Iron Sword
Leather Armor Set
Small Healing Potion
Rusty Dagger
Ration Pack
Common Horse Mount
Scroll of Basic Spells
Copper Pieces (20)
Basic Adventurer's Kit
Steel Longsword
Chainmail Armor Set
Composite Longbow
Pet Ferret
Antidote Elixir
Map of Local Region
Silver Pieces (50)
Novice Spellbook
Fine Steel Dagger
Sturdy Leather Armor
Enchanted Shortsword
Pet Falcon
Elixir of Invisibility
Gemstone (10 gold value)
Traveler's Cloak of Stealth
Elven Blade
Elven Chainmail Set
Masterwork Bastard Sword
Pet Dire Wolf
Potion of Greater Healing
Axe of Dwarven Craftsmanship
Dwarven Plate Armor
Dwarven Warhammer
Pet Cave Bear
Dwarven Ale Keg
Satchel of Rare Herbs
Wand of Arcane Missiles
Arcane Familiar (Elemental)
Robes of the Archmage
Scroll of Teleportation
Crystal Staff of Mysteries
Mystical Panther Companion
Mystic Sorcerer Robes
Ethereal Gem (50 gold value)
Blessed Holy Symbol
Cleric's Mace of Light
Angelic Guardian
Vestments of Divine Power
Scroll of Divine Intervention
Potion of Celestial Blessing
Hammer of Artifice
Goggles of Clockwork Vision
Clockwork Companion
Masterwork Artificer's Attire
Blueprints for an Arcane Contraption
Platinum Pieces (10)
Giant's Strength Elixir
Gnomish Inventions Manual
Pet Clockwork Owl
Aetherial Crystal Shard
Dark Elven Blade
Shadow Cloak
Pet Shadow Panther
Scroll of Shadowstep
Shadow Orb (Dark Magic Item)
Necromancer's Staff
Bone Armor Set
Pet Skeletal Hound
Scroll of Raise Dead
Elixir of Necrotic Resistance
Crystal Wand of Elemental Mastery
Elemental Familiar (Elemental)
Elemental Robes
Orb of Elemental Binding
Potion of Elemental Infusion
Moonblade Longsword
Moonlit Elven Armor Set
Pet Celestial Unicorn
Scroll of Lunar Blessing
Star Shard Amulet
Meteorite Hammer
Celestial Plate Armor
Phoenix Feather Wand
Pet Phoenix Hatchling
Scroll of Flamestrike
Phoenix Down Feather (Resurrection Item)
Dragonforged Blade
Dragon Scale Armor Set
Dragon Mount Egg
Scroll of Dragon's Breath
Golden Crown of Royalty
Royal Steed
Knight's Full Plate Armor
Excalibur (Legendary Sword)
Gryphon Companion
Scroll of Royal Edict
Chest of Royal Jewels
Royal Seal of Nobility
Token of a Wish (Limited Wish Granting)
Free Choice: Choose Your Class, Two Pets, Full Starter Class Gear
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