SSB Goku vs Hit
Gotenk vs fat buu
Gogeta vs Broly
Bardock vs 1st form freiza
Raditz vs Goku (early)
Vegeta vs recoome
Dabura vs Gohan
Ult Gohan vs Super Buu
Vegito vs buuhan
Vegeta vs #18
Piccolo vs #17
Berserker Kale vs SSB Goku
Dyspo vs Freiza
Gogeta vs Janemba
Z Broly vs Goku (mid)
Gotenks vs super buu
#16 vs first form Cell
Super vegeta vs 2nd form cell
SSJ Gohan vs Z Broly
Cell vs SSJ2 Gohan
Goku (early) vs saiyan saga vegeta
Babadi vs piccolo
Sword trunks vs mecha Freiza
SSJ Goku vs Perfect form cell
SSJ3 Goku vs Kid Buu
SSG Goku vs Beerus
Piccolo vs frost
#17 (super) vs Kakunsa
Goku (super) vs Rozie
#18 vs Ribrianne
SSJ Goku vs Metal cooler
SSJ Vegeta vs metal cooler
SSJ2 Gohan vs Bojack
SSJ Goku vs cooler
Kid Gohan vs 2nd form Freiza
SSJ Goku vs final form freiza
SSJ Goku vs Android 19
SSJ Vegeta vs android 19
Piccolo vs Dr. Gero
Cell Jr. vs Tien
First form cell vs Piccolo
Melee trunks vs first form cell
Nail vs first form Frieza
Turles vs Goku (early)
SSJ Vegeta (super) vs Beerus
Vegito blue vs Fused Zamasu
SSJ Trunks vs Fused Zamasu
Goten vs trunks (kid)
Yajarobie vs Great ape Vegeta
SSJ3 Goku vs fat Janemba
SSJ2 Goku vs Majin Vegeta
Goku (early) vs Dr. Wheelo
Trunks (kid) vs Tapion
SSJ3 Goku vs Hirudegarn
Goku (early) vs Nappa
Piccolo vs Nappa
Vegito vs Gogeta
Krillin vs Guldo
Kid Gohan vs Guldo
Goku (mid) vs Ginyu (no ssj allowed)
Vegeta (super) vs Cabba
#17 vs Anilaza
UI Goku vs Jiren
Ui sign Goku vs Kefla
Roshi vs Freiza soldier
Roshi vs Jiren
SSJ2 Goku vs SSJ2 Caulifla
Goku (early) vs lord slug
Piccolo vs Lord Slug
Krillin vs Nappa
Chiaotzu vs Krillin
Chiaotzu vs Nappa
Tien vs Nappa
Ult. Gohan vs Buutenks
Goku (early) vs Piccolo
Goku (early) vs Tien
SSJ4 Goku vs Super Baby 2
Majuub vs Super Baby 2
Yamcha vs Saibamen
Goku (mid) vs Jeice OR Burter (your choice)
Goku (mid) vs Mecha Freiza
Blue Vegeta vs G.O.D. Toppo
G.O.D. Toppo vs Freiza (super)
Toppo vs SSB Goku
G.O.D. Toppo vs #17 (super)
SSJ3 Goku vs fat Buu
SSB Goku vs Jiren
Cabba vs. SSJ4 Gogeta
SSJ4 Goku vs Syn Shenron
SSJ4 Gogeta vs Omega Shenron
GT Goku vs Omega Shenron
SSJ4 Goku vs SSJ4 Vegeta
Zamasu vs ssj Goku (super)
SSB Vegeta vs Rosé Goku Black
SSB Vegeta vs Golden Freiza
SSB Goku vs Golden Freiza
Hit vs Guldo
Kid Buu vs fat buu
Trunks (kid) vs Hercule
SSB Goku vs Fused Zamasu
Chiaotzu vs Guldo
Gotenks vs Kefla
Videl vs Spopovich
SSJ Trunks vs King Cold
Dodoria vs Vegeta
Zarbon vs vegeta
Dodoria vs Kid Gohan
Super Trunks vs Cell (perfect form)
Kid Goku vs Kid Gohan
Kid Goku vs Goten
Daima Goku vs GT Goku
SSJ2 Gohan vs Fat buu
Ult Gohan vs Dyspo
Great Saiyaman vs Final form Freiza
Great Saiyaman vs Toppo
Future Gohan vs #17 OR #18 (your choice)
Trunks vs #17 OR #18 (your choice)
Evil Buu vs Fat Buu
SSJ2 Vegeta vs Kid buu
Goku (super) vs Bergamo
Kid Gohan vs Garlic Jr.
