Pre vizla
Tech(bad batch)
Commander wolffe
Jango fett
Jabba the hutt
Plo koon
Poggle the lesser
Hunter(bad batch)
Ki adi mundi
Wrecker(bad batch)
Crosshair(bad batch)
R2 D2
Boba fett
Count dooku
R4 (obi ones droid in revenge of the sith)
Asajj ventress
Qui gon ginn
Lux bontari
Pong krell
darth>:)Jar jar
Savage opress
Captain rex
General luminara
Darth maul
Bo katan
Echo(bad batch version)
Luke (baby)
Palawan barriss
Cad bane
Mace windu
Padme amidala
Leia (baby)
Prince Lee char
Commander fox
Ziro the hutt
Duchess satine
Obi one kenobi
Mother terisa
Commander cody
Newt gunray
General grievous
Clone 99
Asoka tano
Star Wars the clone wars character wheel (includes clone wars series)
Explore a wide range of iconic characters from the Clone Wars series and beyond as you spin the wheel to reveal favorites like Pre Vizsla, Tech from the Bad Batch, Commander Wolffe, Jango Fett, and more. Whether you're drawn to the heroic leadership of Captain Rex or the enigmatic power of Darth Sidious, this wheel offers a chance to connect with beloved characters from the Star Wars universe.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
Star Wars the clone wars character wheel (includes clone wars series)
Explore a wide range of iconic characters from the Clone Wars series and beyond as you spin the wheel to reveal favorites like Pre Vizsla, Tech from the Bad Batch, Commander Wolffe, Jango Fett, and more. Whether you're drawn to the heroic leadership of Captain Rex or the enigmatic power of Darth Sidious, this wheel offers a chance to connect with beloved characters from the Star Wars universe.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Star Wars the clone wars character wheel (includes clone wars series)","Description":"Explore a wide range of iconic characters from the Clone Wars series and beyond as you spin the wheel to reveal favorites like Pre Vizsla, Tech from the Bad Batch, Commander Wolffe, Jango Fett, and more. Whether you're drawn to the heroic leadership of Captain Rex or the enigmatic power of Darth Sidious, this wheel offers a chance to connect with beloved characters from the Star Wars universe.","FontSize":7.3,"LabelsList":["Pre vizla","Tech(bad batch)","Commander wolffe","Jango fett","Jabba the hutt","Plo koon","DARTH SIDIOUS","Poggle the lesser","Hunter(bad batch)","Ki adi mundi","CT-5555(Fives)","Wrecker(bad batch)","Crosshair(bad batch)","CT-5597(Jesse)","R2 D2","Boil","Boba fett","Count dooku","R4 (obi ones droid in revenge of the sith)","Asajj ventress","CT-782(Hevy)","Qui gon ginn","Lux bontari","Pong krell","C3PO","darth>:)Jar jar","Savage opress","Captain rex","General luminara","Darth maul","Bo katan","Echo(bad batch version)","Luke (baby)","Palawan barriss","Cad bane","Yoda","Mace windu","Padme amidala","Leia (baby)","Prince Lee char","Commander fox","Ziro the hutt","Waxer","Duchess satine","Obi one kenobi","Mother terisa","CT-1409(Echo)","Chewbacca","Anakin","Commander cody","Newt gunray","General grievous","Clone 99","Asoka tano"],"Style":{"_id":"64e2625cc144241463bf291f","Type":0,"Colors":["#18c4c6","#fbfbfb","#4caf50","#c95ddb","#f44336","#710d06","#2196f3","#004b55"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[3,1],[3,1],[5,1],[2,1],[3,1],[6,1],[0,1],[5,1],[0,1],[5,1],[2,1],[4,1],[0,1],[0,1],[5,1],[2,1],[7,1],[4,1],[2,1],[4,1],[0,1],[3,1],[6,1],[6,1],[5,1],[5,1],[6,1],[4,1],[2,1],[4,1],[5,1],[7,1],[4,1],[6,1],[5,1],[6,1],[2,1],[5,1],[2,1],[3,1],[3,1],[7,1],[2,1],[7,1],[2,1],[7,1],[4,1],[0,1],[4,1],[4,1]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":0,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-08-21T08:40:03.970Z","CategoryId":5,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"star-wars-the-clone-wars-character-wheel"}