OC crying
OC with their worst fear
OC taking a selfie
OC wearing their least favorite color
OC having a bad hair day
Draw all OCs together
OC finding a stray animal
OC acting in movie or play
Make a playlist for your OC
OC driving a car
OC having a birthday
OC reading their favorite book
OC as a neko
OC and crush protecting each other
OC meeting their past self
OC reading their crush's mind
OC defending someone
OC fighting for their life…
OC mesmerised
OC bullying/getting bullied
OC with a hairstyle they would never have
OC in a different art style
OC in formal wear
OC and crush if they had a child
OC as very old
OC meeting Creator
OC too hot
OC at Hogwarts
OC fainting
OC utilizing vigilante justice
OC meeting a friend or relative
OC embarrassed
SURPRISE! go scrounge up a neglected OC from two years ago, they need some love
OC in school
OC at gunpoint
Creepy version of OC
OC quoting something
OC in the rain (sad)
OC in a dress
Give your OC a voice
OC confessing to crush
OC color swap
OC blind
OC falling…
OC sacrificing themselves (real or comedic)
OC killing someone (joke/accident/on purpose?)
OC with their best friend
OC speechless
OC dying of laughter
OC doing something they suck at
OC as a hero
OC sick
OC confused
OC with friends
OC on stage
OC dead
OC a lil beat up
OC as ghost
OC having their first kiss
OC falling in love
OC cooking
OC watching fireworks with friends
OC fighting their crush
Dialogue between two OCs
OCs personality swap
OC celebrating a holiday
OC answering questions
OC daydreaming
OC smiling
OC's crush coming to them for comfort
OC in a onesie
OC reading
OC in crisis
OC prank calling a friend
OC stargazing
OC making a new friend
OC if they were a pet
OC swimming
OC doing something they hate
OC under a tree
OC sleeping next to crush
OC as a witch
OC with their spirit animal
OC but make them kawaii/more kawaii
OC meeting another OC that they would never meet or someone else's OV
OC running from someone
OC in a photo
OC nervous
OC having a cute moment with OC’s crush
OC if their favorite person died
OC's crush looking after them
OC in afterlife
OC trapped in a room
OC comforting someone else
OC recording a video
OC and their crush, married
OC in the rain (irritated)
OC outside during winter
OC's crush crying
OC as a Pokemon trainer
Recreate scene with OCs
OC as a cottagcore person
OC helping someone
OC getting caught/found guilty of something
OC's "dark secret" revealed (can be real dark or comedic)
OC sleeping
OC being defended
OC as a regular person/in a fantasy world
Do the wardrobe challenge for OC
OC doing creative activity (writing, drawing, etc.)
OC using a weapon
OC as a magical girl
OC with their crush
OC going crazy
OC and their crush clothing swap
OC betraying someone else
OC as a jester/clown
OC wearing what they would at their wedding
OC as very young
OC going scuba diving
OC delivering their best/worst pickup line
OC drawing a OC
OC in too big or too small clothes
OC with favorite Pokemon
OC having a bad day
OC chillin'
OC in a bad place mentally
OC doing something awful
OC stuck in room with enemy
OC eating cake
OC in a halloween costume
OC as a vampire
OC with different haircut
OC geeking out over something
OC as part of a fandom
OC dressed as Barbie
OC's backstory
OC playing a board game
OC falling
OC shopping for new clothes
OC vibing
OC with a minor injury
OC trapped in a room with their crush
OC spooking someone
OC accidentally hurting crush (prob stepped on their foot or something)
OC kermit
OC at work
What event would completely break your character? Draw it.
OC cosplaying
OC being fought over
OC with their enemy
OC having a garden
OC pulling a dick move
OC flirting
OC seeing themself in the mirror
OC's crush giving them a gift
OC in prison
OC doing their favorite thing
OC cold
OC warning others about someone
OC furious
OC in the future
beach episode
OC's friends jealous
OC underwater
OC slapping someone
OC as a monster
OC cleaning
OC murdered
OC as a merperson
OC dressing up of Halloween
OC questioning life
OC if [x event that is very important to their character development] never happened
OC teleporting
OC getting a pet
OC wearing something dumb (funny dumb or real dumb, you decide)
OC's crush asleep
OC invisible
OC stealing something (a literal thing? an idea? someone's heart?)
Make a new OC
OC going to jail
OC shipping a ship (can be like off a cartoon or somethin)
OC with a plushie
OC as an alien
OC receiving a gift
OC in the rain (indifferent to the weather; is it because they're happy? Not paying attention?)
OC getting along with an enemy
OC chained up
OC threatening someone for real
OC as a deity
OC in a different era
OC with their family (or found family!)
