Divinus 1/32 Crystallized 1/64 Rage 1/128 Topaz 1/150 Ruby 1/350 Forbbiden 1/404 Emerald 1/500 Gilded 1/512 Ink 1/700 Jackpot 1/777 Sapphine 1/800 Aquamarine 1/900 Wind 1/900 Glaciar 1/768 Diaboli 1/1004 Precius 1/1024 Glock 1/1700 Magnetic 1/2048 Siderium 1/4096 Bledding 1/4444 Solar 1/50000 Lunar 1/50000 Flushed😳 1/6900 Hazard 1/7000 Quartz 1/8192 Undead 1/12000 Corrosive 1/12000 Rage: Heated 1/12800 Ink: Leak 1/14000 Powered 1/16384 Aquatic 1/40000 Starlight 1/50000 Flushed: Lobotomy 1/69000 Nautilus 1/70000 Hazard: Rays 1/70000 Permafrost 1/73500 Stormal 1/90000 Exotic 1/99999 Diaboli: Void 1/100400 Undead: Devil 1/120000 Comet 1/120000 Jade 1/125000 Bounded 1/200000 Celestial 1/350000 Krawthuite 1/850000 Arcane 1/1000000 Magnetic: Reverse polarity 1/1024000 Undefined 1/1111000 Gravitational 1/2000000 Bounded: Unbound 1/2000000 Virtual 1/2500000 Poseidon 1/4000000 Aquatic: Flame 1/4000000 Zeus 1/4500000 Lunar: Full moon 1/5000000 Solar: Solstice 1/5000000 Galaxy 1/5000000 Twilight 1/6000000 Hades 1/6666666 🌟✨Celestial : Divine✨🌟 1/7,000,000 HiperVolt 1/7500000 Starscourge 1/10000000 Sailor: 1/12000000 gLiTcH 1/!#@
amp;?5# 🌪Stormal : Hurrican🌀 1/13,500,000 Arcane: legacy 1/15000000 Chromatic 1/20000000 Arcane: Dark 1/30000000 Etheral 1/35000000 Exotic: Apex 1/49999500 Matrix 1/50000000 🎇Twilight : Iridescent Memory🎇 1/60,000,000 ⛵Sailor : Flying ⛵ 1/80,000,000 Chromatic: Genesis 1/99999999 Starscourge: Radiant 1/100000000 🎻Symphony🎻 1/175,000,000 Overture 1/150000000 Impeached 1/200000000 Archangel 1/250000000 💉Bloodlust💉 1/300,000,000 Overture: History 1/300000000 Abyssal Hunter Shifter 1/400000000 Gargantua 1/430000000 👑SOVEREIGN👑 1/750,000,000 oPrEsSiOn ⚠️ 1/#1&@5?!
amp;% Memory 1/35,000,000'200 赤い満月 Sol Dev Aura @#
amp;Cruel@#_ Dev Aura ⚡Lightning⚡ 1/Unobtainable KROMAT1K 1/Unobtainable Divine : ❤ 1/Limited Defined 1/2,222(Limited) Find The Probability Of This Aura 1/i'-1 😏:Smiro:😏 Dev Aura Abomination Dev Aura ✨Stardust✨ Dev Aura Road TRIP Dev Aura ¿SIRIUS? Dev Aura 🌃Deepwoken 🌇 Dev Aura 🌱yuyo🌱 Korean Dev Aura 🌸Blossom🌸 1/Limited 💎Kyawthuite : Iridescent Memory💎 1/Unobtainable Twilight : Viridescent Memory 1/Unobtainable 😵HALLUCINATION😵 Dev Aura Chromatic : Exotic 1/Limited 🔥THERMA🔥 1/? Dev Aura¿ LUNATIC 1/Eclipse Dev Aura 🤪Samsung🤪 Dev Aura 👑✨MONARCH 👑🎇 ~Ruins- I'm 🍑 1/300M? Unobtainable :Flushed: :😍 1/Limited Celestial : 💘 1/Limited Eclipse [CRAFTED] ConstraintTest🤖 🔵LAYERS🔴 Dev Aura

Sol's RNG ALL AURAS (era 8) With Dev Auras

Unleash the randomness of the “Sol’s RNG ALL AURAS (era 8) With Dev Auras” wheel! Spin to discover a vast array of auras, from the common hues to the ultra-rare Dev auras like the enigmatic “👑SOVEREIGN👑” or the elusive “🌃Deepwoken 🌇.” With over a hundred possibilities, including some with nearly impossible odds, this wheel is perfect for determining your next aura or just adding an element of surprise to your game.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Sol's RNG ALL AURAS (era 8) With Dev Auras

