Favorite smell Have you ever broken any bones? How? What was your first job? When people look back on your life, how do you want to be remembered? What is your favorite superhero? Do you have any pets? What is one thing on your bucket list? Favorite song Do you have a hunch on how you are going to die? What is it? Favorite sport Least favorite chore Favorite day of the week Favorite color If you were stranded on an island, what one thing from your bedroom would you take with you? Favorite animal Favorite season If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? Favorite tv show If you could go back in time to any time period, when and where would you go and why? Would you rather go sky diving or scuba diving? Why? Ifmoney was not an issue, what job would you want? What is one dream you are pursuing or want to pursue? Favorite restaurant If you could go anywhere in the world without worrying about the cost, where would you go and why? Favorite time of day How many siblings do you have Favorite book If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? Who do you look up to the most? Favorite movie Have you ever saved anyone's life or possibly saved their life? Favorite memory Describe yourself in three words. Favorite flower How did you meet your best friend? Favorite scripture Recent time when you felt The Spirit How to you get happy when you are feeling down?

Random Get To Know You Questions

Engage in Meaningful Conversations with the Random Get To Know You Questions Spin Wheel! Discover more about yourself and others as you spin through a variety of thought-provoking questions. From favorite smells to life aspirations, dive into intriguing topics that help you connect and learn in a fun and interactive way.
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Random Get To Know You Questions

Engage in Meaningful Conversations with the Random Get To Know You Questions Spin Wheel! Discover more about yourself and others as you spin through a variety of thought-provoking questions. From favorite smells to life aspirations, dive into intriguing topics that help you connect and learn in a fun and interactive way.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
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