OC's crush sick
OC as their favorite Disney character
OC under a table
OC in an alternate universe
OC committing a crime
OC amogus
OC and OC's crush first meeting
OC obsessing over something(or someone•^•)
OC being questioned
OC wearing/not wearing/with a different style of makeup
OC in a candy store
OC in hospital
OC being illegal
OC in an outfit from the 80s or 90s
OC fanservice
OC brokenhearted
OCs in an alternate universe
OC with painted nails
OC with/without wings
OC dancing with someone
OC with/without magic
Five of OC's likes/dislikes
OC angry
OC kissing their crush
OC gender swap
OC in class
Spin again •^•
OC with one of their quirks/silly habits/odd traits
Someone mourning your OC
OC playing a sport
OC losing fight
OC being comforted
OC making crush blush
OC pranking someone successfully
OC in a haunted house
OC sad
OC as a villain
OC confessing to their crush
OC going nuts over crush/idol
OC making a sandwich
OC hurting themself (accidentally?)
OC confessing to OC’s crush
OC traumatized
OC collecting stuff
OC's crush injured
OC in uniform
OC swimming
OC threatening someone as a joke
OC with pet
OC dancing
OC watching their favorite show/movie
OC wearing something they would never wear
OC making a fort
OC dressed as their sibling or parent
OC during pride month
OC showing off their talent
OC with/without powers
OC clothing swap
OC watching their own funeral
OC finding a lost kid
OC stuck in the past (literally or metaphorically)
OC hiding
OC playing soccer
OC antagonizing a rival
OC's crush jealous
OC having a cute moment with their crush
OC failing to prank someone
OC eating their favorite candy
OC jealous
OC emotionless
OC spotting a shooting star
OC lazing about
OC separated from their crush
OC teasing their crush
OC getting electrocuted
OC building a snowman
OC speaking another language
OC as a chibi
OC at different stages of life
OC if they were popular/unpopular
OC flying
OC ignored
OC dying
OC wearing your outfit
OC partying
OC suffering from amnesia
OC and crush someplace they've never been
OC revealing a secret
OC doing something stupid
OC camping
OC as royalty
OC playing a sport
OC playing a game
OC with their favorite animal
OC hugging someone
OC if they were famous
OC with 5 different expressions
OC as a song
OC making a silly face
OC riding a horse
OC eating their favorite food
OC as a goth
OC as a plushie
OC shirt cut meme
OC at a critical point in their life
OC fighting
OC as a bad boy/girl/eldritch entity
OC doing Jojo pose
OC as a popstar
OC in pajamas
OC getting traumatized
OC with opposite personality
OC's birthday!
OC in a maid outfit
OC if they did/didn’t have trauma
OC in a cute outfit
OC in five different outfits
OC's bag/favorite items
OC suffering somehow
OC if they had a kid
OC experiencing illness
OC's mini bio
OC playing Russian roulette
OC in DnD (Dungeons and Dragons)
OC in disaster
OC doing a random weird pose
OC's crush visiting their grave
OC abandoned
OC asking their crush out
OC as baby
OC singing
OC with another OC
OC's crush having a nightmare
OC in a wonderland
OC in winter clothes
OC drunk
OC at a party
OC in a different timeline
OC acting tsundere
OC under the mistletoe
OC as a kid
OC doing a dare
OC in wholesome scenario
OC in a Pinterest outfit
OC playing an instrument
OC reading their favorite book
OC betrayed
OC meeting an alternate version of themself
OC making smores
OC happy (they probably deserve it)
OC cooking
OC winning fight
OC sleepy
OC being stared at
OC in a Victorian outfit
OC in their happy place
OC kissing OC’s crush
Draw your OC's friend group and the stereotypes they most nearly fit into
OC's crush confessing to OC
OC's friends discovering their past
OC having a sleepover
Dead OC reborn/revived
OC on a date
OC dressed for a party
✨~OC Challenge Wheel~✨
The ✨OC Challenge Wheel✨ is the ultimate tool for sparking creativity and diving deep into your original characters’ lives! From heartfelt scenarios like OC confessing to their crush to chaotic moments like OC making smores or OC doing Jojo poses, this wheel provides endless prompts to explore your OC’s personality, quirks, and relationships. Whether you’re stuck on a project or looking for fun ways to bring your characters to life, spin the wheel for fresh inspiration.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
✨~OC Challenge Wheel~✨
