Truth or Dare Play Roblox Tag Hide n Seek Watch a Movie Red light, Green Light Tug-O-War Singing Competition 3 Marker Challenge Drawing Competition Dancing Competition Facemaker Prank Phone Call Bake Cookies Spin The Bottle Obsticle Course Go to The Pool Give Each other a Makeover Play Swap Lives Play Ghost in the Graveyard Play Intruder Cops & Robbers! Play Dalgona Play Gganbu Park Bench Play Freeze Party Quirks Night At The Museum Play Barbie Doll Play Dollies Play Squid Game Draw With Chalk Play Family Play School Play Hopscotch Play Town Play Kidnappers Film a Movie

Things to do at a sleepover

The “Things to Do at a Sleepover” spin wheel is your ultimate guide to an unforgettable night with friends! With slices like Truth or Dare, Watch a Movie, and Bake Cookies, there’s never a dull moment. Spin the wheel to randomly choose activities, ensuring everyone gets a turn to suggest their favorites.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Things to do at a sleepover

The “Things to Do at a Sleepover” spin wheel is your ultimate guide to an unforgettable night with friends! With slices like Truth or Dare, Watch a Movie, and Bake Cookies, there’s never a dull moment. Spin the wheel to randomly choose activities, ensuring everyone gets a turn to suggest their favorites.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Things to do at a sleepover","Description":"The “Things to Do at a Sleepover” spin wheel is your ultimate guide to an unforgettable night with friends! With slices like Truth or Dare, Watch a Movie, and Bake Cookies, there’s never a dull moment. Spin the wheel to randomly choose activities, ensuring everyone gets a turn to suggest their favorites. ","FontSize":9.5,"LabelsList":["Truth or Dare","Play Roblox","Tag","Hide n Seek","Watch a Movie ","Red light, Green Light","Tug-O-War","Singing Competition ","3 Marker Challenge","Drawing Competition ","Dancing Competition ","Facemaker","Prank Phone Call","Bake Cookies","Spin The Bottle","Obsticle Course","Go to The Pool","Give Each other a Makeover","Play Swap Lives","Play Ghost in the Graveyard","Play Intruder","Cops & Robbers!","Play Dalgona","Play Gganbu","Park Bench","Play Freeze","Party Quirks","Night At The Museum","Play Barbie Doll","Play Dollies","Play Squid Game","Draw With Chalk","Play Family","Play School","Play Hopscotch","Play Town","Play Kidnappers","Film a Movie"],"Style":{"_id":"637fa37a7b238304029cb336","Type":0,"Colors":["#0000ff","#ffffff","#0033ff","#0066ff","#0099ff","#00ccff","#000000","#00ffff","#00ffcc","#00ff99","#00ff66","#00ff00","#66ff00","#99ff00","#ffff00","#ffcc00","#ff9900","#ff6600","#ff3300","#ff0000","#cc0000","#990000","#660000","#330000","#4e286b","#e91e63","#e5e5e5"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[5,6],[7,6],[8,6],[9,6],[10,6],[11,6],[12,6],[13,6],[14,6],[15,6],[16,6],[17,6],[18,6],[19,6],[20,1],[21,1],[22,1],[23,1],[24,1],[25,26]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-10-21T09:20:13.032Z","CategoryId":7,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"things-to-do-at-a-sleepover"}