Unleash the randomness of the “Sol’s RNG ALL AURAS (era 8) With Dev Auras” wheel! Spin to discover a vast array of auras, from the common hues to the ultra-rare Dev auras like the enigmatic “👑SOVEREIGN👑” or the elusive “🌃Deepwoken 🌇.” With over a hundred possibilities, including some with nearly impossible odds, this wheel is perfect for determining your next aura or just adding an element of surprise to your game.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Sol's RNG ALL AURAS (era 8) With Dev Auras","Description":"Unleash the randomness of the “Sol’s RNG ALL AURAS (era 8) With Dev Auras” wheel! Spin to discover a vast array of auras, from the common hues to the ultra-rare Dev auras like the enigmatic “👑SOVEREIGN👑” or the elusive “🌃Deepwoken 🌇.” With over a hundred possibilities, including some with nearly impossible odds, this wheel is perfect for determining your next aura or just adding an element of surprise to your game.","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Common 1/2","Uncommon 1/4","Good 1/5","Natural 1/8","Rare 1/16","Divinus 1/32","Crystallized 1/64","Rage 1/128","Topaz 1/150","Ruby 1/350","Forbbiden 1/404","Emerald 1/500","Gilded 1/512","Ink 1/700","Jackpot 1/777","Sapphine 1/800","Aquamarine 1/900","Wind 1/900","Glaciar 1/768","Diaboli 1/1004","Precius 1/1024","Glock 1/1700","Magnetic 1/2048","Siderium 1/4096","Bledding 1/4444","Solar 1/50000","Lunar 1/50000","Flushed😳 1/6900","Hazard 1/7000","Quartz 1/8192","Undead 1/12000","Corrosive 1/12000","Rage: Heated 1/12800","Ink: Leak 1/14000","Powered 1/16384","Aquatic 1/40000","Starlight 1/50000","Flushed: Lobotomy 1/69000","Nautilus 1/70000","Hazard: Rays 1/70000","Permafrost 1/73500","Stormal 1/90000","Exotic 1/99999","Diaboli: Void 1/100400","Undead: Devil 1/120000","Comet 1/120000","Jade 1/125000","Bounded 1/200000","Celestial 1/350000","Krawthuite 1/850000","Arcane 1/1000000","Magnetic: Reverse polarity 1/1024000","Undefined 1/1111000","Gravitational 1/2000000","Bounded: Unbound 1/2000000","Virtual 1/2500000","Poseidon 1/4000000","Aquatic: Flame 1/4000000","Zeus 1/4500000","Lunar: Full moon 1/5000000","Solar: Solstice 1/5000000","Galaxy 1/5000000","Twilight 1/6000000","Hades 1/6666666","🌟✨Celestial : Divine✨🌟 1/7,000,000","HiperVolt 1/7500000","Starscourge 1/10000000","Sailor: 1/12000000","gLiTcH 1/!#@
amp;?5#","🌪Stormal : Hurrican🌀 1/13,500,000","Arcane: legacy 1/15000000","Chromatic 1/20000000","Arcane: Dark 1/30000000","Etheral 1/35000000","Exotic: Apex 1/49999500","Matrix 1/50000000","🎇Twilight : Iridescent Memory🎇 1/60,000,000","⛵Sailor : Flying ⛵ 1/80,000,000","Chromatic: Genesis 1/99999999","Starscourge: Radiant 1/100000000","🎻Symphony🎻 1/175,000,000","Overture 1/150000000","Impeached 1/200000000","Archangel 1/250000000","💉Bloodlust💉 1/300,000,000","Overture: History 1/300000000","Abyssal Hunter Shifter 1/400000000","Gargantua 1/430000000","👑SOVEREIGN👑 1/750,000,000","oPrEsSiOn ⚠️ 1/#1&@5?!
