Chug Jug Cabbage Corn Apples Coconuts Shrooms Small shield potions Normal shield potions Medkits Bandages Campfires

Fortnite Heals

Welcome to 'Fortnite Heals'—where healing's the name of the game! Spin the wheel and land on your source of recovery, whether it's a Chug Jug, Corn, Shrooms, or even a cozy Campfire. Did you know that mastering the art of healing in Fortnite is as crucial as mastering your building and aiming skills? Use this wheel during your gameplay to spice things up—challenge yourself to only use the healable items the wheel suggests or let fate decide how you'll recover from those intense battles.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Fortnite Heals

Welcome to 'Fortnite Heals'—where healing's the name of the game! Spin the wheel and land on your source of recovery, whether it's a Chug Jug, Corn, Shrooms, or even a cozy Campfire. Did you know that mastering the art of healing in Fortnite is as crucial as mastering your building and aiming skills? Use this wheel during your gameplay to spice things up—challenge yourself to only use the healable items the wheel suggests or let fate decide how you'll recover from those intense battles.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Fortnite Heals","Description":"Welcome to 'Fortnite Heals'—where healing's the name of the game! Spin the wheel and land on your source of recovery, whether it's a Chug Jug, Corn, Shrooms, or even a cozy Campfire. Did you know that mastering the art of healing in Fortnite is as crucial as mastering your building and aiming skills? Use this wheel during your gameplay to spice things up—challenge yourself to only use the healable items the wheel suggests or let fate decide how you'll recover from those intense battles.","FontSize":8.8,"LabelsList":["Chug Jug","Cabbage","Corn","Apples","Coconuts","Shrooms","Small shield potions ","Normal shield potions ","Medkits","Bandages ","Campfires"],"Style":{"_id":"655e93cc2ac7590358c34c79","Type":0,"Colors":["#2196f3","#063d69","#9c27b0","#3e1046","#3f51b5","#192048","#03a9f4","#014462","#009688","#003c36","#8bc34a","#38511b","#ffeb3b","#7e7100","#ff9800","#663d00","#ffc107"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[10,11],[12,13],[14,15],[0,1],[2,3],[12,16]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":2,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-12-13T06:47:24.006Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"fortnite-heals-21nK"}