A Swing at Love
Air Guitarist
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Apple Blaster
Badger Burrow
Balloon Buster
Ballroom Dancing
Bangs for Nothing
Batter Up
Bed or Breakfast
Bell Chorus
Biggest Fan
Blow It Up
Blowing Kisses
Bomb Disposal
Broom Ride
Bucket Brigade
Cake Flower
Call of the Wild
Camera Ready
Candle Bear
Catch and Release
Catching Hands
Caught in the Act
Cavity Grinder
Chop to It
Chopsticks Champ
Chow Down
Code Dependency
Comedy of Manners
Cormorant Catch
Cowboy Up
Crane Catcher
Crossing Guard
Curling Champ
Cut to the Profit
Cutouts Cutups
Cutting Board
Deep Focus
Deep Fryer
Dinner Is Served
Don't Get Spotted
Donkey Kong Jr.
Dr. Mario
Dress for Success
Easy Breezy
Escape Artist
Fair-Weather Friend
Feeding Time
Feeling Crumby
Feeling Peckish
Finishing Blow
Fire Emblem Engage
Fishin' Hole
Flight of Icarus
Fresh Squeezed
Gacha Now
Garlic Grab
Gas Guzzler
Get the Ball Rolling
Giant Swing
Glove Bite
Going Swimmingly
Gold Digger
Great Cleave
Handcar Escape
Handful of Sugar
Harvest Man
Having a Ball
Helping Hands
Hit the Brake
Hogan's Alley
Hold It Together
Hop for Home
Hour Hands
Hungry Boy
I Spyglass
Junction Jumble
Just My Type
Keeping Count
Laser Gazer
Last Line of Defense
Lather Round
Light 'Em Up
Lock Hands
Loose Drawers
Lowball Glass
Magical Form, Go!
Mario Bros.
Mario Pinball Land
Match Cut
Memory Match
Metroid Dread
More or Less
Mountain Man
Muscle Road
Needy Needles
nintendog + cats
Nunchaku Practice
Obedience School
Open Wide
Pair Pointer
Pancake Flip
Panel Expert
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Party Foul
Party of ?
Pepper Mill
Phone for You
Pikmin 2
Pin Drop
Pincer Attack
Plain Dealer
Plugging the Leaks
Poison Apple
Power Struggle
Presents of Mine
Press the Advantage
Puppet Patter
Pure Waddle
Put a Lid on It
Rainy Day
Reel It In
Ring Fit Adventure
Rock Paper Scissors
Rocket Punch
Rocky Road
Rubber Stamp
Safe Snacker
Screwed Tight
Scroll with It
Security Risk
Selfie Stick
Service with a Smile
Shake Out the Kinks
Shear Madness
Shell Shine
Shock Jockey
Shoo, Fly
Shower Defense
Sink the Shot
Sleight of Hand
Slime Science
Snake Smack
Snowball Fight
Sound Decision
Spear Me
Speed Bag
Speed Skate
Spirit Sense
Squeeze Play
Stamp Rally
Star Light, Star Bright
Stony Look
Suit Up
Sumo Says
Super Mario 64 DS
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Dance Company
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Synchronized Swim
Take a Stab
Take My Hand
Take the Plunger
Tap Routine
Taxi! Taxi!
Teeter Trays
The Big Moment
The Cat's Meow
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
The Stalwart Shield
The Way I Like It
The Write Way
Thigh Fishing
This Side Up
Thorny Path
Throw Down
Tilt the Scale
Tools of the Trade
Toy Handout
Trick or Treat
True Fluff
Ultra Scope
Uniform Distribution
WarioWare Series
Waste Disposal
Water Hazards
Watering Can-Do
When Our Eyes Meet
Who Goes There!
Wii Play: Motion Pose Mii Plus
Window Washer
Wiper Wave
Witch's Brew
Wriggle Out
Wrung Out
You Dropped This?