SSJ Goku vs Super android 13
Android 13 SSJ Vegeta OR SSJ Trunks (your choice)
3rd Form Freiza vs Piccolo
Whis vs Beerus
Whis vs Broly (super)
Golden Freiza vs Broly (super)
Kale vs Jiren
Kefla vs ult. Gohan
Kid Goku vs Krillin
Kid Goku vs Roshi
Base Goku black vs Base Goku
Kid Gohan vs Saiyn saga Vegeta
Baby vegeta vs Goku black
Super buu vs Janemba
Z Gogeta vs Buuhan
Super Vegito vs Super Janemba
SSJ Goku vs android 16
Tien vs Buutenks
Tien vs 2nd form cell
SSJ4 Gogeta vs SSB Gogeta
Burter vs Dyspo
Goku (mid) vs Recoome
Raditz vs Saibamen
Super android 13 vs Perfect Cell
Ginyu vs Goku black
Dodoria vs fat buu
Yajarobie vs Hercule
Dbs Broly vs SSG Goku OR SSG Vegeta (your choice)
Turles vs Saiyan saga vegeta
Lord slug vs final form Freiza
Great ape vegeta vs Goku (early)
Krillin vs Cell (perfect form)
Dr Gero vs Yamcha
Vegeta (early) vs final form Freiza
Goku vs Uub
Great ape Super Baby 2 vs Great ape vegeta
Vegeta (early) vs Cui
Kale vs Caulifla
Bardock vs Pan
Pan vs kid Gohan
Full power Freiza vs frost
Giant Lord slug vs great ape vegeta
SSJ Trunks vs SSJ Vegeta
Future ssj trunks vs ssj3 Goku
Tien vs piccolo
Ult. Gohan vs Goku (super)
Gotenks vs Z Gogeta
Z Broly vs dbs Broly
Sparking Zero : Iconic 1v1s
The “Sparking Zero: Iconic 1v1s” spin wheel is perfect for any Dragon Ball fan looking to settle epic battles! With matchups like Goku vs Hit, Vegeta vs Recoome, and Vegito vs Zamasu, you can spin and find out which legendary fighter faces off in an intense one-on-one. Want to imagine who would win in a fight between SSJ3 Goku and Kid Buu? Or how about Gogeta vs Broly? Each spin reveals a thrilling battle, making it ideal for Dragon Ball discussions or creating fun fan scenarios. Try using it to inspire your next cosplay or fanfic!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
Sparking Zero : Iconic 1v1s
The “Sparking Zero: Iconic 1v1s” spin wheel is perfect for any Dragon Ball fan looking to settle epic battles! With matchups like Goku vs Hit, Vegeta vs Recoome, and Vegito vs Zamasu, you can spin and find out which legendary fighter faces off in an intense one-on-one. Want to imagine who would win in a fight between SSJ3 Goku and Kid Buu? Or how about Gogeta vs Broly? Each spin reveals a thrilling battle, making it ideal for Dragon Ball discussions or creating fun fan scenarios. Try using it to inspire your next cosplay or fanfic!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Sparking Zero : Iconic 1v1s","Description":"The “Sparking Zero: Iconic 1v1s” spin wheel is perfect for any Dragon Ball fan looking to settle epic battles! With matchups like Goku vs Hit, Vegeta vs Recoome, and Vegito vs Zamasu, you can spin and find out which legendary fighter faces off in an intense one-on-one. Want to imagine who would win in a fight between SSJ3 Goku and Kid Buu? Or how about Gogeta vs Broly? Each spin reveals a thrilling battle, making it ideal for Dragon Ball discussions or creating fun fan scenarios. Try using it to inspire your next cosplay or fanfic!","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["SSB Goku vs Hit","Gotenk vs fat buu ","Gogeta vs Broly","Bardock vs 1st form freiza","Raditz vs Goku (early)","Vegeta vs recoome ","Dabura vs Gohan","Ult Gohan vs Super Buu","Vegito vs buuhan","Vegeta vs #18","Piccolo vs #17","Berserker Kale vs SSB Goku","Dyspo vs Freiza ","Gogeta vs Janemba ","Z Broly vs Goku (mid)","Gotenks vs super buu","#16 vs first form Cell ","Super vegeta vs 2nd form cell ","SSJ Gohan vs Z Broly","Cell vs SSJ2 Gohan ","Goku (early) vs saiyan saga vegeta ","Babadi vs piccolo","Sword trunks vs mecha Freiza ","SSJ Goku vs Perfect form cell ","SSJ3 Goku vs Kid Buu ","SSG Goku vs Beerus ","Piccolo vs frost ","#17 (super) vs Kakunsa ","Goku (super) vs Rozie ","#18 vs Ribrianne","SSJ Goku vs Metal cooler ","SSJ Vegeta vs metal cooler ","SSJ2 Gohan vs Bojack","SSJ Goku vs cooler ","Kid Gohan vs 2nd form Freiza ","SSJ Goku vs final form freiza ","SSJ Goku vs Android 19 ","SSJ Vegeta vs android 19 ","Piccolo vs Dr. Gero","Cell Jr. vs Tien ","First form cell vs Piccolo ","Melee trunks vs first form cell ","Nail vs first form Frieza ","Turles vs Goku (early) ","SSJ Vegeta (super) vs Beerus ","Vegito blue vs Fused Zamasu ","SSJ Trunks vs Fused Zamasu ","Goten vs trunks (kid) ","Yajarobie vs Great ape Vegeta ","SSJ3 Goku vs fat Janemba ","SSJ2 Goku vs Majin Vegeta ","Goku (early) vs Dr. Wheelo ","Trunks (kid) vs Tapion ","SSJ3 Goku vs Hirudegarn ","Goku (early) vs Nappa ","Piccolo vs Nappa ","Vegito vs Gogeta ","Krillin vs Guldo ","Kid Gohan vs Guldo","Goku (mid) vs Ginyu (no ssj allowed)","Vegeta (super) vs Cabba ","#17 vs Anilaza ","UI Goku vs Jiren ","Ui sign Goku vs Kefla ","Roshi vs Freiza soldier ","Roshi vs Jiren ","SSJ2 Goku vs SSJ2 Caulifla ","Goku (early) vs lord slug ","Piccolo vs Lord Slug ","Krillin vs Nappa ","Chiaotzu vs Krillin ","Chiaotzu vs Nappa ","Tien vs Nappa","Ult. Gohan vs Buutenks ","Goku (early) vs Piccolo ","Goku (early) vs Tien ","SSJ4 Goku vs Super Baby 2 ","Majuub vs Super Baby 2 ","Yamcha vs Saibamen ","Goku (mid) vs Jeice OR Burter (your choice) ","Goku (mid) vs Mecha Freiza ","Blue Vegeta vs G.O.D. Toppo ","G.O.D. Toppo vs Freiza (super) ","Toppo vs SSB Goku ","G.O.D. Toppo vs #17 (super) ","SSJ3 Goku vs fat Buu ","SSB Goku vs Jiren ","Cabba vs. SSJ4 Gogeta ","SSJ4 Goku vs Syn Shenron ","SSJ4 Gogeta vs Omega Shenron ","GT Goku vs Omega Shenron ","SSJ4 Goku vs SSJ4 Vegeta ","Zamasu vs ssj Goku (super) ","SSB Vegeta vs Rosé Goku Black","SSB Vegeta vs Golden Freiza ","SSB Goku vs Golden Freiza ","Hit vs Guldo ","Kid Buu vs fat buu ","Trunks (kid) vs Hercule ","SSB Goku vs Fused Zamasu ","Chiaotzu vs Guldo ","Gotenks vs Kefla ","Videl vs Spopovich ","SSJ Trunks vs King Cold","Dodoria vs Vegeta ","Zarbon vs vegeta ","Dodoria vs Kid Gohan ","Super Trunks vs Cell (perfect form)","Kid Goku vs Kid Gohan ","Kid Goku vs Goten ","Daima Goku vs GT Goku","SSJ2 Gohan vs Fat buu ","Ult Gohan vs Dyspo ","Great Saiyaman vs Final form Freiza ","Great Saiyaman vs Toppo ","Future Gohan vs #17 OR #18 (your choice)","Trunks vs #17 OR #18 (your choice)","Evil Buu vs Fat Buu","SSJ2 Vegeta vs Kid buu ","Goku (super) vs Bergamo ","Kid Gohan vs Garlic Jr. ","SSJ Goku vs Super android 13 ","Android 13 SSJ Vegeta OR SSJ Trunks (your choice)","3rd Form Freiza vs Piccolo ","Whis vs Beerus ","Whis vs Broly (super) ","Golden Freiza vs Broly (super)","Kale vs Jiren ","Kefla vs ult. Gohan ","Kid Goku vs Krillin ","Kid Goku vs Roshi ","Base Goku black vs Base Goku ","Kid Gohan vs Saiyn saga Vegeta ","Baby vegeta vs Goku black ","Super buu vs Janemba ","Z Gogeta vs Buuhan","Super Vegito vs Super Janemba ","SSJ Goku vs android 16","Tien vs Buutenks ","Tien vs 2nd form cell ","SSJ4 Gogeta vs SSB Gogeta ","Burter vs Dyspo ","Goku (mid) vs Recoome ","Raditz vs Saibamen ","Super android 13 vs Perfect Cell ","Ginyu vs Goku black ","Dodoria vs fat buu ","Yajarobie vs Hercule ","Dbs Broly vs SSG Goku OR SSG Vegeta (your choice) ","Turles vs Saiyan saga vegeta ","Lord slug vs final form Freiza ","Great ape vegeta vs Goku (early) ","Krillin vs Cell (perfect form) ","Dr Gero vs Yamcha ","Vegeta (early) vs final form Freiza","Goku vs Uub ","Great ape Super Baby 2 vs Great ape vegeta ","Vegeta (early) vs Cui ","Kale vs Caulifla ","Bardock vs Pan ","Pan vs kid Gohan ","Full power Freiza vs frost ","Giant Lord slug vs great ape vegeta ","SSJ Trunks vs SSJ Vegeta ","Future ssj trunks vs ssj3 Goku ","Tien vs piccolo ","Ult. Gohan vs Goku (super) ","Gotenks vs Z Gogeta ","Z Broly vs dbs Broly "],"Style":{"_id":"6295c1c885daff1f701af3af","Type":0,"Colors":["#00296b","#fbfbfb","#003f88","#00509d","#fdc500","#0a0a0a","#ffd500"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,5],[6,5]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-11-21T12:35:36.433Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"sparking-zero-iconic-1v1s"}