Kasumi Ryu Hayabusa NiCO Diego Hayate Zack Jann Lee Helena Rig Hitomi Lei Fang Ayane Marie Rose Bayman Honoka Bass Armstrong Tina Armstrong Mila Christie Lisa Kokoro Brad Wong Elliot Raidou Nyotengu Phase 4 Mai Shiranui Kula Diamond Momiji Rachel Tamaki

Dead or Alive 6

Introducing "Dead or Alive 6," your tool for randomly selecting fighters from the iconic fighting game franchise. Spin the wheel to determine which character you'll battle with, from legendary fighters like Kasumi and Ryu Hayabusa to newcomers like NiCO and Diego. Use this wheel to add excitement to your gaming sessions, challenge your friends to random matchups, or explore different playstyles and techniques with each character.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Dead or Alive 6

Introducing "Dead or Alive 6," your tool for randomly selecting fighters from the iconic fighting game franchise. Spin the wheel to determine which character you'll battle with, from legendary fighters like Kasumi and Ryu Hayabusa to newcomers like NiCO and Diego. Use this wheel to add excitement to your gaming sessions, challenge your friends to random matchups, or explore different playstyles and techniques with each character.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Dead or Alive 6","Description":"Introducing \"Dead or Alive 6,\" your tool for randomly selecting fighters from the iconic fighting game franchise. Spin the wheel to determine which character you'll battle with, from legendary fighters like Kasumi and Ryu Hayabusa to newcomers like NiCO and Diego. Use this wheel to add excitement to your gaming sessions, challenge your friends to random matchups, or explore different playstyles and techniques with each character.","FontSize":14,"LabelsList":["Kasumi","Ryu Hayabusa","NiCO","Diego","Hayate","Zack","Jann Lee","Helena","Rig","Hitomi","Lei Fang","Ayane","Marie Rose","Bayman","Honoka","Bass Armstrong","Tina Armstrong","Mila","Christie","Lisa","Kokoro","Brad Wong","Elliot","Raidou","Nyotengu","Phase 4","Mai Shiranui","Kula Diamond","Momiji","Rachel","Tamaki"],"Style":{"_id":"65fe5143f7316b043933983c","Type":0,"Colors":["#7df737","#0a0a0a","#3488aa","#fbfbfb","#d88fac","#feb2ee"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,1],[5,1]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/dead-or-alive-6.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-03-25T12:53:43.384Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"dead-or-alive-6"}