The ✨OC Challenge Wheel✨ is the ultimate tool for sparking creativity and diving deep into your original characters’ lives! From heartfelt scenarios like OC confessing to their crush to chaotic moments like OC making smores or OC doing Jojo poses, this wheel provides endless prompts to explore your OC’s personality, quirks, and relationships. Whether you’re stuck on a project or looking for fun ways to bring your characters to life, spin the wheel for fresh inspiration.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"✨~OC Challenge Wheel~✨","Description":"The ✨OC Challenge Wheel✨ is the ultimate tool for sparking creativity and diving deep into your original characters’ lives! From heartfelt scenarios like OC confessing to their crush to chaotic moments like OC making smores or OC doing Jojo poses, this wheel provides endless prompts to explore your OC’s personality, quirks, and relationships. Whether you’re stuck on a project or looking for fun ways to bring your characters to life, spin the wheel for fresh inspiration.","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["OC crying","OC with their worst fear","OC taking a selfie","OC wearing their least favorite color","OC having a bad hair day","Draw all OCs together","OC finding a stray animal","OC acting in movie or play","Make a playlist for your OC","OC driving a car","OC having a birthday","OC reading their favorite book","OC as a neko","OC and crush protecting each other","OC meeting their past self","OC reading their crush's mind","OC defending someone","OC fighting for their life…","OC mesmerised","OC bullying/getting bullied","OC with a hairstyle they would never have","OC in a different art style","OC in formal wear","OC and crush if they had a child","OC as very old","OC meeting Creator","OC too hot","OC at Hogwarts","OC fainting","OC utilizing vigilante justice","OC meeting a friend or relative","OC embarrassed","SURPRISE! go scrounge up a neglected OC from two years ago, they need some love","OC in school","OC at gunpoint","Creepy version of OC","OC quoting something","OC in the rain (sad)","OC in a dress","Give your OC a voice","OC confessing to crush","OC color swap","OC blind","OC falling…","OC sacrificing themselves (real or comedic)","OC killing someone (joke/accident/on purpose?)","OC with their best friend","OC speechless","OC dying of laughter","OC doing something they suck at","OC as a hero","OC sick","OC confused","OC with friends","OC on stage","OC dead","OC a lil beat up","OC as ghost","OC having their first kiss","OC falling in love","OC cooking","OC watching fireworks with friends","OC fighting their crush","Dialogue between two OCs","OCs personality swap","OC celebrating a holiday","OC answering questions ","OC daydreaming ","OC smiling","OC's crush coming to them for comfort","OC in a onesie","OC reading","OC in crisis","OC prank calling a friend","OC stargazing","OC making a new friend","OC if they were a pet","OC swimming","OC doing something they hate","OC under a tree","OC sleeping next to crush","OC as a witch","OC with their spirit animal","OC but make them kawaii/more kawaii","OC meeting another OC that they would never meet or someone else's OV","OC running from someone","OC in a photo","OC nervous","OC having a cute moment with OC’s crush","OC if their favorite person died","OC's crush looking after them","OC in afterlife","OC trapped in a room","OC comforting someone else","OC recording a video","OC and their crush, married","OC in the rain (irritated)","OC outside during winter","OC's crush crying","OC as a Pokemon trainer","Recreate scene with OCs","OC as a cottagcore person","OC helping someone","OC getting caught/found guilty of something","OC's \"dark secret\" revealed (can be real dark or comedic)","OC sleeping","OC being defended","OC as a regular person/in a fantasy world","Do the wardrobe challenge for OC","OC doing creative activity (writing, drawing, etc.)","OC using a weapon","OC as a magical girl","OC with their crush","OC going crazy","OC and their crush clothing swap","OC betraying someone else","OC as a jester/clown","OC wearing what they would at their wedding","OC as very young","OC going scuba diving ","OC delivering their best/worst pickup line ","OC drawing a OC","OC in too big or too small clothes","OC with favorite Pokemon","OC having a bad day","OC chillin'","OC in a bad place mentally","OC doing something awful","OC stuck in room with enemy","OC eating cake","OC in a halloween costume","OC as a vampire","OC with different haircut","OC geeking out over something","OC as part of a fandom","OC dressed as Barbie","OC's backstory","OC playing a board game","OC falling","OC shopping for new clothes","OC vibing","OC with a minor injury","OC trapped in a room with their crush ","OC spooking someone","OC accidentally hurting crush (prob stepped on their foot or something)","OC kermit","OC at work","What event would completely break your character? Draw it.","OC cosplaying","OC being fought over","OC with their enemy","OC having a garden","OC pulling a dick move","OC flirting","OC seeing themself in the mirror","OC's crush giving them a gift","OC in prison","OC doing their favorite thing","OC cold","OC warning others about someone","OC furious","OC in the future","beach episode","OC's friends jealous","OC underwater","OC slapping someone","OC as a monster","OC cleaning ","OC murdered","OC as a merperson","OC dressing up of Halloween ","OC questioning life","OC if [x event that is very important to their character development] never happened ","OC teleporting","OC getting a pet","OC wearing something dumb (funny dumb or real dumb, you decide)","OC's crush asleep","OC invisible","OC stealing