Varre's Bouquet Rotten Crystal Sword Wing of Astel Prelate's Inferno Crozier Falchion Scimitar Sword of St Trina Arbalest Bolt of Gransax Royal Greatsword Axe of Godfrey Caestus Serpentbone Blade Crystal Knife Monk's Flameblade Scythe Darkmoon Greatsword Butchering Knife Dragon Communion Seal Ivory Sickle Axe of Godrick Great Club Great Omenkiller Cleaver Antspur Rapier Lazuli Glintstone Sword Azur's Glintstone Staff Cranial Vessel Candlestand Sword of Night and Flame Ripple Blade Beastclaw Greathammer Erdtree Greatbow Longbow Scepter of the All-Knowing Demi-Human Queen's Staff Regalia of Eochaid Battle Axe Beastman's Curved Sword Magma Whip Candlestick Great Stars Crystal Sword Torch Rogier's Rapier Noble's Slender Sword Misbegotten Shortbow Onyx Lord's Greatsword Harpbow Wakizashi Chainlink Flail Steel-Wire Torch Warped Axe Hoslow's Petal Whip Nightrider Flail Ringed Finger Albinauric Staff Crystal Staff Vyke's War Spear Heavy Crossbow Envoy's Long Horn Zamor Curved Sword Golem Greatbow Helphen's Steeple Gargoyle's Halberd Black Knife Club Flail Magma Wyrm's Scalesword Cleanrot Spear Bastard Sword Marais Executioner's Sword Winged Scythe Moghwyn's Sacred Spear Iron Spear Great Mace Noble's Estoc Ruins Greatsword Rotten Battle Hammer Troll's Golden Sword Gargoyle's Black Halberd Torchpole Curved Club Godslayer's Greatsword Gargoyle's Blackblade Banished Knight's Halberd Venomous Fang Carian Knight's Sword Short Sword Shamshir Envoy's Greathorn Mantis Blade Full Moon Crossbow Bloodstained Dagger Forked Hatchet Gravel Stone Seal Serpent Bow Giant-Crusher Astrologer's Staff Halberd Grafted Blade Greatsword Spiked Spear Jawbone Axe Composite Bow Sword of Milos Nox Flowing Sword Bandit's Curved Sword Meteoric Ore Blade Brick Hammer Grossmesser Hand of Malenia Rotten Crystal Spear Family Heads Claymore Rusted Anchor Siluria's Tree Dragon King's Cragblade Monk's Falmemace Thorned Whip Rosus' Axe Light Crossbow Iron Greatsword Digger's Staff Gargoyle's Twinbalde Galmir Glintstone Staff Katar Lordsworn's Straight Sword Rivers of Blood Longhaft Axe Morning Star Pest's Glaive Shortbow Guardian's Swordspear Godslayer's Seal Cipher Pata Stone Club Lion Greatbow Highland Axe Flowing Curved Sword Greatbow Beast-Repellent Torch Albinauric Bow Cleanrot Knight's Sword Dismounter Iron Ball Marika's Hammer Great Knife Omen Cleaver Eclipse Shotel Golem's Halberd Nightrider Glavie Weathered Straight Sword Morgott's Curesd Sword Hammer Glintstone Staff Whip Blade of Calling Clinging Bone Pickaxe Sentry's Torch Meteorite Staff Celebrant's Rib-Rake Hand Axe Erdtree Seal Soldier's Crossbow Warpick Blasphemous Blade Cane Sword Broadsword Frozen Needle Crescent Moon Axe Inquisitor's Girandole Death Ritual Spear Sacred Relic Sword Ghostflame Torch Grafted Dragon Hand Ballista Zweihander Finger Seal Golden Order Greatsword Greathorn Hammer Executioner's Greataxe Raptor Talons Troll Knight's Sword Magma Blade Parrying Dagger Grave Scythe Duelist Greataxe Erdtree Bow Twinblade Cinquedea Godskin Stitcher Envoy's Horn Scorpion's Stinger Ripple Crescent Halberd Iron Cleaver Warhawk's Talon Vulgar Militia Saw Urumi Rotten Staff Golden Epitaph Greataxe Bastard's Stars Lordsworn's Greatsword Jar Cannon Winged Greathorn Prince of Death's Staff Miquellan Knight's Sword Gargoyle's Black Blades Pulley Bow Clayman's Harpoon Forked Greatsword Great Epee Reduvia Dragon Halberd Curved Great Club Lucerne Greatsword Watchdog's Greatsword Giant's Red Braid Rotten Greataxe Glintstone Kris Celebrant's Skull Crepus's Black-Key Crossbow Nox Flowing Hammer Sacrificial Axe Celebrant's Sickle Vulgar Militia Shotel Large Club Black Bow Moonveil Godskin Peeler Bloodhound's Fang Longsword Dagger Serpent-God's Curved Sword Erdsteal Dagger Twinned Knight Swords Bloodhound Claws Eleonora's Poleblade Misericorde Carian Regal Staff Staff of Loss Clawmark Seal Estoc Lance Loretta's War Sickle Serpent-Hunter Banished Knight's Greatsword Celebrant's Cleaver Frenzied Flame Seal Bloody Helice Gargoyle's Great Axe Troll's Hammer Pulley Crossbow Rotten Crystal Staff Cross-Naginata Veteran's Prosthesis Giant's Seal Ghiza's Wheel Flamberge Icerind Hatchet Commander's Standard Golden Order Seal Treespear Death's Poker Lusat's Glintstone Staff Devourer's Scepter Starscourge Greatsword Maliketh's Black Blade Partisan Spiked Club Scavenger's Curved Sword Shotel Pike Dragonscale Blade Spiked Caestus Beastman's cleaver St Trina's Torch Horn Bow Coded Sword Ornamental Straight Sword Short Spear Glaive Crystal Spear Carian Glintblade Staff Carian Glintstone Staff Knight's Greatsword Alabaster Lord's Sword Uchigatana Watchdog's Staff Stormhawk Axe Hookclaws Nagakiba Academy Glintstone Staff Mace Star Fist Halo Scythe Gargoyle's Greatsword Red Branch Shortbow Staff of the Guilty Inseparable Sword Battle Hammer Gargoyle's Black Axe Golden Halberd Ordovis's Greatsword Spear Dragon Greatclaw Rapier Fallingstar Beast Jaw Staff of the Avatar

