Sledge Smoke Thatcher Mute Ash Castle Thermite Pulse Twitch Doc Montagne Rook Glaz Kapkan Fuze Tachanka Blitz Yager IQ Bandit Buck Frost Blackbeard Valkyrie Capitao Caveira Hibana Echo Jackal Mira Ying Lesion Zofia Ela Dokkaebi Virgil Lion Maestro Finka Clash Maverick Kaid Nomad mozzie Gridlock Warden Nokk Goyo Amaru Wamai Kali Oryx Iana Melusi Ace Aruni Zero Thunderbird Flores Thorn Osa Azami Sens Solis Grim Fenrir Brava Ram Tubarao (new leaked opp)

Rainbow six siege operators

Give the Rainbow Six Siege Operator Wheel a spin to determine which character to play next! With a diverse roster like Sledge, Smoke, Ash, and many more, each operator brings unique abilities to the game. Use this wheel to add an element of surprise to your gameplay or challenge friends to a random operator match. Did you know some of these operators were inspired by real-life special forces and counter-terrorism units? Spin the wheel and dive into the tactical world of Rainbow Six Siege!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Rainbow six siege operators

Give the Rainbow Six Siege Operator Wheel a spin to determine which character to play next! With a diverse roster like Sledge, Smoke, Ash, and many more, each operator brings unique abilities to the game. Use this wheel to add an element of surprise to your gameplay or challenge friends to a random operator match. Did you know some of these operators were inspired by real-life special forces and counter-terrorism units? Spin the wheel and dive into the tactical world of Rainbow Six Siege!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Rainbow six siege operators","Description":"Give the Rainbow Six Siege Operator Wheel a spin to determine which character to play next! With a diverse roster like Sledge, Smoke, Ash, and many more, each operator brings unique abilities to the game. Use this wheel to add an element of surprise to your gameplay or challenge friends to a random operator match. Did you know some of these operators were inspired by real-life special forces and counter-terrorism units? Spin the wheel and dive into the tactical world of Rainbow Six Siege!","FontSize":9.2,"LabelsList":["Sledge","Smoke","Thatcher","Mute","Ash","Castle","Thermite","Pulse ","Twitch ","Doc","Montagne ","Rook","Glaz","Kapkan ","Fuze","Tachanka ","Blitz ","Yager","IQ","Bandit","Buck","Frost","Blackbeard ","Valkyrie ","Capitao ","Caveira ","Hibana ","Echo","Jackal","Mira","Ying","Lesion ","Zofia ","Ela","Dokkaebi ","Virgil ","Lion","Maestro ","Finka","Clash","Maverick ","Kaid","Nomad","mozzie","Gridlock ","Warden ","Nokk","Goyo","Amaru ","Wamai","Kali","Oryx","Iana","Melusi","Ace","Aruni ","Zero","Thunderbird ","Flores ","Thorn","Osa","Azami ","Sens","Solis","Grim","Fenrir ","Brava","Ram","Tubarao (new leaked opp)"],"Style":{"_id":"62692476a88ea1278dd1b7c1","Type":0,"Colors":["#4caf50","#ddf0dd","#009688","#bbfff9","#00bcd4","#c6f9ff","#03a9f4","#ceeffe","#2196f3","#d5ebfd","#3f51b5","#daddf2","#673ab7","#e2d8f3","#9c27b0","#f0d1f5","#e91e63","#fbd4e1","#f44336","#fddbd9","#ff5722","#ffdfd5","#ff9800","#ffebcf","#ffc107","#fff3d0","#ffeb3b","#fffbda","#cddc39","#f6f8d9","#8bc34a","#e9f4dd"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[10,11],[12,13],[14,15],[16,17],[18,19],[20,21],[22,23],[24,25],[26,27],[28,29],[30,31]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-11-22T06:44:33.544Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"rainbow-six-siege-operators"}