Scale C major Scale A minor Arpeggio C major Arpeggio A minor Position 1 run - middle C - B flat C position legato C position staccato A position detached A position staccato Body scan Name and play Position 1 notes Position 1 run - middle D - F sharp Seesaw - middle C pisition - Bflat Seesaw - middle D position - Fsharp

Take your positions….

"Take your positions…" and spin the wheel to explore various musical exercises like scales, arpeggios, and position runs in both C major and A minor. Plus, try out techniques like legato, staccato, and body scan to refine your skills. Don't forget to name and play the notes in Position 1!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Take your positions….

"Take your positions…" and spin the wheel to explore various musical exercises like scales, arpeggios, and position runs in both C major and A minor. Plus, try out techniques like legato, staccato, and body scan to refine your skills. Don't forget to name and play the notes in Position 1!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Take your positions…. ","Description":"\"Take your positions…\" and spin the wheel to explore various musical exercises like scales, arpeggios, and position runs in both C major and A minor. Plus, try out techniques like legato, staccato, and body scan to refine your skills. Don't forget to name and play the notes in Position 1! ","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Scale C major ","Scale A minor ","Arpeggio C major","Arpeggio A minor ","Position 1 run - middle C - B flat ","C position legato ","C position staccato ","A position detached ","A position staccato ","Body scan ","Name and play Position 1 notes ","Position 1 run - middle D - F sharp","Seesaw - middle C pisition - Bflat","Seesaw - middle D position - Fsharp"],"Style":{"_id":"62988c2936390e389f135fd7","Type":0,"Colors":["#320fff","#ffffff","#006eff","#00b3ff","#fcfcfc"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,4]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-05-03T09:50:59.372Z","CategoryId":8,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"take-your-positions"}