amp;%","Memory 1/35,000,000'200","赤い満月","Sol Dev Aura","@#
amp;Cruel@#_ Dev Aura","⚡Lightning⚡ 1/Unobtainable","KROMAT1K 1/Unobtainable","Divine : ❤ 1/Limited","Defined 1/2,222(Limited)","Find The Probability Of This Aura 1/i'-1","😏:Smiro:😏 Dev Aura","Abomination Dev Aura","✨Stardust✨ Dev Aura","Road TRIP Dev Aura","¿SIRIUS? Dev Aura"," 🌃Deepwoken 🌇 Dev Aura","🌱yuyo🌱 Korean Dev Aura","🌸Blossom🌸 1/Limited","💎Kyawthuite : Iridescent Memory💎 1/Unobtainable","Twilight : Viridescent Memory 1/Unobtainable","😵HALLUCINATION😵 Dev Aura","Chromatic : Exotic 1/Limited"," 🔥THERMA🔥 1/? Dev Aura¿","LUNATIC 1/Eclipse Dev Aura","🤪Samsung🤪 Dev Aura","👑✨MONARCH 👑🎇","~Ruins-","I'm 🍑 1/300M? Unobtainable",":Flushed: :😍 1/Limited","Celestial : 💘 1/Limited","Eclipse [CRAFTED]","ConstraintTest🤖","🔵LAYERS🔴 Dev Aura"],"Style":{"_id":"66a11dcd7ce34c1d53a33a5d","Type":0,"Colors":["#e5e5e5","#0a0a0a","#4caf50","#9e9e9e","#99d39b","#2196f3","#ffeb3b","#9c27b0","#f44336","#663d00","#69cffd","#3f3f3f","#ffc107","#97cef9","#710d06","#a385d8","#f48aae","#1e4620","#3e1046","#ff9800","#03a9f4","#3f51b5","#e91e63","#8bc34a","#673ab7","#38511b","#014462","#00bcd4","#ff5722","#ffde7d","#b9d4ea","#8b97d7","#741c00","#003c36","#ffbaa4","#457b9d","#c4c4c4","#fff9c8","#600927","#720d0d","#063d69","#f6ed8c","#291749","#979797","#d81ce7","#842fa3","#ffeeaa","#f0d0db","#fc4200","#f6e106","#250332","#7c03df","#304936","#c5e1a5","#ffa100"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[5,1],[6,1],[7,1],[8,1],[9,1],[8,1],[10,1],[4,1],[6,1],[1,11],[12,1],[13,1],[10,1],[13,1],[10,1],[14,1],[10,1],[1,3],[8,7],[6,7],[14,1],[6,1],[15,1],[6,1],[15,1],[16,1],[17,1],[18,15],[19,1],[1,11],[0,1],[20,1],[13,1],[2,1],[5,1],[21,1],[10,1],[3,1],[22,23],[24,1],[8,1],[0,3],[25,1],[26,1],[0,4],[15,18],[13,1],[15,6],[1,0],[18,0],[22,1],[10,1],[27,1],[28,1],[29,3],[29,1],[6,1],[30,1],[13,1],[14,1],[15,31],[22,18],[32,1],[13,1],[33,1],[0,1],[20,1],[8,34],[7,1],[3,0],[17,3],[4,2],[0,15],[33,35],[15,13],[13,3],[0,36],[21,1],[24,15],[6,37],[38,39],[17,1],[40,1],[12,3],[0,41],[11,1],[1,42],[1,39],[0,1],[1,43],[0,1],[44,45],[16,22],[1,0],[0,1],[43,0],[44,42],[36,46],[43,1],[1,36],[0,1],[15,0],[47,16],[45,44],[0,15],[0,1],[45,44],[48,49],[50,1],[0,1],[51,45],[52,53],[0,1],[34,47],[0,47],[1,54],[0,45]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-07-25T09:38:45.234Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"sols-rng-all-auras-2L9m"}