Error Groundout or dp Groundout or dp Groundout or dp Groundout or dp Groundout or dp Groundout or dp Groundout Groundout Groundout Groundout Fly out or sac fly Fly out or sac fly Fly out or sac fly Fly out or sac fly Fly out Fly out Fly out Fly out Lineout Lineout Lineout Lineout Lineout Foulout Foulout Robout Hit by pitch K K K K K K K Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Double Double Double Double Double Triple Homer Homer Homer BB BB BB BB BB BB K looking K looking K looking K looking K looking K looking K looking

Baseball plays

Take a swing with our 'Baseball Plays' wheel and experience the excitement of America's favorite pastime. Will you hit a home run or find yourself caught in a double play? Baseball has a rich history, and every pitch brings the potential for thrilling plays. Spin the wheel to add a dash of suspense to your baseball discussions or create a fun game for fans and enthusiasts.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Baseball plays

Take a swing with our 'Baseball Plays' wheel and experience the excitement of America's favorite pastime. Will you hit a home run or find yourself caught in a double play? Baseball has a rich history, and every pitch brings the potential for thrilling plays. Spin the wheel to add a dash of suspense to your baseball discussions or create a fun game for fans and enthusiasts.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Baseball plays","Description":"Take a swing with our 'Baseball Plays' wheel and experience the excitement of America's favorite pastime. Will you hit a home run or find yourself caught in a double play? Baseball has a rich history, and every pitch brings the potential for thrilling plays. Spin the wheel to add a dash of suspense to your baseball discussions or create a fun game for fans and enthusiasts.","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Error","Groundout or dp","Groundout or dp","Groundout or dp","Groundout or dp","Groundout or dp","Groundout or dp","Groundout ","Groundout ","Groundout ","Groundout ","Fly out or sac fly","Fly out or sac fly ","Fly out or sac fly","Fly out or sac fly","Fly out","Fly out","Fly out","Fly out","Lineout ","Lineout ","Lineout ","Lineout ","Lineout ","Foulout ","Foulout ","Robout","Hit by pitch","K","K","K","K","K","K","K","Single","Single ","Single","Single","Single","Single","Single ","Double ","Double","Double","Double","Double","Triple ","Homer","Homer","Homer","BB","BB","BB","BB","BB","BB","K looking ","K looking ","K looking","K looking ","K looking ","K looking ","K looking "],"Style":{"_id":"652dc43ec9e860462e5db706","Type":0,"Colors":["#e5e5e5","#ff006e","#000000","#fbfbfb","#ff5722","#600927","#9e9e9e","#f44336","#673ab7","#4caf50","#ffc107","#ffbe0b","#34e8ff","#696969","#89ff00"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[2,3],[4,5],[6,3],[6,3],[6,3],[6,3],[6,3],[6,3],[6,3],[7,3],[7,3],[7,3],[7,3],[7,3],[7,3],[7,3],[8,3],[8,3],[8,3],[8,3],[8,3],[9,3],[10,3],[10,3],[11,3],[12,3],[12,3],[12,3],[12,3],[12,3],[12,3],[13,14],[13,14],[13,14],[13,14],[13,14],[13,14],[13,14]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-10-17T05:35:49.651Z","CategoryId":9,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"baseball-plays"}