Levels of Causality Scientific method levels of analysis Homid skull significance Egyptians brain significance Hippocrates Aristotle Galen Cerebellum v. Cerebrum Rene Descartes - Renaissance White v. Gray matter What did we know by the end of the 18th Century? Brain electricity Specialized pathways Ventral v. Dorsal root What did Flourens do? Phrenology Broca's area Charles Darwin theories Selective forces Animal research Golgi v. Nissl stain Cajal's contribution Synaptic cleft size and importance Cell types in the nervous system Astrocytes Oligodendroglial v. Schwann Ependymal Cells Microglia Pyramidal v. Stellate cell 5 neuronal classification Mammal cell components Eukaryotic cell anatomy difference Cell membrane size and function Protein Importance Cytoplasm Nucleus function Gene expression Protein synthesis Transcription v. Translation Central Dogma Genetic expression importance DNA v. mRNA v. tRNA Rough v. Smooth ER Golgi apparatus Mitochondria Prototypical Neuron Vesicles Alzheimer's MAP Initial Segment Axon Transport

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