Agente Smith Aquaman Arya Stark Banana Guardia Batman Beetlejuice Black Adam Bugs Bunny Cachorreno The Joker Finn el humano Garnet El gigante de hierro Gizmo Harley Quinn Jake el perro Jason Voorhees Las chicas superpoderosas Lebron James Lola Bunny Marceline Marvin el marciano Morty Wonder Woman Nubia Raven Stripe Rick Jack el samurai Shaggy Steven Universe Superman Taz Tom y jerry Vilma


Step into the Multiversus and let the wheel pick your next fighter! Whether it’s the unpredictable chaos of The Joker, the raw power of Superman, or the clever tricks of Bugs Bunny, every spin brings a new challenge. Try using the wheel for random character selection in battles—who knows, you might discover a new main! 🌀🔥
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!


Step into the Multiversus and let the wheel pick your next fighter! Whether it’s the unpredictable chaos of The Joker, the raw power of Superman, or the clever tricks of Bugs Bunny, every spin brings a new challenge. Try using the wheel for random character selection in battles—who knows, you might discover a new main! 🌀🔥
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Multiversus","Description":"Step into the Multiversus and let the wheel pick your next fighter! Whether it’s the unpredictable chaos of The Joker, the raw power of Superman, or the clever tricks of Bugs Bunny, every spin brings a new challenge. Try using the wheel for random character selection in battles—who knows, you might discover a new main! 🌀🔥","FontSize":8.9,"LabelsList":["Agente Smith","Aquaman","Arya Stark ","Banana Guardia","Batman","Beetlejuice","Black Adam","Bugs Bunny","Cachorreno","The Joker","Finn el humano","Garnet","El gigante de hierro ","Gizmo","Harley Quinn ","Jake el perro","Jason Voorhees","Las chicas superpoderosas ","Lebron James ","Lola Bunny","Marceline","Marvin el marciano","Morty","Wonder Woman","Nubia","Raven","Stripe","Rick","Jack el samurai ","Shaggy","Steven Universe","Superman","Taz","Tom y jerry","Vilma "],"Style":{"_id":"626a347aa88ea1278d023469","Type":0,"Colors":["#f44336","#710d06","#9c27b0","#3e1046","#3f51b5","#192048","#03a9f4","#014462","#009688","#003c36","#8bc34a","#38511b","#ffeb3b","#7e7100","#ff9800","#663d00"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[10,11],[12,13],[14,15]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2025-03-12T19:32:44.671Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"multiversus"}