A.Somnacanth Aknosom Allmother Almudron Amatsu Anjanath Apex Arzuros Apex Diablos Apex Mizutsune Apex Rathalos Apex Rathian Apex Zinogre Arzurous Astalos B.O. Bishaten Barioth Barroth Basarios Bazelgeuse Bishaten C.G.Valstrax C.Gore Chameleos D.Hermitaur Diablos Espinas F.Espinas F.Rajang G. Izuchi G.Baggi G.Rathian G.Wroggi Gaismagorm Garangolm Gore Goss Harag Ibushi Jyuratodus Khezu Kula-Ya-ku Kushala Daora L.Nagacuga Lagombi Lunagaron M.Almudron Magnamalo Malzeno Mizutsune Nargacuga Narwa P. Rakna-Kadaki P.Malzeno Pukei R. Ludroth R.C.G.Valstrax R.Chameleos R.Kushala Daora R.S. Magala R.Teostra Rajang Rakna-Kadaki Rathalos Rathian S.Bazelgeuse S.Ceanataur S.Magala S.Magnamalo S.Rathalos Seregios Somnacanth Teostra Tetranadon Tigrex Tobi-kadachi V.Mizutsune Velkhana Volvidon Zinogre

Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?

The “Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?” spin wheel is the ultimate guide for your next hunt, offering a wide variety of monsters from Aknosom to Zinogre. Whether you’re hunting an Apex monster or a fearsome elder dragon like Amatsu or Ibushi, the wheel will make your decision easy (or excitingly hard!). It’s a perfect way to add variety to your gameplay or challenge yourself by spinning for a monster you’ve never faced before.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?

The “Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?” spin wheel is the ultimate guide for your next hunt, offering a wide variety of monsters from Aknosom to Zinogre. Whether you’re hunting an Apex monster or a fearsome elder dragon like Amatsu or Ibushi, the wheel will make your decision easy (or excitingly hard!). It’s a perfect way to add variety to your gameplay or challenge yourself by spinning for a monster you’ve never faced before.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?","Description":"The “Monster Hunter Rise What should I hunt?” spin wheel is the ultimate guide for your next hunt, offering a wide variety of monsters from Aknosom to Zinogre. Whether you’re hunting an Apex monster or a fearsome elder dragon like Amatsu or Ibushi, the wheel will make your decision easy (or excitingly hard!). It’s a perfect way to add variety to your gameplay or challenge yourself by spinning for a monster you’ve never faced before.","FontSize":7,"LabelsList":["A.Somnacanth","Aknosom","Allmother","Almudron","Amatsu","Anjanath","Apex Arzuros","Apex Diablos","Apex Mizutsune ","Apex Rathalos","Apex Rathian","Apex Zinogre","Arzurous","Astalos","B.O. Bishaten","Barioth","Barroth","Basarios","Bazelgeuse","Bishaten","C.G.Valstrax","C.Gore","Chameleos","D.Hermitaur","Diablos","Espinas","F.Espinas","F.Rajang","G. Izuchi","G.Baggi","G.Rathian","G.Wroggi","Gaismagorm","Garangolm","Gore","Goss Harag","Ibushi","Jyuratodus","Khezu","Kula-Ya-ku","Kushala Daora","L.Nagacuga","Lagombi","Lunagaron","M.Almudron","Magnamalo","Malzeno ","Mizutsune ","Nargacuga","Narwa","P. Rakna-Kadaki","P.Malzeno","Pukei","R. Ludroth","R.C.G.Valstrax","R.Chameleos","R.Kushala Daora","R.S. Magala","R.Teostra","Rajang","Rakna-Kadaki","Rathalos","Rathian","S.Bazelgeuse","S.Ceanataur","S.Magala","S.Magnamalo","S.Rathalos","Seregios","Somnacanth","Teostra","Tetranadon","Tigrex","Tobi-kadachi","V.Mizutsune","Velkhana","Volvidon","Zinogre"],"Style":{"_id":"6706af7b9e5c3e0ecd113b25","Type":0,"Colors":["#e5e5e5","#3f3f3f"],"Data":[[0,1],[1,0]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/monster-hunter-rise-what-should-i-hunt.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-11-21T12:44:30.237Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"monster-hunter-rise-what-should-i-hunt"}