Dragón Mono Leo Gallo Acuario Rata Piscis Tauro Tigre Capricornio Cabra Serpiente Caballo Géminis Cerdo Gato Buey Libra Virgo Escorpion Perro Conejo Cáncer Sagitario Aries Ballena Leopardo Pez Cocodrilo Erizo Camello Elefante Liebre Oveja Vaca Aguila Ciervo Serpiente Marina Cervatillo Jabalí

✨Signo Zodiacal✨

Welcome to the "✨Signo Zodiacal✨" spin wheel! Explore the mystical realms of astrology as you spin to discover your zodiac sign, from the fiery Aries to the watery Pisces. Fun fact: Use this wheel to add a touch of cosmic guidance to your day or to spark conversations about astrology with friends and family!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

✨Signo Zodiacal✨

Welcome to the "✨Signo Zodiacal✨" spin wheel! Explore the mystical realms of astrology as you spin to discover your zodiac sign, from the fiery Aries to the watery Pisces. Fun fact: Use this wheel to add a touch of cosmic guidance to your day or to spark conversations about astrology with friends and family!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
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