China Taiwan Tibet Hainan Xinjiang Aksai Japan Hokkaido South Korea North Korea Philippines West India East India Thailand Vietnam Sri Lanka Indonesia West Malaysia East Malaysia Brunei Singapore Bhutan Mongolia Cambodia Laos Bangladesh Nepal Timor-Leste Pakistan Afghanistan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Azerbaijan Azer Kazakhstan Caspier Israel Gaza Palestine Lebanon Jordan Yemen U.A.E Kuwait Iraq Saudi Arabia Persifia Syria Bahrain Qatar Oman Russia Siberia Egypt Sakhalin Urkrassia Crimea North cyrpus South cyrpus Georgia Armenia Turkey Istanbul Brummar Iran Sinai Papue new guinea Hongkong Macao

Asia countries (special edition)

Welcome to the "Asia Countries (Special Edition)" spin wheel! Explore the diverse lands of Asia with each spin, from the bustling streets of China to the serene landscapes of Bhutan. Will you land on the vibrant culture of Japan or the rich history of India? With 61 countries and regions to discover, every spin is a new adventure across the vast continent of Asia.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Asia countries (special edition)

Welcome to the "Asia Countries (Special Edition)" spin wheel! Explore the diverse lands of Asia with each spin, from the bustling streets of China to the serene landscapes of Bhutan. Will you land on the vibrant culture of Japan or the rich history of India? With 61 countries and regions to discover, every spin is a new adventure across the vast continent of Asia.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
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