Noggin Rare noggin Epic noggin Mammot Rare mammot Epic mammot Toe jammer Rare toe jammer Epic toe jammer Potbelly Rare potbelly Epic potbelly Fwog Rare fwog Epic fwog Maw Rare maw Epic maw Drumpler Rare drumpler Epic drumpler Furcorn Rare furcorn Epic furcorn Shrubb Rare shurbb Epic shurbb Oaktupus Rare oaktupus Epic oaktupus Pummel Rare pummel Epic pummel T-rox Rare t-rox Epic t-rox Bowgart Rare bowgart Epic bowgart Clamble Rare clamble Epic clamble Entbrat Rare entbrat Epic entbrat G joob Rare g joob Gastz Rare gastz Epic gastz Tawker Paraslona Wubbux Rare wubbux Epic wubbux plant Do Re La Sol Ti Fa Mi Punkleton Rare punkleton Epic punkleton Shugabush

Plant island+rares and epics

Spin the 'Plant Island + Rares and Epics' wheel to discover your musical creatures! From Noggin to Shugabush, including their rare and epic variants, this wheel adds a touch of surprise to your choices. Whether aiming for the elusive Punkleton or simply exploring the diverse creatures, this wheel brings the joy of randomness to your My Singing Monsters gameplay.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Plant island+rares and epics

Spin the 'Plant Island + Rares and Epics' wheel to discover your musical creatures! From Noggin to Shugabush, including their rare and epic variants, this wheel adds a touch of surprise to your choices. Whether aiming for the elusive Punkleton or simply exploring the diverse creatures, this wheel brings the joy of randomness to your My Singing Monsters gameplay.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
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