Do a Dare of Your Choice (You cant choose anything that makes you safe)
You can only say Hat (Till next turn)
Do what your friend asks
Spin the wheel for everyone
Spin the whell Twice (DD)
Give everyone a dare
Give Everyone a dare of your choice
Do your worst Impression
U aren’t allowed to Talk
Tell a secret
Juthomic gives you mercy
You Win you are permanently safe
You are a Devil spin the wheel for everyone 5 times
Your Friends all vote to see who spins 10 times
You can only say the following:Juthomic,Good,Apple and Hat till next turn
1v1 a person of your choice on any Game
You lose spin the wheel 20 times if you get this again you can stop spinning
Tell everyone that you have Poop your pants in any manor
The king of the wheel curses the with Bad luck spin the wheel 5 times
APPLE(you can only say apple till next dare)
Everyone choose a dare of there choice (however you cant choose anything that makes you safe)
Tell a joke
Tell a bad joke
Tell a dirty joke
You are given True mercy for two turns
Riddle everyone like this Riddle me this whoever gets it wrong spins 2 times
Here is a question:Is Ares related to Zeus answer wrong and you will spin the wheel 20 times
You cant say a word for a turn
Bad luck fever spin 10 times
Capt.Juthomic gives you protection from dares for 5 turns
Ask a question for everyone however they can only say apple for yes and pear for no
Try to do a kermit da frag impression for a turn
Spin till you given mercy you must do the given to you that you spun
Red card You aren’t allowed to use weapons
Mercy is for the weak spin the wheel 10 times
Capt.Juthomic rails you down spin the wheel 10 times
Spin till you lose
You are the master of the wheel spin the wheel till you win
1v2 your friends on any game
Memes attack spin till your safe
Do a hillbilly impression
The Sun bliss’s you You are safe
Tyrants attack play dead
You lose spin the wheel 20 times
Magic is now your enemy spin till you Hit this exact dare
Darkness rises spin till you get into the light again
The light blesses you you are safe
Fish are friends not food spin till you are safe
Pistol only for a match
Kermit the frog leaps onto the wheel and spins it (aka spin again)
Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker
Discover endless possibilities with Spin the Wheel - Random Picker Wheel Maker! Unleash your creativity and design custom spin wheels for any occasion. Whether it's for games, giveaways, or decision-making fun, our user-friendly platform lets you create interactive experiences that engage and entertain. Spin the wheel and make your ideas come to life in a dynamic and exciting way!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker
Discover endless possibilities with Spin the Wheel - Random Picker Wheel Maker! Unleash your creativity and design custom spin wheels for any occasion. Whether it's for games, giveaways, or decision-making fun, our user-friendly platform lets you create interactive experiences that engage and entertain. Spin the wheel and make your ideas come to life in a dynamic and exciting way!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Juthomics Wheel of Doom Game","Description":"","FontSize":7,"LabelsList":["Do a Dare of Your Choice (You cant choose anything that makes you safe)","Safe","You can only say Hat (Till next turn)","Do what your friend asks","Spin the wheel for everyone ","Spin the whell Twice (DD)","Give everyone a dare","Give Everyone a dare of your choice ","Do your worst Impression ","U aren’t allowed to Talk ","Tell a secret ","Juthomic gives you mercy","You Win you are permanently safe","You are a Devil spin the wheel for everyone 5 times","Your Friends all vote to see who spins 10 times","You can only say the following:Juthomic,Good,Apple and Hat till next turn","1v1 a person of your choice on any Game","You lose spin the wheel 20 times if you get this again you can stop spinning ","Tell everyone that you have Poop your pants in any manor","The king of the wheel curses the with Bad luck spin the wheel 5 times","APPLE(you can only say apple till next dare)","Everyone choose a dare of there choice (however you cant choose anything that makes you safe)","Tell a joke ","Tell a bad joke","Tell a dirty joke","You are given True mercy for two turns","Riddle everyone like this Riddle me this whoever gets it wrong spins 2 times ","Here is a question:Is Ares related to Zeus answer wrong and you will spin the wheel 20 times ","You cant say a word for a turn","Bad luck fever spin 10 times","Capt.Juthomic gives you protection from dares for 5 turns","Ask a question for everyone however they can only say apple for yes and pear for no","Try to do a kermit da frag impression for a turn","Spin till you given mercy you must do the given to you that you spun ","Red card You aren’t allowed to use weapons ","Mercy is for the weak spin the wheel 10 times","Capt.Juthomic rails you down spin the wheel 10 times ","Spin till you lose ","You are the master of the wheel spin the wheel till you win","1v2 your friends on any game","Memes attack spin till your safe","Do a hillbilly impression","The Sun bliss’s you You are safe","Tyrants attack play dead","You lose spin the wheel 20 times","Magic is now your enemy spin till you Hit this exact dare","Darkness rises spin till you get into the light again","The light blesses you you are safe","Fish are friends not food spin till you are safe","Pistol only for a match","Kermit the frog leaps onto the wheel and spins it (aka spin again)"],"Style":{"_id":null,"Type":0,"Colors":["#673ab7","#291749","#e5e5e5","#600927","#8bc34a","#014462","#009688","#003c36","#3f51b5","#192048","#00bcd4","#004b55","#e91e63","#063d69","#38511b","#cddc39","#575e11","#ffeb3b","#7e7100","#ffc107","#694f00","#663d00","#9e9e9e","#3f3f3f","#607d8b","#263238","#f44336","#710d06","#9c27b0","#3e1046","#2196f3","#03a9f4","#4caf50","#1e4620","#fff9c8","#ff9800","#ff5722","#741c00","#795548","#30221d","#ff7c00","#ff0000"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[10,11],[12,13],[4,14],[15,16],[17,18],[19,20],[2,21],[17,15],[22,23],[24,25],[26,27],[28,29],[28,12],[30,13],[31,5],[10,11],[6,7],[32,33],[4,14],[15,16],[4,34],[19,20],[35,21],[36,37],[38,39],[24,2],[26,27],[12,3],[28,29],[12,36],[0,2],[31,5],[40,41],[6,7],[32,33],[4,14],[15,16],[17,18],[19,20],[12,36],[36,37],[38,39],[22,2],[24,25],[26,27],[12,3]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2020-04-17T11:55:12.636Z","CategoryId":4,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"juthomics-wheel-of-doom-game"}