The “Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?” spin wheel is the ultimate guide for your next hunt, offering a wide variety of monsters from Aknosom to Zinogre. Whether you’re hunting an Apex monster or a fearsome elder dragon like Amatsu or Ibushi, the wheel will make your decision easy (or excitingly hard!). It’s a perfect way to add variety to your gameplay or challenge yourself by spinning for a monster you’ve never faced before.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?
The “Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?” spin wheel is the ultimate guide for your next hunt, offering a wide variety of monsters from Aknosom to Zinogre. Whether you’re hunting an Apex monster or a fearsome elder dragon like Amatsu or Ibushi, the wheel will make your decision easy (or excitingly hard!). It’s a perfect way to add variety to your gameplay or challenge yourself by spinning for a monster you’ve never faced before.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?","Description":"The “Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?” spin wheel is the ultimate guide for your next hunt, offering a wide variety of monsters from Aknosom to Zinogre. Whether you’re hunting an Apex monster or a fearsome elder dragon like Amatsu or Ibushi, the wheel will make your decision easy (or excitingly hard!). It’s a perfect way to add variety to your gameplay or challenge yourself by spinning for a monster you’ve never faced before.","FontSize":7,"LabelsList":["A.Somnacanth","Aknosom","Allmother","Almudron","Amatsu","Anjanath","Apex Arzuros","Apex Diablos","Apex Mizutsune ","Apex Rathalos","Apex Rathian","Apex Zinogre","Arzurous","Astalos","B.O. Bishaten","Barioth","Barroth","Basarios","Bazelgeuse","Bishaten","C.G.Valstrax","C.Gore","Chameleos","D.Hermitaur","Diablos","Espinas","F.Espinas","F.Rajang","G. Izuchi","G.Baggi","G.Rathian","G.Wroggi","Gaismagorm","Garangolm","Gore","Goss Harag","Ibushi","Jyuratodus","Khezu","Kula-Ya-ku","Kushala Daora","L.Nagacuga","Lagombi","Lunagaron","M.Almudron","Magnamalo","Malzeno ","Mizutsune ","Nargacuga","Narwa","P. Rakna-Kadaki","P.Malzeno","Pukei","R. Ludroth","R.C.G.Valstrax","R.Chameleos","R.Kushala Daora","R.S. Magala","R.Teostra","Rajang","Rakna-Kadaki","Rathalos","Rathian","S.Bazelgeuse","S.Ceanataur","S.Magala","S.Magnamalo","S.Rathalos","Seregios","Somnacanth","Teostra","Tetranadon","Tigrex","Tobi-kadachi","V.Mizutsune","Velkhana","Volvidon","Zinogre"],"Style":{"_id":"6706af7b9e5c3e0ecd113b25","Type":0,"Colors":["#e5e5e5","#3f3f3f"],"Data":[[0,1],[1,0]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-11-21T12:44:30.237Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"monster-hunter-rise-what-should-i-hunt"}