Death P.A.C.T. A Team Name Better Than That Free Food Team Ice Cube The Losers! iance BEEP Bleh (eight names at once) Have Cots (Cool colored contestants) Have Nots (Cool colored contestants) THE NEWBIE ALLIANCE

All BFB Teams (Including Post Split Teams)

Introducing the "All BFB Teams (Including Post Split Teams)" spin wheel! Spin to discover which team you'll be joining in the Battle for BFDI. Will fate lead you to Death P.A.C.T., A Team Name Better Than That, Free Food, or perhaps the iconic The Losers!? With a twist including post-split teams like Have Cots and Have Nots, there's a surprise in every spin.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

All BFB Teams (Including Post Split Teams)

Introducing the "All BFB Teams (Including Post Split Teams)" spin wheel! Spin to discover which team you'll be joining in the Battle for BFDI. Will fate lead you to Death P.A.C.T., A Team Name Better Than That, Free Food, or perhaps the iconic The Losers!? With a twist including post-split teams like Have Cots and Have Nots, there's a surprise in every spin.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
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