something (a literal thing? an idea? someone's heart?)","Make a new OC","OC going to jail","OC shipping a ship (can be like off a cartoon or somethin)","OC with a plushie","OC as an alien","OC receiving a gift","OC in the rain (indifferent to the weather; is it because they're happy? Not paying attention?)","OC getting along with an enemy","OC chained up","OC threatening someone for real","OC as a deity","OC in a different era","OC with their family (or found family!)","OC's crush sick","OC as their favorite Disney character","OC under a table","OC in an alternate universe ","OC committing a crime","OC amogus","OC and OC's crush first meeting","OC obsessing over something(or someone•^•)","OC being questioned","OC wearing/not wearing/with a different style of makeup","OC in a candy store","OC in hospital","OC being illegal ","OC in an outfit from the 80s or 90s","OC fanservice","OC brokenhearted","OCs in an alternate universe","OC with painted nails","OC with/without wings","OC dancing with someone","OC with/without magic","Five of OC's likes/dislikes","OC angry","OC kissing their crush","OC gender swap","OC in class","Spin again •^•","OC with one of their quirks/silly habits/odd traits","Someone mourning your OC","OC playing a sport","OC losing fight","OC being comforted","OC making crush blush","OC pranking someone successfully","OC in a haunted house","OC sad","OC as a villain","OC confessing to their crush","OC going nuts over crush/idol","OC making a sandwich","OC hurting themself (accidentally?)","OC confessing to OC’s crush","OC traumatized","OC collecting stuff","OC's crush injured","OC in uniform","OC swimming ","OC threatening someone as a joke","OC with pet","OC dancing","OC watching their favorite show/movie","OC wearing something they would never wear","OC making a fort","OC dressed as their sibling or parent","OC during pride month","OC showing off their talent","OC with/without powers","OC clothing swap","OC watching their own funeral","OC finding a lost kid","OC stuck in the past (literally or metaphorically)","OC hiding","OC playing soccer","OC antagonizing a rival","OC's crush jealous","OC having a cute moment with their crush","OC failing to prank someone","OC eating their favorite candy","OC jealous","OC emotionless","YOUR CHOICE","OC spotting a shooting star","OC lazing about","OC separated from their crush","OC teasing their crush","OC getting electrocuted","OC building a snowman","OC speaking another language","OC as a chibi","OC at different stages of life","OC if they were popular/unpopular","OC flying","OC ignored","OC dying","OC wearing your outfit","OC partying","OC suffering from amnesia","OC and crush someplace they've never been","OC revealing a secret","OC doing something stupid","OC camping","OC as royalty","OC playing a sport","OC playing a game","OC with their favorite animal","OC hugging someone","OC if they were famous","OC with 5 different expressions","OC as a song","OC making a silly face","OC riding a horse","OC eating their favorite food","OC as a goth","OC as a plushie","OC shirt cut meme","OC at a critical point in their life","OC fighting","OC as a bad boy/girl/eldritch entity","OC doing Jojo pose","OC as a popstar","OC in pajamas","OC getting traumatized ","OC with opposite personality","OC's birthday!","OC in a maid outfit","OC if they did/didn’t have trauma","OC in a cute outfit","OC in five different outfits","OC's bag/favorite items","OC suffering somehow","OC if they had a kid","OC experiencing illness","OC's mini bio","OC playing Russian roulette ","OC in DnD (Dungeons and Dragons)","OC in disaster","OC doing a random weird pose","OC's crush visiting their grave","OC abandoned","OC asking their crush out","OC as baby","OC singing","OC with another OC","OC's crush having a nightmare","OC in a wonderland","OC in winter clothes","OC drunk","OC at a party","OC in a different timeline","OC acting tsundere","OC under the mistletoe","OC as a kid","OC doing a dare","OC in wholesome scenario","OC in a Pinterest outfit","OC playing an instrument","OC reading their favorite book","OC betrayed","OC meeting an alternate version of themself","OC making smores","OC happy (they probably deserve it)","OC cooking","OC winning fight","OC sleepy","OC being stared at","OC in a Victorian outfit","OC in their happy place","OC kissing OC’s crush","Draw your OC's friend group and the stereotypes they most nearly fit into ","OC's crush confessing to OC","OC's friends discovering their past","OC having a sleepover","Dead OC reborn/revived","OC on a date","OC dressed for a party"],"Style":{"_id":"62988bc536390e389f134a9c","Type":0,"Colors":["#5d2a42","#fbfbfb","#fb6376","#0a0a0a","#fcb1a6","#ffdccc","#fff9ec"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,3],[5,3],[6,3]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/oc-challenge-wheel.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-11-21T12:17:27.769Z","CategoryId":15,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"oc-challenge-wheel"}