David TV { Rare! } (You will become a youtuber with more than 100 subscribers!) Spongy Bomby Loser Barf Bag Pencil Taco Stapy Golf Ball Donut Flower Needle Spin Again!!! Pie Naily { Rare! } { LOL get Rick Rolled! } Pin Pen Tennis Ball Eggy Puffball { Rare! } Cake Nickel Lightning Yellow Face Ice Cube Firey Jr. Gelatin Teardrop Robot Flower Bubble Fries Spin Again!!! Firey Coiny Lollipop Roboty Blocky Woody Eraser 8-Ball Match Leafy Snowball Basketball


The “BFB A” wheel brings the wild world of Battle for BFB to your fingertips! Spin and see which character you’ll represent, from David and Spongy to Firey Jr. and Ice Cube. Watch out for rare slices like TV, which transforms you into a YouTuber with over 100 subscribers, and Naily for an extra surprise! Need a second chance? Hit “Spin Again!!!” for a wild ride. Use this wheel for a fun way to decide roles in BFB-themed games or to randomly select a favorite character!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!


The “BFB A” wheel brings the wild world of Battle for BFB to your fingertips! Spin and see which character you’ll represent, from David and Spongy to Firey Jr. and Ice Cube. Watch out for rare slices like TV, which transforms you into a YouTuber with over 100 subscribers, and Naily for an extra surprise! Need a second chance? Hit “Spin Again!!!” for a wild ride. Use this wheel for a fun way to decide roles in BFB-themed games or to randomly select a favorite character!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"BFB A","Description":"The “BFB A” wheel brings the wild world of Battle for BFB to your fingertips! Spin and see which character you’ll represent, from David and Spongy to Firey Jr. and Ice Cube. Watch out for rare slices like TV, which transforms you into a YouTuber with over 100 subscribers, and Naily for an extra surprise! Need a second chance? Hit “Spin Again!!!” for a wild ride. Use this wheel for a fun way to decide roles in BFB-themed games or to randomly select a favorite character!","FontSize":6.4,"LabelsList":["David","TV { Rare! } (You will become a youtuber with more than 100 subscribers!)","Spongy","Bomby","Loser","Barf Bag","Pencil","Taco","Stapy","Golf Ball","Donut","Flower","Needle","Spin Again!!!","Pie","Naily { Rare! }","{ LOL get Rick Rolled! }","Pin","Pen","Tennis Ball","Eggy","Puffball { Rare! }","Cake","Nickel","Lightning","Yellow Face","Ice Cube","Firey Jr.","Gelatin","Teardrop","Robot Flower","Bubble","Fries","Spin Again!!!","Firey","Coiny","Lollipop","Roboty","Blocky","Woody","Eraser","8-Ball","Match","Leafy","Snowball","Basketball"],"Style":{"_id":"677c798fed129b04111a6b46","Type":0,"Colors":["#e5e5e5","#ffffff","#9bb0ba","#263238","#ffcb2e","#fff402","#fff9c8","#ff9800","#ffc673","#ffeb3b","#eaf48a","#e91e63","#f48aae","#607d8b","#e8efa3","#9e9e9e","#ffde7d","#cddc39","#f44336","#97cef9","#96f2ff","#795548","#9ff4ff","#ffc107","#4caf50","#99d39b","#fbbab5","#ffd600","#c95ddb","#fc90ca","#3f3f3f","#ffbaa4","#b3ff02","#ffc756"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[3,6],[6,7],[8,9],[4,10],[9,6],[11,12],[2,13],[14,6],[12,6],[2,15],[8,6],[16,1],[15,0],[17,6],[18,15],[19,20],[17,6],[1,9],[12,11],[21,0],[15,2],[6,9],[9,6],[22,1],[23,9],[24,25],[19,22],[26,6],[22,0],[18,9],[27,6],[7,9],[7,6],[28,1],[18,6],[18,26],[16,23],[29,26],[30,0],[31,6],[17,32],[1,0],[7,33]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/bfb-a.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2025-01-22T10:02:13.798Z","CategoryId":7,"Weights":[[0,5],[2,5],[3,5],[4,5],[5,5],[6,5],[7,5],[8,5],[9,5],[10,5],[11,5],[12,5],[13,5],[14,5],[16,10],[17,5],[18,5],[19,5],[20,5],[22,5],[23,5],[24,5],[25,5],[26,5],[27,5],[28,5],[29,5],[30,5],[31,5],[32,5],[33,5],[34,5],[35,5],[36,5],[37,5],[38,5],[39,5],[40,5],[41,5],[42,5],[43,5],[44,5],[45,5]],"WheelKey":"bfb-a"}