Activity Table Age Up Pet Air Grievances Appreciate Object Arrange Flowers Art and Music Spirit Attend Holiday Ceremony Baking Carve Pumpkins Cast Vote at Polling Place Cleaning Coffee Collect Seashells Countdown to Midnight Dancing Do Laundry Do a Yoga Routine Do Some Woodworking Drinking Eat Pizza Eat Popcorn Eat Ice Cream Egg Hunt Exercise Fall Fun Fasting Father Winter Feeling the Love Festive Lighting Festive Spirit Fighting Find a Penpal Fire Fire Dance Fireworks Fishing Flower Bunny Free Food and Drinks Games Gardening Get a Massage from a Massage Therapist Give Flowers Give Gifts Give Speeches Give a Hug Go Bowling Go Fishing Go Rock Climbing Go Rock Wall Climbing Go Skating or Rollerblading Go Skiing Go Sledding Go Snowboarding Go Swimming Go for a Walk Go Jogging Go on a Date Go on a Vacation or Travel Grab a Drink of Kava Grand Meal Have Ice Cream Holiday Gnomes Hot Tub Invite Guests Jungle Gym Kiddie Pool Light Kinara Light Menorah Light Some Incense Make Pet Food Make Resolutions Make an Experience Maze Meditate on the Meditation Stool Meet or Adopt Mischief Spirit Monkey Bars Music My Private Journal No Work No Work Men No Work Women Open Presents Pamper Pets Party Spirit Play Basketball Play Darts Play Foosball Play Pirate Play with Dog Play with Laser Pointer Play an Instrument Play in Leaf Pile Polar Bear Plunge Popcorn Practice Herbalism Puppet Show Purchase a Lottery Ticket Relax in Sauna Remembrance Romantic Spirit Sand Fun Sand Sculpture School Holidays Send Love Letter Shopping Rebate Sit in Hot Spring Sit in Hot Tub Skill Improvement Sleep Slide Smoking Weed Space Explorer Spooky Spirit Sports Tv Streaking TV Season Premier Take a Bath with a Soak Take Mud Bath Talk Like a Pirate Teach Tricks Telescope Tell Stories Thankful Spirit Tiny Treehouse Trick or Treat View Art Void Critters Watch Movies Watch Romantic Tv Watch Scary Movies Watch Tv Watch a Movie Water Fun Wear Costumes Woohoo Write a Book Writing Skill

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