What’s the last thing you liked on social media?
Most embarrassing story
What is your favorite hobby?
Call the 21st person in your contacts
What’s your favorite part of your room?
What’s your go to drink from Starbucks?
First Kiss story
What is your Pet peeve?
What makes you smile?
Dog or cat person?
What is your dream job?
What’s something your most proud of?
Hannah Montana or Wizards of Waverly Place?
What’s the last thing you searched on your phone?
What’s the first thing you notice about a boy?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done?
Share something the group doesn’t know about you
Morning or Night person?
What’s the most interesting or fav thing in your purse?
Fav music artist
What is your most unusual fear?
Horrific Period Story
Who’s your celebrity crush?
What is your favorite worship song?
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