Common [1 in 2]
Uncommon [1 in 4]
Rare [1 in 7]
Decent [1 in 8]
Natural [1 in 12]
Good [1 in 16]
Exterior [1 in 32]
Interior [1 in 42]
Copper [1 in 50]
Exotic [1 in 64]
Determined [1 in 99]
Outcome [1 in 100]
Gold [1 in 245]
Level 100 [1 in 250]
Divine [1 in 320]
Fighter [1 in 500]
Hell [1 in 666]
Jackpot [1 in 777]
Unpractical [1 in 999]
Martial [1 in 1000]
Flame [1 in 3000]
Layered [1 in 4567]
Blessed [1 in 9999]
I n s a n e [1 in 10,000]
Doodle [1 in 21,500]
Edgelord [1 in 45,454]
GAMBLE [1 in 77,777]
Flower [1 in 99,999]
Sweetheart [1 in 100,000]
F.A.L.L.E.N. [1 in 234,567]
Universal [1 in 500,001]
DIGNITY [1 in 998,999]
Super Determined [1 in 999,999]
Everything [1 in 1,400,000]
Giant [1 in 3,653,000]
Crusader [1 in 5,000,000]
My RNG Wheel
Welcome to "My RNG Wheel," where luck decides your fate! With a variety of outcomes ranging from Common to Crusader, every spin brings excitement and anticipation.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
My RNG Wheel
Welcome to "My RNG Wheel," where luck decides your fate! With a variety of outcomes ranging from Common to Crusader, every spin brings excitement and anticipation.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
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