The “Random Pronouns!” spin wheel offers a fun and unique way to explore diverse pronouns beyond the traditional ones. With a wide variety of options, from He/Him/His to Xe/Xyrself or Fae/Faer/Fem, this wheel helps you embrace different pronouns and encourages learning about non-binary and gender-neutral identities. Spin the wheel for a random pronoun set and use it to inspire your next character, identity exploration, or just add some diversity to your day. It’s a simple and engaging way to understand and respect different ways people express themselves!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
Random Pronouns!
The “Random Pronouns!” spin wheel offers a fun and unique way to explore diverse pronouns beyond the traditional ones. With a wide variety of options, from He/Him/His to Xe/Xyrself or Fae/Faer/Fem, this wheel helps you embrace different pronouns and encourages learning about non-binary and gender-neutral identities. Spin the wheel for a random pronoun set and use it to inspire your next character, identity exploration, or just add some diversity to your day. It’s a simple and engaging way to understand and respect different ways people express themselves!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Random Pronouns!","Description":"The “Random Pronouns!” spin wheel offers a fun and unique way to explore diverse pronouns beyond the traditional ones. With a wide variety of options, from He/Him/His to Xe/Xyrself or Fae/Faer/Fem, this wheel helps you embrace different pronouns and encourages learning about non-binary and gender-neutral identities. Spin the wheel for a random pronoun set and use it to inspire your next character, identity exploration, or just add some diversity to your day. It’s a simple and engaging way to understand and respect different ways people express themselves!","FontSize":6.7,"LabelsList":["He/Him/His","She/Her/Hers","They/Them/Theirs","Ze/Zir/Zirs","Xe/Xem/Xyrs","E/Em/Eirs","Fae/Faer/Faers","Ve/Ver/Vers","Ne/Nem/Nirs","Zie/Zim/Zirs","Ey/Em/Eirs","Per/Per/Pers","Hu/Hum/Hus","Thon/Thon/Thons","Yo/Yo/Yos","Ae/Aer/Aers","I/Me/Mine","It/It/Its","Se/Sim/Sirs","Kit/Kits/Kits","Spiv/Spiv/Spivz","Tey/Ter/Ters","Te/Tem/Ters","Che/Chir/Chirs","Je/Jem/Jers","Xe/Xyres/Xyres","He/His/Him","She/Hers/Her","They/Theirs/Them","Zie/Hir/Hirs","Ze/Hir/Hirs","E/Em/Es","Ve/Ver/Veers","Ae/Aer/Aem","Fae/Faer/Fem","He/Her/Herself","She/Him/Himself","They/Them/Theirself","Ze/Hy/Hys","Te/Ter/Terself","Xe/Xem/Xeers","Hu/Hum/Humself","Zie/Here/Him","Ne/Nem/Nemself","Pe/Per/Perse","Xe/Xyrself","Xe/Xis/Ximself",""],"Style":{"_id":"62973a4985daff1f706c3149","Type":0,"Colors":["#cceede","#0a0a0a","#b3e8dc","#99e1d9","#5abec2","#3bacb6","#1b9aaa","#2f8f9d","#fbfbfb"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[5,1],[6,1],[7,8]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-11-21T12:33:55.039Z","CategoryId":13,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"random-pronouns"}