🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda
🇦🇺 Australia
🇧🇸 Bahamas
🇧🇩 Bangladesh
🇧🇧 Barbados
🇧🇿 Belize
🇧🇼 Botswana
🇧🇳 Brunei Darussalam
🇨🇲 Cameroon
🇨🇦 Canada
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇩🇲 Dominica
🇸🇿 Eswatini
🇫🇯 Fiji
🇬🇦 Gabon
🇬🇲 Gambia
🇬🇭 Ghana
🇬🇩 Grenada
🇬🇾 Guyana
🇮🇳 India
🇯🇲 Jamaica
🇰🇪 Kenya
🇰🇮 Kiribati
🇱🇸 Leshoto
🇲🇼 Malawi
🇲🇾 Malaysia
🇲🇻 Maldives
🇲🇹 Malta
🇲🇺 Mauritius
🇲🇿 Mozambique
🇳🇦 Namibia
🇳🇷 Nauru
🇳🇿 New Zealand
🇳🇬 Nigeria
🇵🇰 Pakistan
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea
🇷🇼 Rwanda
🇼🇸 Samoa
🇸🇨 Seychelles
🇸🇱 Sierra Leone
🇸🇬 Singapore
🇸🇧 Solomon Islands
🇿🇦 South Africa
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka
🇰🇳 St Kitts and Nevis
🇱🇨 St Lucia
🇻🇨 St Vincent and the Grenadines
🇹🇿 Tanzania
🇹🇬 Togo
🇹🇴 Tonga
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago
🇹🇻 Tuvalu
🇺🇬 Uganda
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
🇻🇺 Vanuatu
🇿🇲 Zambia
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