Stage 1: The Lobby Stage 2: Lurking Danger / Habitable Zone Stage 3: Pipe Dreams Stage 4: The Electrical Station Stage 5: Abandoned Office Stage 6: Terror Hotel Stage 7: Lights Out Stage 8: Thalasophobia Stage 9: Cave System Stage 10: The Darkned Suburbs Stage 11: Field Of Wheat Stage 12: The Endless City Stage 13: T H E M A T R I X Stage 14: The Infinite Apartments Stage 15: "THEPARADISE" Stage 16: Futuristic Halls Stage 17: Altered Topography Stage 18: The Carrier Stage 19: Memories Stage 20: Crawlspace Stage 21: Warehouse Stage 22: Numbered Doors Stage 23: Abandoned Parking Lot Stage 24: The Petrified Garden Stage 25: The Moon Stage 26: Arcade! Stage 27: Otherworldly Stage 28: The Bunker Springs Stage 29: Stormstone Keep Stage 30: Artistic View Stage 31: Shifted Beyond Reality Stage 32: Roller Rink Stage 33: Entertainland Stage 34: The Infinite Mall Stage 35: Sewer System Stage 36: An Empty Car Park Stage 37: Airport Stage 38: Welcome To The Jungle Stage 39: Fold Point Stage 40: Enchanted Forest Stage 41: Roller Rockin' Pizza! Stage 42: Draining Darkness Stage 43: Everlasting Wait Stage 44: Water World Stage 45: Alternis Stage 46: Abssy Inc. Stage 47: Arabian Desert Stage 48: The Adderwood Stage 49: The Pharaoh's Pryamid Stage 50: Trenches Of Grime Stage 51: The Moribund Highway Stage 52: The Caverns Of Olympus Stage 53: School Halls Stage 54: A l o n e Stage 55: Stairwell Spirals Stage 56: Land Of Ice Stage 57: The Sinister Factory Stage 58: Art Gallery Stage 59: Mud Slide Stage 60: The Backway Stage 61: A Clean State Stage 62: The Train Stage 63: Jungle Backyard Stage 64: Tranquility Stage 65: Lurking Darkness Stage 66: Randomized Elevators Stage 67: Swampy Waters Stage 68: Aptonoieio Desire Stage 69: The Eater Stage 70: The Road Trip Of Affliction Stage 71: Deposit Stage 72: Void Basement Stage 73: Over The Ground Stage 74: The Redlands Stage 75: Stage Fright Stage 76: Gallium Caves Stage 77: The Boundless Sewers Stage 78: The Underground Train Stage 79: Space Station Stage 80: Watch Tower Stage 81: Route 66 Stage 82: Zoological Office Stage 83: Saneless Mansion Stage 84: The Sunken Submarine Stage 85: Pre-Metamorphosis Stage 86: Ship In The Sea Stage 87: Rivergate Tower Stage 88: Hallways Of Time Stage 89: Corri-Doors Stage 90: A Taste Of Home Stage 91: Newly Renovated House Stage 92: Noir Stage 93: Crimson Glow Stage 94: The Summit Stage 95: Motion Stage 96: Custodian Hall Stage 97: Akabash Island Stage 98: Lighthouse Stage 99: Downtown Diner Stage 100: Distant Light Stage 101: Silent Sounds Stage 102: Mountainside Villa Stage 103: ¿Mall Or No Mall? Stage 104: Vertical Lighting Stage 105: Fullerest House Stage 106: Gothic Cathedral Stage 107: The Progressive Decay Stage 108: Splintered Reality Stage 109: Spire Complex Stage 110: The Neon Hospital Stage 111: Post Singularity Stage 112: The Model Floor Stage 113: Mouths Stage 114: Deum De Machinis Stage 115: Vertigo Stage 116: Frozen Dream Stage 117: Ice Rink Stage 118: Math Class Stage 119: Camp Stage 120: Average Waterpark..? Stage 121: Broken Servos Stage 122: The Fading Islands Stage 123: Janitor's Lit Up Mall Stage 124: The Almond Water Factory Stage 125: Purple Rooms Stage 126: Legacy Lane Stage 127: Last Dance Stage 128: A Very Warm Basement Stage 129: The Great Outdoors Stage 130: The White Forest

Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker

Discover endless possibilities with Spin the Wheel - Random Picker Wheel Maker! Unleash your creativity and design custom spin wheels for any occasion. Whether it's for games, giveaways, or decision-making fun, our user-friendly platform lets you create interactive experiences that engage and entertain. Spin the wheel and make your ideas come to life in a dynamic and exciting way!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker

Discover endless possibilities with Spin the Wheel - Random Picker Wheel Maker! Unleash your creativity and design custom spin wheels for any occasion. Whether it's for games, giveaways, or decision-making fun, our user-friendly platform lets you create interactive experiences that engage and entertain. Spin the wheel and make your ideas come to life in a dynamic and exciting way!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"The Backrooms Wheel","Description":"","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Stage 1: The Lobby","Stage 2: Lurking Danger / Habitable Zone","Stage 3: Pipe Dreams","Stage 4: The Electrical Station","Stage 5: Abandoned Office","Stage 6: Terror Hotel","Stage 7: Lights Out","Stage 8: Thalasophobia","Stage 9: Cave System","Stage 10: The Darkned Suburbs","Stage 11: Field Of Wheat ","Stage 12: The Endless City","Stage 13: T H E M A T R I X","Stage 14: The Infinite Apartments","Stage 15: \"THEPARADISE\"","Stage 16: Futuristic Halls","Stage 17: Altered Topography","Stage 18: The Carrier","Stage 19: Memories","Stage 20: Crawlspace","Stage 21: Warehouse","Stage 22: Numbered Doors","Stage 23: Abandoned Parking Lot","Stage 24: The Petrified Garden","Stage 25: The Moon","Stage 26: Arcade!","Stage 27: Otherworldly","Stage 28: The Bunker Springs","Stage 29: Stormstone Keep","Stage 30: Artistic View","Stage 31: Shifted Beyond Reality","Stage 32: Roller Rink","Stage 33: Entertainland","Stage 34: The Infinite Mall","Stage 35: Sewer System","Stage 36: An Empty Car Park","Stage 37: Airport","Stage 38: Welcome To The Jungle","Stage 39: Fold Point","Stage 40: Enchanted Forest","Stage 41: Roller Rockin' Pizza!","Stage 42: Draining Darkness","Stage 43: Everlasting Wait","Stage 44: Water World","Stage 45: Alternis","Stage 46: Abssy Inc.","Stage 47: Arabian Desert","Stage 48: The Adderwood","Stage 49: The Pharaoh's Pryamid","Stage 50: Trenches Of Grime","Stage 51: The Moribund Highway","Stage 52: The Caverns Of Olympus","Stage 53: School Halls","Stage 54: A l o n e","Stage 55: Stairwell Spirals","Stage 56: Land Of Ice","Stage 57: The Sinister Factory","Stage 58: Art Gallery","Stage 59: Mud Slide","Stage 60: The Backway","Stage 61: A Clean State","Stage 62: The Train","Stage 63: Jungle Backyard","Stage 64: Tranquility","Stage 65: Lurking Darkness","Stage 66: Randomized Elevators","Stage 67: Swampy Waters","Stage 68: Aptonoieio Desire","Stage 69: The Eater","Stage 70: The Road Trip Of Affliction","Stage 71: Deposit","Stage 72: Void Basement","Stage 73: Over The Ground","Stage 74: The Redlands","Stage 75: Stage Fright","Stage 76: Gallium Caves","Stage 77: The Boundless Sewers","Stage 78: The Underground Train","Stage 79: Space Station","Stage 80: Watch Tower","Stage 81: Route 66","Stage 82: Zoological Office","Stage 83: Saneless Mansion","Stage 84: The Sunken Submarine","Stage 85: Pre-Metamorphosis","Stage 86: Ship In The Sea","Stage 87: Rivergate Tower","Stage 88: Hallways Of Time","Stage 89: Corri-Doors","Stage 90: A Taste Of Home","Stage 91: Newly Renovated House","Stage 92: Noir","Stage 93: Crimson Glow","Stage 94: The Summit","Stage 95: Motion","Stage 96: Custodian Hall","Stage 97: Akabash Island","Stage 98: Lighthouse","Stage 99: Downtown Diner","Stage 100: Distant Light","Stage 101: Silent Sounds","Stage 102: Mountainside Villa","Stage 103: ¿Mall Or No Mall?","Stage 104: Vertical Lighting","Stage 105: Fullerest House","Stage 106: Gothic Cathedral","Stage 107: The Progressive Decay","Stage 108: Splintered Reality","Stage 109: Spire Complex","Stage 110: The Neon Hospital ","Stage 111: Post Singularity","Stage 112: The Model Floor","Stage 113: Mouths","Stage 114: Deum De Machinis","Stage 115: Vertigo","Stage 116: Frozen Dream","Stage 117: Ice Rink","Stage 118: Math Class","Stage 119: Camp","Stage 120: Average Waterpark..?","Stage 121: Broken Servos","Stage 122: The Fading Islands","Stage 123: Janitor's Lit Up Mall","Stage 124: The Almond Water Factory","Stage 125: Purple Rooms","Stage 126: Legacy Lane","Stage 127: Last Dance","Stage 128: A Very Warm Basement","Stage 129: The Great Outdoors","Stage 130: The White 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