C Major
C# Major
D Major
D# Major
E Major
F Major
F# Major
G Major
G# Major
A Major
A# Major
B Major
C Minor
C# Minor
D Minor
D# Minor
E Minor
F Minor
F# Minor
G Minor
G# Minor
A Minor
A# Minor
B Minor
Musical Keys
The "Musical Keys Spin Wheel" offers a harmonious twist to your musical endeavors with a selection of major and minor keys, from C Major to B Minor. Spin the wheel to choose the key for your next song composition, improv session, or even to challenge yourself with a new piece on your instrument. Here's a fun fact: you can use this wheel to create exciting musical challenges like improvising a melody in the selected key, enhancing your musical creativity and skills while making practice sessions more engaging.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
Musical Keys
The "Musical Keys Spin Wheel" offers a harmonious twist to your musical endeavors with a selection of major and minor keys, from C Major to B Minor. Spin the wheel to choose the key for your next song composition, improv session, or even to challenge yourself with a new piece on your instrument. Here's a fun fact: you can use this wheel to create exciting musical challenges like improvising a melody in the selected key, enhancing your musical creativity and skills while making practice sessions more engaging.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Musical Keys","Description":"The \"Musical Keys Spin Wheel\" offers a harmonious twist to your musical endeavors with a selection of major and minor keys, from C Major to B Minor. Spin the wheel to choose the key for your next song composition, improv session, or even to challenge yourself with a new piece on your instrument. Here's a fun fact: you can use this wheel to create exciting musical challenges like improvising a melody in the selected key, enhancing your musical creativity and skills while making practice sessions more engaging.","FontSize":11.5,"LabelsList":["C Major","C# Major","D Major","D# Major","E Major","F Major","F# Major","G Major","G# Major","A Major","A# Major","B Major","C Minor","C# Minor","D Minor","D# Minor","E Minor","F Minor","F# Minor","G Minor","G# Minor","A Minor","A# Minor","B Minor"],"Style":{"_id":"652ec64c19058761c1e9d4db","Type":0,"Colors":["#2196f3","#263238","#3f51b5","#0a0a0a","#4caf50","#00bcd4","#673ab7","#ffeb3b","#524b05","#ffc107","#9c27b0","#ff9800","#009688","#f48aae","#063d69","#0a151b","#192048","#1e4620","#004b55","#291749","#7e7100","#955a0a","#3e1046","#86622c","#003c36","#575e11"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,3],[5,3],[6,1],[7,3],[8,3],[9,3],[10,1],[11,3],[12,3],[13,3],[14,15],[16,3],[17,3],[18,3],[19,1],[20,3],[21,3],[22,3],[19,1],[23,3],[24,3],[25,3]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/musical-keys.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-10-18T05:33:54.696Z","CategoryId":8,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"musical-keys"}