Welcome to the "WorldBox Wheel Of Disasters"! Brace yourself for chaos as you spin the wheel and unleash calamities upon your world. From the dreaded Plague Doctor to the devastating Acid Rain, Antimatter Bomb, and more, each disaster will test your ability to manage and survive. Did you know that experimenting with disasters in WorldBox not only adds excitement but also challenges your strategic thinking? So, spin the wheel, watch the world burn (figuratively), and see if your civilization can withstand the onslaught of cataclysms!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
WorldBox Wheel Of Disasters
Welcome to the "WorldBox Wheel Of Disasters"! Brace yourself for chaos as you spin the wheel and unleash calamities upon your world. From the dreaded Plague Doctor to the devastating Acid Rain, Antimatter Bomb, and more, each disaster will test your ability to manage and survive. Did you know that experimenting with disasters in WorldBox not only adds excitement but also challenges your strategic thinking? So, spin the wheel, watch the world burn (figuratively), and see if your civilization can withstand the onslaught of cataclysms!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"WorldBox Wheel Of Disasters","Description":"Welcome to the \"WorldBox Wheel Of Disasters\"! Brace yourself for chaos as you spin the wheel and unleash calamities upon your world. From the dreaded Plague Doctor to the devastating Acid Rain, Antimatter Bomb, and more, each disaster will test your ability to manage and survive. Did you know that experimenting with disasters in WorldBox not only adds excitement but also challenges your strategic thinking? So, spin the wheel, watch the world burn (figuratively), and see if your civilization can withstand the onslaught of cataclysms!","FontSize":7.9,"LabelsList":["1 Plague Doctor !!","Acid","Acid Claud","Acid Geyser","Antimadter Bonb!!!!!","Ash Cloud","Bandits Apocalyse !!!!","Bear Apocalypse !!","Bomb","Cat Apocalypse","Corrputed !!!","Crab Apocalypse","Crab Bomb ","Cursed","Die !!!","Dog Apocalyse","Earrhquake !!!","Fire","Frog Acopolypse !","Grenade","Hyena Apocapse !!","Lightning ","Madness","Monkey Apocalype!!","Napalm Bomb !!!","Rage Cloud","Rat King Apocalyse !!!","Rhino Apocalypse !!!","Skeleton Apocalpse !!!!","Snow Cloud","SnowMan Apocalyse !!!","Spited !!!","TNT","Water Bomb !!!"],"Style":{"_id":"664d8afe35ec5d03f1eccd15","Type":0,"Colors":["#013d88","#ffffff","#fcd955","#d92223","#013d89","#007a39"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,1],[1,4],[5,1]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/worldbox-wheel-of-disasters.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-06-11T09:26:53.306Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"worldbox-wheel-of-disasters"}