Peashooter Sunflower Cherry Bomb Wallnut Potato Mine Snow Pea Chomper Repeater Squash Threepeater Spikeweed Jalapeno Torchwood Tallnut Cactus Starfruit Pumpkin Cabbage Pult Kernel Pult Garlic Melon Pult Puff Shroom Sun Shroom Fume Shroom Grave Eater Hpyno Shroom Scaredy Shroom Ice Shroom Doom Shroom Lilypad Tangle Kelp Sea Shroom Blover Split Pea Magnet Shroom Flower Pot Coffee Bean Umbrella Leaf Marigold Gatling Pea Twin Sunflower Gloom Shroom Cattail Winter Melon Gold Magnet Spike Rock Imitater Bloomerang Iceberg Lettuce Bonk Choy Snapdragon Power Lily Coconut Cannon Spring Bean Chili Bean Lighting Reed Pea Pod Lazer Bean Citron E.M.P. Infi Nut Mirroring Grass Turnip Sun Bean Peanut Bowling Bulbs Homing Thistle Guacadile Banana Launcher Ghost Pepper Hot Potato Pepper Pult Chard Guard Stunion Rotobaga Red Stinger A.K.E.E. Endurian Stallia Golden Leaf Phat Beet Celery Stalker Thyme Warp Spore Shroom Intesive Carrot Primal Peashooter Primal Wallnut Perfume Shroom Primal Sunflower Primal Potato Mine Moonflower Nightshade Shadow Shroom Dusk Lobber Grimrose Toadstool Strawburst Eletric Blueberry Jack O Lantern Grapeshot Cold Snapdragon Escape Root Gold Bloom Wasabi Whip Witch Hazel Parsnip Missile Toe Caulipower Eletric Peashooter Holly Barrier Kiwibeast Apple Mortar Sap Fling Hurrikale Fire Peashooter Sweet Potato Shrinking Violet Eletric Currant Lava Guava Fila Mint Pepper Mint Winter Mint Enlighten Mint Enchant Mint Contain Mint Enforce Mint Arma Mint Reinforce Mint Conceal Mint Bombard Mint Spear Mint Ail Mint Appease Mint Dandelion Blooming Heart Explode O Nut Aloe Bombegranate Hot Date Solar Tomato Shadow Peashooter Goo Peashooter Sling Pea Snap Pea Zoybean Pod Dazey Eletrici Tea Blastberry Vine Pokra Imp Pear Pyre Vine Ice Bloom Dartichoke Ultomato Gumnut Shine Vine Tumble Weed Puffball Olive Pit Explode O Nut Murkadaminia Nut Turkey Pult Headbutter Lettuce Boingsetta Sticky Bomb Rice Hocus Crocus Gloom Vine Draftodil Pea Vine Boom Balloon Flower Inferno Solar Sage Power Vine Noctarine Heath Seeker Ice Weed Tiger Grass Teleportato Mine Blockoli Buttercup Bramble Bush Rhubarbarian Mega Gatling Pea Levitater Tomb Tangler Vampporcini Meteor Flower Chilly Pepper Bun Chi Bzzz Button Boom Berry MayBee Sea Flora Bamboo Spartan Security Gourds Fire Pea Ice Pea Toxic Pea Commando Pea Agent Pea Law Pea Berry Shooter Plasma Pea Mystic Sunflower Power Flower Fire Sunflower Shadow Flower Metal Petal Sun Pharaoh Alien Flower Hot Rod Chomper Toxic Chomper Fire Chomper Power Chomper Count Chomper Armor Chomper Chester Chomper Chomp Thing Camo Cactus Fire Cactus Ice Cactus Power Cactus Future Cactus Bandit Cactus Citrus Cactus Jade Cactus Rock Pea Vampire Flower Stuffy Flower Disco Chomper Unicorn Chomper Twilight Chomper Zen Cactus Petrified Cactus Frozen Citron Electro Citron Iron Citron Party Citron Rose Druid Rose Fire Rose Frost Rose Party Rose Nec Rose Kernel Corn BBQ Corn Mob Cob Pops Corn Party Corn Commando Corn Junkasaurus Green Shadow Solar Flare Wall Knight Chompzilla Citron Grass Knuckles Nightcap Rose Small Nut Sting Bean Wall Nut Pismashio Spineapple Potato Mine Cactus Gardening Gloves Sea Shroom Water Chestnut Peanut Steel Magnolia Photosynthesizer Spikeweed Sector Plantern Grape Responsibility Primal Potato Mine Grizzly Pear Grave Buster Hibernating Berry Prickly Pear Smackadamia Tough Beets Cosmic Nut Starch King Blockbuster Pumpkin Shell Jugger Nut Guacodile Mirror Nut Doom Shroom Galacta Cactus Forcefield Gravitree Three Nut Primal Wall Nut Marine Bean Poppin Poppies Soul Patch Wall Nut