Pick up litter while going for a walk Donate something for animals or humans Smile and tell at least 5 people Hello today Compliment a stranger/coworker Help someone Buy a coffee for someone Free Day, your choice, make a difference. Leave a positive note on someone's car or lunchbag No sweets today! Today your opinion doesn't matter, let others speak, keep an open mind. Spend 10 minutes planning Be 10 minutes early No blaming today Take a 10 minute walk Say 1 positive thing about the person you got mad at No judging. Be nice. Put your phone down for 2 hours prior to bed Learn something new. Do something you don't like to do; read, write, bake, etc Read 3 pages of any book Be mindful/observant when walking/driving How did you waste you time today? How will you change that for tomorrow? Unfollow negative influencers Declutter a space Set a timer for 5 minutes, journal whatever comes to mind. Listen to a positive podcast Take care of yourself, brush your teeth, wash your face, take a bath, enjoy a coffee/tea. Pay it forward Count your Blessings today, someone else wishes they had your life. Get up Early Save $5.00 in a jar every month, keep it out of sight. Just do it. You are never going "feel" like doing it. Push through. Don't blame, control your feelings. Be aware of them. Ask yourself why? What is this accomplishing? Is this moving me/others for or hindering? Be the bigger person today Donate can goods Reach out to someone you have heard from in awhile Share positive thought on you FB page Bless someone. While at work, clean off lunch table, pick up wrapper off floor, clean work area. Don't complain about it if you are unwilling to change it.


Introducing "Amelioration" spin wheel, your tool for daily self-improvement and spreading kindness! Spin to receive a meaningful task aimed at enhancing your day and making a positive impact on others, such as picking up litter, donating, or offering compliments. With each spin, you'll embark on a journey of personal growth and altruism, fostering a culture of positivity and empathy.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!


Introducing "Amelioration" spin wheel, your tool for daily self-improvement and spreading kindness! Spin to receive a meaningful task aimed at enhancing your day and making a positive impact on others, such as picking up litter, donating, or offering compliments. With each spin, you'll embark on a journey of personal growth and altruism, fostering a culture of positivity and empathy.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Amelioration ","Description":"Introducing \"Amelioration\" spin wheel, your tool for daily self-improvement and spreading kindness! Spin to receive a meaningful task aimed at enhancing your day and making a positive impact on others, such as picking up litter, donating, or offering compliments. With each spin, you'll embark on a journey of personal growth and altruism, fostering a culture of positivity and empathy.","FontSize":7.8,"LabelsList":["Pick up litter while going for a walk","Donate something for animals or humans","Smile and tell at least 5 people Hello today","Compliment a stranger/coworker","Help someone ","Buy a coffee for someone","Free Day, your choice, make a difference.","Leave a positive note on someone's car or lunchbag","No sweets today!","Today your opinion doesn't matter, let others speak, keep an open mind.","Spend 10 minutes planning ","Be 10 minutes early ","No blaming today","Take a 10 minute walk","Say 1 positive thing about the person you got mad at","No judging. Be nice. ","Put your phone down for 2 hours prior to bed","Learn something new. ","Do something you don't like to do; read, write, bake, etc","Read 3 pages of any book","Be mindful/observant when walking/driving","How did you waste you time today? How will you change that for tomorrow?","Unfollow negative influencers","Declutter a space","Set a timer for 5 minutes, journal whatever comes to mind.","Listen to a positive podcast ","Take care of yourself, brush your teeth, wash your face, take a bath, enjoy a coffee/tea.","Pay it forward ","Count your Blessings today, someone else wishes they had your life.","Get up Early","Save $5.00 in a jar every month, keep it out of sight.","Just do it. You are never going \"feel\" like doing it. Push through.","Don't blame, control your feelings. Be aware of them.","Ask yourself why? What is this accomplishing? Is this moving me/others for or hindering?","Be the bigger person today","Donate can goods","Reach out to someone you have heard from in awhile","Share positive thought on you FB page","Bless someone.","While at work, clean off lunch table, pick up wrapper off floor, clean work area.","Don't complain about it if you are unwilling to change it."],"Style":{"_id":"65ddb21b6bd7fe4019ce7d05","Type":0,"Colors":["#f44336","#710d06","#9c27b0","#3e1046","#ffeb3b","#7e7100","#3f51b5","#192048","#03a9f4","#014462","#009688","#003c36","#ff9800","#663d00","#8bc34a","#38511b"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[10,11],[12,13],[14,15]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/amelioration.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-02-29T11:48:52.413Z","CategoryId":13,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"amelioration"}