Fennec Fox Red fox Marble Fox Silver fox Gray Fox Kit Fox Bat-Eared Fox Island Fox Swift Fox Crab - Eating Fox Tibetan Sand Fox Arctic Fox Cape Fox Carsac Fox Darwin's Fox Bengal Fox BlanFord's Fox Pampas Fox Pale Fox Culpeo Fox Hoary Fox Securing Fox Simien Fox Ruppell's Fox Corsac Fox Island Gray Fox Azara's Fox Chilla Fox Maned Wolf Fox Short-Eared Dog Fox Indian Fox Maikong Fox Vulpes Fox (Extinct) Dusieyon Fox (Extinct) Cerdosyon Fox (Extinct) Urocyon Fox (Extinct) Leptocyon Fox (Extinct)

The Fox Army

Welcome to the Fox Army wheel, where the diverse world of foxes awaits your spin! With an incredible array of 31 fox species, each unique and fascinating, this wheel invites you to explore the rich diversity of the vulpine kingdom.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

The Fox Army

Welcome to the Fox Army wheel, where the diverse world of foxes awaits your spin! With an incredible array of 31 fox species, each unique and fascinating, this wheel invites you to explore the rich diversity of the vulpine kingdom.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"The Fox Army ","Description":"Welcome to the Fox Army wheel, where the diverse world of foxes awaits your spin! With an incredible array of 31 fox species, each unique and fascinating, this wheel invites you to explore the rich diversity of the vulpine kingdom.","FontSize":7.5,"LabelsList":["Fennec Fox","Red fox","Marble Fox","Silver fox","Gray Fox","Kit Fox","Bat-Eared Fox","Island Fox","Swift Fox","Crab - Eating Fox","Tibetan Sand Fox","Arctic Fox","Cape Fox","Carsac Fox","Darwin's Fox","Bengal Fox","BlanFord's Fox","Pampas Fox","Pale Fox","Culpeo Fox","Hoary Fox","Securing Fox","Simien Fox","Ruppell's Fox","Corsac Fox","Island Gray Fox ","Azara's Fox","Chilla Fox","Maned Wolf Fox","Short-Eared Dog Fox","Indian Fox","Maikong Fox","Vulpes Fox (Extinct)","Dusieyon Fox (Extinct)","Cerdosyon Fox (Extinct)","Urocyon Fox (Extinct)","Leptocyon Fox (Extinct)"],"Style":{"_id":"62973a5785daff1f706c3421","Type":0,"Colors":["#ef745c","#0a0a0a","#d06257","#fbfbfb","#b15052","#923e4d","#722b47","#531942","#34073d"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,3],[5,3],[6,3],[7,3],[8,3]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/the-fox-army.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-11-20T09:29:43.191Z","CategoryId":14,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"the-fox-army"}