⚔️Elden Ring Weapons⚔️

Welcome to the "⚔️Elden Ring Weapons⚔️" spin wheel, where destiny guides your choice of formidable armaments! Spin the wheel and discover your next legendary weapon, whether it's the Wing of Astel, the Sword of St Trina, or the mighty Titan Speakerman. Did you know that Elden Ring features over 100 different weapons for players to wield? Use this wheel to add an element of unpredictability to your gameplay or inspire your next adventure in the Lands Between! ⚔️🔥
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⚔️Elden Ring Weapons⚔️

Welcome to the "⚔️Elden Ring Weapons⚔️" spin wheel, where destiny guides your choice of formidable armaments! Spin the wheel and discover your next legendary weapon, whether it's the Wing of Astel, the Sword of St Trina, or the mighty Titan Speakerman. Did you know that Elden Ring features over 100 different weapons for players to wield? Use this wheel to add an element of unpredictability to your gameplay or inspire your next adventure in the Lands Between! ⚔️🔥
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"⚔️Elden Ring Weapons⚔️","Description":"Welcome to the \"⚔️Elden Ring Weapons⚔️\" spin wheel, where destiny guides your choice of formidable armaments! Spin the wheel and discover your next legendary weapon, whether it's the Wing of Astel, the Sword of St Trina, or the mighty Titan Speakerman. Did you know that Elden Ring features over 100 different weapons for players to wield? 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Shortbow","Onyx Lord's Greatsword","Harpbow","Wakizashi","Chainlink Flail","Steel-Wire Torch","Warped Axe","Hoslow's Petal Whip","Nightrider Flail","Ringed Finger","Albinauric Staff","Crystal Staff","Vyke's War Spear","Heavy Crossbow","Envoy's Long Horn","Zamor Curved Sword","Golem Greatbow","Helphen's Steeple","Gargoyle's Halberd","Black Knife","Club","Flail","Magma Wyrm's Scalesword","Cleanrot Spear","Bastard Sword","Marais Executioner's Sword","Winged Scythe","Moghwyn's Sacred Spear","Iron Spear","Great Mace","Noble's Estoc","Ruins Greatsword","Rotten Battle Hammer","Troll's Golden Sword","Gargoyle's Black Halberd","Torchpole","Curved Club","Godslayer's Greatsword","Gargoyle's Blackblade","Banished Knight's Halberd","Venomous Fang","Carian Knight's Sword","Short Sword","Shamshir","Envoy's Greathorn","Mantis Blade","Full Moon Crossbow","Bloodstained Dagger","Forked Hatchet","Gravel Stone Seal","Serpent Bow","Giant-Crusher","Astrologer's Staff","Halberd","Grafted Blade 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