F.A.Q.WheelsMy Wheels

Negative trait

AlcoholicSmokerSteroidsSkinny Obese (Fat)Criminal record (Not anymore)Psychopath Sadist SociopathSuicidal Myopathic Secret pregnancy DeafMuteBlind/half blind Yandere Tsudere (Both)Dere obsession Virgin or Infertile Your choice (Trauma)Pervert/Stalker Ophan or abandoned Pick me girlEmo stage (14 or so)Infected (Virus of any kind)Scientist (Started the virus)Experiment subject (Escaped or not)Play boy/girlGaslighter or blackmailerRacistHomophobic Soldier (Danger of war)On the FBI watchlist (Criminal)ShortTallSufferd miscarriages Missing or kidnapped Dead/Ghost WorkaholicLow wages (Poor)Introvert (Both)Extrovert (both)Antisocial Spin again but add x2Toxic relationships (of any kind)
Alcoholic Smoker Steroids Skinny Obese (Fat) Criminal record (Not anymore) Psychopath Sadist Sociopath Suicidal Myopathic Secret pregnancy Deaf Mute Blind/half blind Yandere Tsudere (Both) Dere obsession Virgin or Infertile Your choice (Trauma) Pervert/Stalker Ophan or abandoned Pick me girl Emo stage (14 or so) Infected (Virus of any kind) Scientist (Started the virus) Experiment subject (Escaped or not) Play boy/girl Gaslighter or blackmailer Racist Homophobic Soldier (Danger of war) On the FBI watchlist (Criminal) Short Tall Sufferd miscarriages Missing or kidnapped Dead/Ghost Workaholic Low wages (Poor) Introvert (Both) Extrovert (both) Antisocial Spin again but add x2 Toxic relationships (of any kind)
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Negative trait

"Explore the complexities of human traits with the 'Negative Trait' wheel. From challenging characteristics like Alcoholic and Criminal Record to unique ones such as Yandere and Scientist, it’s a diverse array.
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Negative trait

"Explore the complexities of human traits with the 'Negative Trait' wheel. From challenging characteristics like Alcoholic and Criminal Record to unique ones such as Yandere and Scientist, it’s a diverse array.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
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