🎣 only
Trickshots only
Last drop
0 elims
11 elims
❌ medding
17 elims
Defaults only
24 elims
23 elims
Grotto loot only
14 elims
3 guns
T34m w/a sweat
First drop
Wait 1 min
1 min looting
Purple and legendary only
No killing defaults
Spectate until end of game
Traversal emotes to move
12 elims
10 sec looting
No spin again-previous challenge
21 elims
🐟 medding only
❌blue chest
Salty springs
13 elims
5 min looting
Ur choice
One hand
Slurptrucks only
7 elims
Slurpfish heal only
No looting
❌xp coins
3 elims
Wait 5 mins
Restart game
Open vault and die 2 a bot
Rig loot only
Complete 2 challenges
Ammo box chal
5 of same gun
Feet only
Agency loot
RPGs only
1 elim then leave
Henchmen only
Box factory only
Henchmen loot
Heavy ARs only
Llama loot only
Have A seat until u die of storm
Wait 3 mins
Harpoon guns only
Deadpool loot only
10 elims
2 guns
15 elims
High contrast
Leave game in top 2 no respins
Sweats only
Minis only
Gift friend 200 vbuck emote- no re-spins
1 sensitivity
One eye closed
❌ building
Deep dab to dodge
Eliminate/knock teammate no respins
Blue chest only
Full mats
Die in top 99 and spectate whole game
Upgrade benches only
Purple weapons only
Choose 1 color
Loot 15 chests
1 chest chal
SMGs only
❌vault loot
Even num elims
5 elims
ARs only
16 elims
Kingsman only
Shark loot only
1 gun chal
Snipers only
4 elims
Green guns only
5 sec of looting
9 elims
Explosives only
2 mins of looting
Bandage healing only
26+ ELIMS!
Gold weapons only
Shotguns only
Wear default skin
8 elims
Dance after every elim
Slurp barrels only
Floor loot only
Switch console, no respins
Choppa only elims
Battle pass only
10 sensitivity
20 elims
Blue weapons only
2 elims
1 house challenge
No meds 1 gun
Friends choice
Report som1 4 being bad
19 elims
Boss only weapons
6 elims
22 elims
Spin again
Crackshot loot only
25 elims
Yacht loot only
Bush camping only
1 elim
Risky reels
❌storm damage
Grey guns only
Supply drops only
Only defaults loot
Complete 1 challenge
Eat p00p
Odd num elims
Gray pistol only no respins
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{"Title":"Fortnite challenges, what will u get?","Description":"","FontSize":7,"LabelsList":["Die IMMEDIATELY","🎣 only","Trickshots only","Last drop","0 elims","11 elims","❌ medding","17 elims","Defaults only","24 elims ","23 elims","Grotto loot only","14 elims","3 guns","T34m w/a sweat","First drop","Wait 1 min","1 min looting","Purple and legendary only","No killing defaults","Spectate until end of game","Traversal emotes to move","12 elims","10 sec looting","No spin again-previous challenge","21 elims","Arena","🐟 medding only","❌blue chest","Salty springs","13 elims","5 min looting","Ur choice","One hand","Slurptrucks only","7 elims","Slurpfish heal only","No looting","❌xp coins","3 elims","Wait 5 mins","Restart game","Open vault and die 2 a bot","Rig loot only","Complete 2 challenges","Ammo box chal","5 of same gun","Feet only","Agency loot","RPGs only","1 elim then leave","Henchmen only","Box factory only","Henchmen loot","Heavy ARs only","Llama loot only","Have A seat until u die of storm","Wait 3 mins","Harpoon guns only","Deadpool loot only","10 elims","2 guns","15 elims","High contrast","Leave game in top 2 no respins","Sweats only","Minis only","Gift friend 200 vbuck emote- no re-spins","1 sensitivity","One eye closed","❌ building","❌guns","Deep dab to dodge","Eliminate/knock teammate no respins","Blue chest only","Full mats","Die in top 99 and spectate whole game","Upgrade benches only","Purple weapons only","Choose 1 color","Loot 15 chests","1 chest chal","SMGs only","❌vault loot","Even num elims","Everything","5 elims","ARs only","16 elims","Kingsman only","Shark loot only","1 gun chal","Snipers only","4 elims","Green guns only","5 sec of looting","9 elims","Explosives only","2 mins of looting","Bandage healing only","26+ ELIMS!","Gold weapons only","Shotguns only","Wear default skin","Nothing","8 elims","❌sheilds","Dance after every elim","Slurp barrels only","Floor loot only","Switch console, no respins","Choppa only elims","Battle pass only","10 sensitivity","20 elims","Blue weapons only","2 elims","1 house challenge","No meds 1 gun","Friends choice","Report som1 4 being bad","19 elims","Boss only weapons","6 elims","22 elims","❌🏊","Spin again","Crackshot loot only","25 elims","Yacht loot only","Bush camping only","1 elim","Risky reels","❌storm damage","Grey guns only","Supply drops only","Only defaults loot","Complete 1 challenge","Rainbow","Eat p00p","Odd num elims","Gray pistol only no respins"],"Style":{"_id":null,"Type":0,"Colors":["#9e9e9e","#3f3f3f","#e91e63","#600927","#795548","#30221d","#2196f3","#063d69","#9c27b0","#3e1046","#ff9800","#663d00","#607d8b","#263238","#f44336","#710d06","#8bc34a","#38511b","#009688","#003c36","#03a9f4","#014462","#ffc107","#694f00","#ff5722","#741c00","#673ab7","#291749","#cddc39","#575e11","#00bcd4","#004b55","#4caf50","#1e4620","#ffeb3b","#7e7100","#e5e5e5","#192048","#3f51b5"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[10,11],[12,13],[14,15],[16,17],[18,19],[20,21],[22,23],[19,5],[22,23],[12,13],[2,3],[8,9],[24,25],[22,23],[6,7],[24,25],[10,11],[26,27],[0,1],[24,25],[8,9],[14,15],[18,19],[28,29],[16,17],[6,7],[0,1],[24,25],[12,13],[12,13],[2,3],[10,11],[0,1],[2,3],[20,21],[20,21],[2,3],[10,11],[6,7],[20,21],[10,11],[18,19],[2,3],[22,23],[18,19],[26,27],[12,13],[30,31],[26,27],[4,5],[8,9],[4,5],[32,33],[34,35],[20,21],[34,35],[28,29],[18,19],[28,29],[18,19],[10,11],[16,17],[32,33],[24,25],[26,27],[10,11],[14,15],[4,5],[20,21],[6,36],[14,15],[16,17],[8,9],[8,37],[20,21],[10,11],[38,37],[32,33],[26,27],[28,29],[30,31],[4,5],[30,31],[32,33],[34,35],[26,27],[12,13],[32,33],[22,23],[16,17],[8,9],[30,31],[34,35],[38,37],[18,19],[6,7],[34,9],[28,29],[32,33],[30,31],[24,25],[4,5],[14,15],[2,3],[24,25],[38,37],[22,23],[34,35],[22,23],[16,17],[20,21],[38,37],[34,35],[30,31],[6,7],[8,9],[28,29],[14,15],[12,13],[38,37],[16,17],[38,37],[16,17],[4,5],[28,29],[0,1],[14,15],[18,19],[6,7],[0,35],[0,1],[30,31],[38,37],[14,15],[4,5],[32,33],[2,3]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/fortnite-challenges-what-will-u-get.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2020-05-05T17:47:29.457Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"fortnite-challenges-what-will-u-get"}