Mark Heathcliff (Alive)
Mark Heathcliff (Dead)
César Torres
Alternate César
Alternate Gabriel
Six (An Intruder)
Six (Man in the TV)
Adam Murray
Jonah Marshall
Jonny (The Cat)
Ruth Weaver
Thatcher Davis
Alternate Thatcher
That One Tulpa Alternate from Vol. 3 that Thatcher Sees
Dave Lee
Sarah Heathcliff
Evelin Miller
Child Mark Heathcliff
Lynn Murray
Jude Murray
Mrs. Torres (Cesar’s Mom)
Mandela Catalogue Characters
Welcome to the Mandela Catalogue character roulette! Spin the wheel to uncover the mysteries of Mark Heathcliff, César Torres, and a host of intriguing personalities from the Mandela Catalogue series. With each spin, you could encounter alternate versions, unexpected intruders, or even encounter characters from the TV!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
Mandela Catalogue Characters
Welcome to the Mandela Catalogue character roulette! Spin the wheel to uncover the mysteries of Mark Heathcliff, César Torres, and a host of intriguing personalities from the Mandela Catalogue series. With each spin, you could encounter alternate versions, unexpected intruders, or even encounter characters from the TV!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Mandela Catalogue Characters","Description":"Welcome to the Mandela Catalogue character roulette! Spin the wheel to uncover the mysteries of Mark Heathcliff, César Torres, and a host of intriguing personalities from the Mandela Catalogue series. With each spin, you could encounter alternate versions, unexpected intruders, or even encounter characters from the TV! ","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Mark Heathcliff (Alive)","Mark Heathcliff (Dead)","César Torres","Alternate César","Alternate Gabriel","Six (An Intruder)","Six (Man in the TV)","N","Adam Murray","Jonah Marshall","Jonny (The Cat)","Ruth Weaver","Thatcher Davis","Alternate Thatcher","That One Tulpa Alternate from Vol. 3 that Thatcher Sees","Dave Lee","Sarah Heathcliff","Evelin Miller","Stanley","Child Mark Heathcliff","Lynn Murray","Jude Murray","Mrs. Torres (Cesar’s Mom)"],"Style":{"_id":"626a346ba88ea1278d023239","Type":0,"Colors":["#e5e5e5","#3f3f3f"],"Data":[[0,1],[1,0]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":2,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-05-07T06:21:58.115Z","CategoryId":5,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"mandela-catalogue-characters"}