They don’t know how to cook
They have a horrible laugh
They’re allergic to literally EVERYTHING
They’re a YouTuber that makes 24 hour videos
They hit on your friends
They have the personality of a dictionary
They’re broke
They have ethical objections for everything
They use humor as a defense mechanism
They’re racist
They have the “dont stop for fatties” bumper sticker
They’re an anti-Vaxer
they wait until marriage to kiss you
They listen to true crime podcasts
They initiate conversations with strangers everywhere you go
They say curse words in every sentence
They are the loudest chewer ever
Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday
Their favorite celebrity is Andrew Tate…
They bring their parents on your dates
They have a criminal record
They HATE dogs and cats
They say “I love you” on the first date
They’re from a foreign country
They smoke. Everyday.
They’re a furry…
They have like 4 dogs
They’re so competitive they turn sleeping into a contest
They CANT take a good picture
They’re vegan
They hate pizza
They never passed 8th grade
They have BAD acne
They think not bathing at all brings out a “clean natural scent”…
They text you every 5 minutes
They like Dungeons and Dragons
They have tattoos everywhere
They have “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” mugs
They make you cook for them every night
They hum while they pee
They’re VERY talkative
They don’t wash dishes. Ever.
They don’t care about fast fashion
They say “I’m Hungies” when they’re hungry
They say “stop being dramatic” after everything you say
Their personality is whoever they’re dating
They’re EXTREMELY critical
They hang out with your friends without you
They make “a day in my life” tiktok videos
They collect stuffed animals
They have a unibrow
They prefer soggy cereal
They call their mom “mommy”
They don’t think climate change is real
They’re a pyromaniac
They’re taller than you
They’re stronger than you
They have a superiority complex
They think essential oils cure disease
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Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker
Discover endless possibilities with Spin the Wheel - Random Picker Wheel Maker! Unleash your creativity and design custom spin wheels for any occasion. Whether it's for games, giveaways, or decision-making fun, our user-friendly platform lets you create interactive experiences that engage and entertain. Spin the wheel and make your ideas come to life in a dynamic and exciting way!
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{"Title":"They’re a ten but…","Description":"","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["They don’t know how to cook","They have a horrible laugh","They’re allergic to literally EVERYTHING ","They’re a YouTuber that makes 24 hour videos ","They hit on your friends ","They have the personality of a dictionary ","They’re broke","They have ethical objections for everything ","They use humor as a defense mechanism ","They’re racist","They have the “dont stop for fatties” bumper sticker","They’re an anti-Vaxer","they wait until marriage to kiss you","They listen to true crime podcasts","They initiate conversations with strangers everywhere you go","They say curse words in every sentence ","They are the loudest chewer ever","Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday","Their favorite celebrity is Andrew Tate…","They bring their parents on your dates","They have a criminal record","They HATE dogs and cats","They say “I love you” on the first date","They’re from a foreign country","They smoke. Everyday.","They’re a furry…","They have like 4 dogs","They’re so competitive they turn sleeping into a contest","They CANT take a good picture","They’re vegan","They hate pizza","They never passed 8th grade","They have BAD acne","They think not bathing at all brings out a “clean natural scent”…","They text you every 5 minutes","They like Dungeons and Dragons ","They have tattoos everywhere ","They have “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” mugs","They make you cook for them every night","They hum while they pee","They’re VERY talkative","They don’t wash dishes. Ever.","They don’t care about fast fashion","They say “I’m Hungies” when they’re hungry","They say “stop being dramatic” after everything you say","Their personality is whoever they’re dating","They’re EXTREMELY critical","They hang out with your friends without you","They make “a day in my life” tiktok videos","They collect stuffed animals","They have a unibrow","They prefer soggy cereal ","They call their mom “mommy”","They don’t think climate change is real","They’re a pyromaniac ","They’re taller than you","They’re stronger than you","They have a superiority complex ","They think essential oils cure disease "],"Style":{"_id":"63e158dc7cd4df03fd78d7f1","Type":0,"Colors":["#34e8ff","#004b55","#a385d8","#291749","#99d39b","#1e4620","#ffde7d","#694f00","#f48aae","#600927","#e8efa3","#575e11","#97cef9","#063d69","#ffbaa4","#741c00"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9],[4,5],[10,11],[2,3],[12,13],[0,1],[0,1],[14,15],[10,11],[6,7],[2,3],[8,9],[10,11],[8,9],[4,5],[8,9],[4,5],[0,1],[14,15],[12,13],[0,1],[8,9],[6,7],[6,7],[4,5],[10,11],[8,9],[14,15],[10,11],[12,13],[12,13],[8,9],[12,13],[8,9],[8,9],[8,9],[8,9],[4,5],[14,15],[14,15],[2,3],[8,9],[8,9],[12,13],[8,9],[2,3],[6,7],[0,1],[2,3],[6,7],[10,11]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-02-07T06:21:39.630Z","CategoryId":7,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"theyre-a-ten-but"}