Bowling Body Gourd Pecanolith Tricarrotops Loco Coco Forget Me Nuts Garlic Corn Dog Hot Date Health Nut Pear Cub Shamrocket Red Stinger Hothead Button Mushroom Berry Blast Buff Shroom Seedling Zapricot Poison Mushroom Berry Angry Mushroom Ringleader Poison Ivy Pair Of Pears Bluesberry Sizzle Banana Trick Mushroom Grotto Invasive Species Puff Shroom Hot Lava Veloci Radish Hacthling Shroom For Two Wild Berry Petal Morphosis Sour Grapes Poison Oak Cosmic Mushroom Lava Guava Cro Magnolia Shelf Mushroom Punish Shroom Sergeant Strongberry Cherry Bomb Grapes Of Wrath Astro Shroom Banana Launcher Pair Pearadise Fire Weed Imitater Strawberrian Pineclone Dandy Lion King Kernel Corn Reincarnation Molekale Gloom Shroom Veloci Radish Hunter Blooming Heart High Voltage Currant Sonic Bloom Transfiguration Atomic Bombegranate Eletric Blueberry Peashooter Torchwood Cabbage Pult Fertilize Flourish Grow Shroom Repeater Bonk Choy Pea Pod Skyshooter Vegetation Mutation Sweet Pea Coffee Grounds Half Banana Typical Beanstalk The Podfather Plant Food Re Peat Moss Whipvine Super Phat Beets Banana Peel Cosmic Pea Bamboozle Pea Patch Party Thyme Black Eyed Pea Potted Powerhouse Espresso Fiesta Moonbean The Red Plant It Pod Fighter Grape Power Savage Spinach Doubled Mint Muscle Sprout Bananasauras Rex Captain Cucumber Onion Rings Gatling Pea Apotatosauras Clique Peas Lily Of The Valley Banana Split Plucky Clover Snowdrop Weenie Beanie Smoosh Shroom Shellery Rescue Radish Vanilla Carrotillery Mars Flytrap Planet Of The Grapes Leaf Blower Grave Mistake Pear Pal Admiral Navy Bean Navy Bean Jumping Bean Cosmic Bean Tricorn Sow Magic Beans Bean Counter Winter Squash Laser Cattail Cool Bean Bog Of Enlightenment Jelly Bean Brainana The Great Zucchini Shooting Starfruit Dark Matter Dragonfruit Lima Pleurodon Bird Of Paradise Spyris Go Nuts Mayflower Sportacus Snake Grass Jolly Holly Magic Beanstalk Sappy Place Bellflower Mixed Nuts Smashing Pumpkin Morning Glory Pepper M.D. Water Balloons Venus Flytrap Metal Petal Sunflower Cosmoss Apple Saucer Venus Flytraplanet Lil Buddy Sunnier Shroom Sage Sage Whack A Zombie Lawnmower Power Flower Cosmic Flower Heartichoke Elderberry Eyespore 2nd Best Taco Of All Time Laser Bean Solar Winds Wing Nut Tactical Cuke Sunflower Seed Sun Strike Briar Rose Three Headed Chomper Cornucopia Astrocado Astro Vera Aloesauras Haunted Pumpking Ketchup Mechanic Astrocado Pit Night Cap Acorn Oak Wildflower

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{"Title":"All Plants From PvZ","Description":"","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Peashooter","Sunflower","Cherry Bomb","Wallnut","Potato Mine","Snow Pea","Chomper","Repeater","Squash","Threepeater","Spikeweed","Jalapeno","Torchwood","Tallnut","Cactus","Starfruit","Pumpkin","Cabbage Pult","Kernel Pult","Garlic","Melon Pult","Puff Shroom","Sun Shroom","Fume Shroom","Grave Eater","Hpyno Shroom","Scaredy Shroom","Ice Shroom","Doom Shroom","Lilypad","Tangle Kelp","Sea Shroom","Blover","Split Pea","Magnet Shroom","Flower Pot","Coffee Bean","Umbrella Leaf","Marigold","Gatling Pea","Twin Sunflower","Gloom Shroom","Cattail","Winter Melon","Gold Magnet","Spike Rock","Imitater","Bloomerang","Iceberg Lettuce","Bonk Choy","Snapdragon","Power Lily","Coconut Cannon","Spring Bean","Chili Bean","Lighting Reed","Pea Pod","Lazer Bean","Citron","E.M.P.","Infi Nut","Mirroring Grass","Turnip","Sun Bean","Peanut","Bowling Bulbs","Homing Thistle","Guacadile","Banana Launcher","Ghost Pepper","Hot Potato","Pepper 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