A selfie w/ one of my ocs
2 ocs sharing a milkshake
Grumpy morning heads
Ice skating
Wedding day
Building an IKEA cabinet
Under an umbrella
1950s version of em
Silly Snapchat photo
Ballroom dancing
Lazy Sunday morning
Movie night
Clothing swap
First kiss
Somthing sad
Gaming together
The poky game 😉
Fight/argue :(
Water fight
Playing twister
Something NSFW (not safe for work (lots of swears))
Star gazing
Ugly sweaters
Romantic movie kiss<33
Karaoke night
Gender swap
Winter clothes
Younger self
Gender bend
New clothes
With a pet
Winter clouths
With another OC
In a suit
W/ you and ur irl friends
Under water
With a weapon
Text messages
As an adult/kid
With long/ short hair
Beaten up
With the opposite personality
Gender swapped
Wearing a mask
Eating cereal
As my fav video game character
As a ghost
Taking a selfie (do the: feeling cute might (doing a random thing) meme pls-)
Draw ur ocs as/like/doing something
Introducing "Draw ur ocs as/like/doing something" spin wheel, packed with endless creative prompts! Spin to envision your characters in scenarios like sharing a milkshake, battling in a water fight, or even cosplaying. With slices ranging from heartwarming moments like first kisses to unexpected twists like gender swaps, there's something for every artist's imagination. Whether for sparking inspiration, challenging artistic skills, or simply adding a fun element to character creation sessions, this wheel offers a plethora of possibilities.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
Draw ur ocs as/like/doing something
Introducing "Draw ur ocs as/like/doing something" spin wheel, packed with endless creative prompts! Spin to envision your characters in scenarios like sharing a milkshake, battling in a water fight, or even cosplaying. With slices ranging from heartwarming moments like first kisses to unexpected twists like gender swaps, there's something for every artist's imagination. Whether for sparking inspiration, challenging artistic skills, or simply adding a fun element to character creation sessions, this wheel offers a plethora of possibilities.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Draw ur ocs as/like/doing something","Description":"Introducing \"Draw ur ocs as/like/doing something\" spin wheel, packed with endless creative prompts! Spin to envision your characters in scenarios like sharing a milkshake, battling in a water fight, or even cosplaying. With slices ranging from heartwarming moments like first kisses to unexpected twists like gender swaps, there's something for every artist's imagination. Whether for sparking inspiration, challenging artistic skills, or simply adding a fun element to character creation sessions, this wheel offers a plethora of possibilities.","FontSize":7.8,"LabelsList":["A selfie w/ one of my ocs","2 ocs sharing a milkshake ","Grumpy morning heads","Picnicking","Baking","Ice skating ","Wedding day","Building an IKEA cabinet ","Under an umbrella ","1950s version of em","Silly Snapchat photo","Ballroom dancing ","Lazy Sunday morning ","Movie night","Clothing swap ","First kiss ","Somthing sad","Gaming together ","The poky game 😉","Fight/argue :(","Water fight","Playing twister ","Something NSFW (not safe for work (lots of swears))","Star gazing ","Ugly sweaters","Romantic movie kiss<33","Death","Karaoke night ","Gender swap","Swimsuit ","Winter clothes ","Younger self","Gender bend","New clothes ","With a pet","Older","Winter clouths","Pjs","With another OC","Cosplaying","Wounded ","In a suit","W/ you and ur irl friends ","Under water","With a weapon","Text messages ","As an adult/kid","With long/ short hair","Scared","Drunk","Bored","Beaten up","Blushing","Sleepy","Crying","Dead","With the opposite personality ","Insane ","Gender swapped","Wearing a mask","Cosplaying ","Eating cereal ","As my fav video game character ","As a ghost","Taking a selfie (do the: feeling cute might (doing a random thing) meme pls-)","Drunk"],"Style":{"_id":"629736ec85daff1f706b75b7","Type":0,"Colors":["#90f1ef","#0a0a0a","#ffd6e0","#ffef9f","#c1fba4","#7bf1a8"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[5,1]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/draw-ur-ocs-aslikedoing-something.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-04-17T07:03:24.681Z","CategoryId":15,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"draw-ur-ocs-aslikedoing-something"}