City building
A Chinese Temple
Dirt house
A Prison cell
Zombie farm
Iron golem farm
Minecraft logo
A statue of your avatar
A Prison
Roman colosseum
A store
Spin again
Wolf statue
Sugar cane farm
Floating base
Floating city
Random flag
Your house in real life
Movie theater
Gas station
Redstone car
A Restaurant of your choice
Your favorite animal
A neighborhood
Pharmacy center
A giant fruit of your choice
Underground base
A hardware store
Spin again
A underground runway
A giant painting
YouTube logo
Anime character of your choice
Discord mod
Discord mod touching grass
Facebook logo
Twitter logo
Honda logo
Tesla logo
Chevrolet logo
Safeway logo
Fry's logo
Giant grass
Apple logo
Giant house
Verizon logo
Android logo
Iron golem
Snow golem
A traffic light
Stop sign
A emoji of your choice
A giant slice of cake
A giant slice of pizza
Jeep logo
TNT Cannon
Flying machine
Stairway to heaven
Stairway to hell
Spin again
A whole giant cake
A whole giant pizza
Smallest house possible
A cube of any color
A rollercoaster
Toyota logo
A giant beer
Domino's logo
Pizza Hut logo
Like button
Dislike button
Discord logo
Reddit logo
Plus sign
Minus sign
Equal sign
A plane
A helicopter
Coca-cola logo
Pepsi logo
Dr pepper logo
McDonald's logo
Build a rectangle of any color
Build a secret base in a mountain
Build a guillotine
Sprite logo
Mountain dew logo
Make a skeleton farm
Make a creeper farm
Make a spider farm
Make a iron golem farm
Use any block and build a big line up to world height limit
Make a base completely made of bedrock
Spin again
Make a subway logo
Office space
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