Hydrogen (H - 1) Helium (He - 2) Lithium (Li - 3) Beryllium (Be - 4) Boron (B - 5) Carbon (C - 6) Nitrogen (N - 7) Oxygen (O - 8) Fluorine (F - 9) Neon (Ne - 10) Sodium (Na - 11) Magnesium (Mg - 12) Aluminium (Al - 13) Silicon (Si - 14) Phosphorus (P - 15) Sulfur (S - 16) Chlorine (Cl - 17) Argon (R - 18) Potassium (K - 19) Calcium (Ca - 20) Scandium (Sc - 21) Titanium (Ti - 22) Vanadium (V - 23) Chromium (Cr - 24) Manganese (Mn - 25) Iron (Fe - 26) Cobalt (Co - 27) Nickel (Ni - 28) Copper (Cu - 29) Zinc (Zn - 30) Gallium (Ga - 31) Germanium (Ge - 32) Arsenic (As - 33) Selenium (Se - 34) Bromine (Br - 35) Krypton (Kr - 36) Rubidium (Rb - 37) Strontium (Sr - 38) Yttrium (Y - 39) Zirconium (Zr - 40) Niobium (Nb - 41) Molybdenum (Mo - 42) Technetium (Tc - 43) Ruthenium (Ru - 44) Rhodium (Rh - 45) Palladium (Pd - 46) Silver (Ag - 47) Cadmium (Cd - 48) Indium (In - 49) Tin (Sn - 50) Antimony (Sb - 51) Tellurium (Te - 52) Iodine (I - 53) Xenon (Xe - 54) Caesium (Cs - 55) Barium (Ba - 56) Lanthanum (La - 57) Cerium (Ce - 58) Praseodymium (Pr - 59) Neodymium (Nd - 60) Promethium (Pm - 61) Samarium (Sm - 62) Europium (Eu - 63) Gadolinium (Gd - 64) Terbium (Tb - 65) Dysprosium (Dy - 66) Holmium (Ho - 67) Erbium (Er - 68) Thulium (Tm - 69) Ytterbium (Yb - 70) Lutetium (Lu - 71) Hafnium (Hf - 72) Tantalum (Ta - 73) Tungsten (W - 74) Rhenium (Re - 75) Osmium (Os - 76) Iridium (Ir - 77) Platinum (Pt - 78) Gold (Au - 79) Mercury (Hg - 80) Thallium (Tl - 81) Lead (Pb - 82) Bismuth (Bi - 83) Polonium (Po - 84) Astatine (At - 85) Radon (Rn - 86) Francium (Fr - 87) Radium (Ra - 88) Actinium (Ac - 89) Thorium (Th - 90) Protactinium (Pa - 91) Uranium (U - 92) Neptunium (Np - 93) Plutonium (Pu - 94) Americium (Am - 95) Curium (Cm - 96) Berkelium (Bk - 97) Californium (Cf - 98) Einsteinium (Es - 99) Fermium (Fm - 100) Mendelevium (Md - 101) Nobelium (No - 102) Lawrencium (Lr - 103) Rutherfordium (Rf - 104) Dubnium (Db - 105) Seaborgium (Sg - 106) Bohrium (Bh - 107) Hassium (Hs - 108) Meitnerium (Mt - 109) Darmstadtium (Ds - 110) Roentgenium (Rg - 111) Copernicium (Cn - 112) Nihonium (Nh - 113) Flerovium (Fl - 114) Moscovium (Mc - 115) Livermorium (Lv - 116) Tennessine (Ts - 117) Oganesson (Og - 118)

Periodic Elements

Explore the elements of the periodic table in a fun and educational way with the 'Periodic Elements' Spin Wheel! This wheel features all 118 known elements, from Hydrogen to Oganesson. It's a great tool for science enthusiasts, students, or anyone looking to learn more about the building blocks of the universe. You can use this wheel to test your knowledge, challenge friends to elemental quizzes, or even create a periodic table-themed game.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Periodic Elements

