Girl Nonbinary Trans Gender fluid Agender Alt Chibi My art style Skinny Average Pugey Blue eyes Hazel eyes Brown eyes Green eyes Gray eyes Unnatural eyes Brown hair Blonde hair Black hair Aburn hair Ginger hair Unatural hair Coliy hair Curly hair Fluffy hair Wavy hair Straight hair Peach skin Peach with tan tint skin Tan skin Brown skin Unatural skin Long hair Medium hair Short hair

Oc Wheel

Introducing the OC Wheel, a diverse mix of traits and styles for creating unique characters! Spin to mix and match features like hair color, eye shape, skin tone, and more to craft your original characters, whether they're chibi, alternative, or follow your art style. Use this wheel for artistic inspiration or as a prompt generator for your next creative project!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Oc Wheel

Introducing the OC Wheel, a diverse mix of traits and styles for creating unique characters! Spin to mix and match features like hair color, eye shape, skin tone, and more to craft your original characters, whether they're chibi, alternative, or follow your art style. Use this wheel for artistic inspiration or as a prompt generator for your next creative project!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Oc Wheel","Description":"Introducing the OC Wheel, a diverse mix of traits and styles for creating unique characters! Spin to mix and match features like hair color, eye shape, skin tone, and more to craft your original characters, whether they're chibi, alternative, or follow your art style. Use this wheel for artistic inspiration or as a prompt generator for your next creative project!","FontSize":10.4,"LabelsList":["Girl","Nonbinary","Trans","Gender fluid ","Agender","Alt","Chibi","My art style ","Skinny","Average","Pugey","Blue eyes","Hazel eyes","Brown eyes ","Green eyes ","Gray eyes","Unnatural eyes","Brown hair ","Blonde hair ","Black hair","Aburn hair ","Ginger hair","Unatural hair","Coliy hair","Curly hair ","Fluffy hair ","Wavy hair","Straight hair ","Peach skin","Peach with tan tint skin ","Tan skin","Brown skin","Unatural skin ","Long hair ","Medium hair","Short hair "],"Style":{"_id":"658cf0902ac75903589a7054","Type":0,"Colors":["#710d06","#fbbab5","#192048","#8b97d7","#014462","#69cffd","#003c36","#00dac5","#38511b","#c5e1a5","#7e7100","#fff9c8","#663d00","#ffc673"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[10,11],[12,13]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-12-29T07:15:58.147Z","CategoryId":15,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"oc-wheel-2tg7"}