Explore the elements of the periodic table in a fun and educational way with the 'Periodic Elements' Spin Wheel! This wheel features all 118 known elements, from Hydrogen to Oganesson. It's a great tool for science enthusiasts, students, or anyone looking to learn more about the building blocks of the universe. You can use this wheel to test your knowledge, challenge friends to elemental quizzes, or even create a periodic table-themed game.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Periodic Elements","Description":"Explore the elements of the periodic table in a fun and educational way with the 'Periodic Elements' Spin Wheel! This wheel features all 118 known elements, from Hydrogen to Oganesson. It's a great tool for science enthusiasts, students, or anyone looking to learn more about the building blocks of the universe. You can use this wheel to test your knowledge, challenge friends to elemental quizzes, or even create a periodic table-themed game.","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Hydrogen (H - 1)","Helium (He - 2)","Lithium (Li - 3)","Beryllium (Be - 4)","Boron (B - 5)","Carbon (C - 6)","Nitrogen (N - 7)","Oxygen (O - 8)","Fluorine (F - 9)","Neon (Ne - 10)","Sodium (Na - 11)","Magnesium (Mg - 12)","Aluminium (Al - 13)","Silicon (Si - 14)","Phosphorus (P - 15)","Sulfur (S - 16)","Chlorine (Cl - 17)","Argon (R - 18)","Potassium (K - 19)","Calcium (Ca - 20)","Scandium (Sc - 21)","Titanium (Ti - 22)","Vanadium (V - 23)","Chromium (Cr - 24)","Manganese (Mn - 25)","Iron (Fe - 26)","Cobalt (Co - 27)","Nickel (Ni - 28)","Copper (Cu - 29)","Zinc (Zn - 30)","Gallium (Ga - 31)","Germanium (Ge - 32)","Arsenic (As - 33)","Selenium (Se - 34)","Bromine (Br - 35)","Krypton (Kr - 36)","Rubidium (Rb - 37)","Strontium (Sr - 38)","Yttrium (Y - 39)","Zirconium (Zr - 40)","Niobium (Nb - 41)","Molybdenum (Mo - 42)","Technetium (Tc - 43)","Ruthenium (Ru - 44)","Rhodium (Rh - 45)","Palladium (Pd - 46)","Silver (Ag - 47)","Cadmium (Cd - 48)","Indium (In - 49)","Tin (Sn - 50)","Antimony (Sb - 51)","Tellurium (Te - 52)","Iodine (I - 53)","Xenon (Xe - 54)","Caesium (Cs - 55)","Barium (Ba - 56)","Lanthanum (La - 57)","Cerium (Ce - 58)","Praseodymium (Pr - 59)","Neodymium (Nd - 60)","Promethium (Pm - 61)","Samarium (Sm - 62)","Europium (Eu - 63)","Gadolinium (Gd - 64)","Terbium (Tb - 65)","Dysprosium (Dy - 66)","Holmium (Ho - 67)","Erbium (Er - 68)","Thulium (Tm - 69)","Ytterbium (Yb - 70)","Lutetium (Lu - 71)","Hafnium (Hf - 72)","Tantalum (Ta - 73)","Tungsten (W - 74)","Rhenium (Re - 75)","Osmium (Os - 76)","Iridium (Ir - 77)","Platinum (Pt - 78)","Gold (Au - 79)","Mercury (Hg - 80)","Thallium (Tl - 81)","Lead (Pb - 82)","Bismuth (Bi - 83)","Polonium (Po - 84)","Astatine (At - 85)","Radon (Rn - 86)","Francium (Fr - 87)","Radium (Ra - 88)","Actinium (Ac - 89)","Thorium (Th - 90)","Protactinium (Pa - 91)","Uranium (U - 92)","Neptunium (Np - 93)","Plutonium (Pu - 94)","Americium (Am - 95)","Curium (Cm - 96)","Berkelium (Bk - 97)","Californium (Cf - 98)","Einsteinium (Es - 99)","Fermium (Fm - 100)","Mendelevium (Md - 101)","Nobelium (No - 102)","Lawrencium (Lr - 103)","Rutherfordium (Rf - 104)","Dubnium (Db - 105)","Seaborgium (Sg - 106)","Bohrium (Bh - 107)","Hassium (Hs - 108)","Meitnerium (Mt - 109)","Darmstadtium (Ds - 110)","Roentgenium (Rg - 111)","Copernicium (Cn - 112)","Nihonium (Nh - 113)","Flerovium (Fl - 114)","Moscovium (Mc - 115)","Livermorium (Lv - 116)","Tennessine (Ts - 117)","Oganesson (Og - 118)"],"Style":{"_id":"63eac4d93d53f5476bcd9dd6","Type":0,"Colors":["#741c00","#263238","#ff5722","#a06001","#ff9800","#ffc107","#ffeb3b","#cddc39","#8bc34a","#4caf50","#009688","#00bcd4","#03a9f4","#2196f3","#3f51b5","#673ab7","#3e1046","#9c27b0","#f48aae","#e91e63","#600927"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[5,1],[6,1],[7,1],[8,1],[9,1],[10,1],[11,1],[12,1],[13,1],[14,1],[15,1],[16,1],[17,1],[18,1],[19,1],[20,1]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/periodic-elements.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-09-04T09:44:59.952Z","CategoryId":10,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"periodic-elements"}