You've Got Tissues
WarioWare Move It Microgames
Get ready for a whirlwind of microgames with the "WarioWare Move It Microgames" wheel! With a whopping assortment of quick and quirky challenges from various Nintendo games, there's endless fun in a spin.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
WarioWare Move It Microgames
Get ready for a whirlwind of microgames with the "WarioWare Move It Microgames" wheel! With a whopping assortment of quick and quirky challenges from various Nintendo games, there's endless fun in a spin.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"WarioWare Move It Microgames ","Description":"Get ready for a whirlwind of microgames with the \"WarioWare Move It Microgames\" wheel! With a whopping assortment of quick and quirky challenges from various Nintendo games, there's endless fun in a spin.","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["A Swing at Love","About-Face ","Air Guitarist ","Animal Crossing New Horizons ","Apple Blaster","Badger Burrow ","Balloon Buster","Ballroom Dancing","Bangs for Nothing ","Batter Up","Bed or Breakfast ","Bell Chorus ","Biggest Fan ","Blow It Up","Blowing Kisses ","Bomb Disposal ","Broom Ride","Bucket Brigade ","Buttograph","Cake Flower","Call of the Wild","Camera Ready","Candle Bear","Catch and Release ","Catching Hands","Caught in the Act","Cavity Grinder","Cheers!","Chop to It","Chopsticks Champ","Chow Down","Code Dependency ","Comedy of Manners ","Cormorant Catch","Cowboy Up","Crane Catcher","Crossing Guard","Curling Champ","Cut to the Profit","Cutouts Cutups","Cutting Board","De-Stocking ","Deep Focus","Deep Fryer ","Denied!","Dial-a-Flex","Dinner Is Served","Don't Get Spotted","Donkey Kong Jr.","Dr. Mario","Dress for Success ","Easy Breezy ","Escape Artist ","Fair-Weather Friend","Falconer","Feeding Time ","Feeling Crumby","Feeling Peckish","Finishing Blow","Fire Emblem Engage ","Fishin' Hole","Flight of Icarus","Fresh Squeezed ","Gacha Now ","Garlic Grab","Gas Guzzler","Get the Ball Rolling ","Giant Swing","Glove Bite ","Going Swimmingly ","Gold Digger","Gotcha!","Great Cleave","Griddlebot","Handcar Escape ","Handful of Sugar","Harvest Man","Having a Ball","Helping Hands","Hit the Brake","Hogan's Alley","Hold It Together ","Hop for Home","Hour Hands","Hungry Boy","Hunky-Dory ","I Spyglass ","Insecticide ","Jailbreak ","Junction Jumble","Just My Type","Keeping Count","Laser Gazer","Last Line of Defense ","Lather Round","Light 'Em Up ","Limbo!","Lock Hands","Locomotion ","Loose Drawers ","Lowball Glass","Magical Form, Go!","Mario Bros.","Mario Pinball Land","Match Cut","Memory Match","Metroid Dread","Monkeypult ","More or Less","Mountain Man","Muscle Road","Needy Needles ","nintendog + cats","Nunchaku Practice ","Obedience School","Octoblocker ","Open Wide","Oscilloscope ","Pair Pointer ","Pancake Flip ","Panel Expert","Paper Mario: The Origami King","Party Foul","Party of ?","Pepper Mill ","Phone for You","Pikmin 2","Pilotwings","Pin Drop","Pincer Attack","Plain Dealer","Plugging the Leaks","Poison Apple","Power Struggle ","Presents of Mine","Press the Advantage ","Pull-Up","Punch-Out","Puppet Patter","Pure Waddle ","Put a Lid on It","Rainy Day","Reel It In","Ring Fit Adventure ","Rock Paper Scissors ","Rocket Punch","Rocky Road","Rubber Stamp","Safe Snacker","Screwed Tight","Scroll with It","Seaweedy","Security Risk","Selfie Stick","Service with a Smile","Shake Out the Kinks","Shear Madness","Shell Shine","Shock Jockey","Shoo, Fly","Shower Defense ","Sink the Shot","Sleight of Hand","Slime Science ","Snake Smack","Snowball Fight","Sound Decision","Spear Me","Speed Bag","Speed Skate","Spirit Sense","Squeaky-Clean","Squeeze Play","Stamp Rally","Star Light, Star Bright ","Stony Look ","Suit Up","Sumo Says","Super Mario 64 DS","Super Mario Bros. 3","Super Mario Dance Company","Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island","Synchronized Swim ","Take a Stab","Take My Hand","Take the Plunger ","Tap Routine ","Taxi! Taxi!","Teeter Trays","The Big Moment","The Cat's Meow","The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D","The Stalwart Shield ","The Way I Like It","The Write Way","Thigh Fishing","This Side Up","Thorny Path","Throw Down","Throw-In ","Tilt the Scale","Tools of the Trade ","Toy Handout","Trick or Treat ","True Fluff","Ultra Scope","Unchained ","Uniform Distribution ","WarioWare Series","Waste Disposal ","Water Hazards","Watering Can-Do","Well-Done ","When Our Eyes Meet","Who Goes There!","Wii Play: Motion Pose Mii Plus","Window Washer","Wiper Wave","Witch's Brew","Wriggle Out","Wrung Out","You Dropped This?","You've Got Tissues"],"Style":{"_id":"6588a8b52ac7590358d36d53","Type":0,"Colors":["#7e7100","#ffc107","#ffeb3b","#fbfbfb","#4caf50","#795548","#cddc39","#ff9800","#69cffd","#34e8ff","#ffbaa4","#2196f3","#663d00","#f48aae","#3f51b5","#b6b6b6","#fbbab5","#ff00f3","#f44336","#9c27b0","#e5e5e5","#0a0a0a","#ababab","#009688","#ffc673","#263238","#ebebeb","#03a9f4","#e8efa3","#97cef9","#9e9e9e"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[4,5],[7,8],[9,10],[11,12],[13,14],[7,15],[11,6],[2,3],[7,8],[4,16],[11,17],[0,4],[18,7],[2,3],[19,10],[0,1],[4,16],[9,19],[7,8],[13,14],[19,10],[18,2],[4,18],[2,3],[18,7],[9,20],[11,17],[2,3],[14,21],[13,18],[0,19],[4,22],[18,2],[0,4],[19,23],[11,17],[2,3],[7,15],[0,1],[14,24],[7,8],[9,4],[19,23],[11,6],[6,2],[6,19],[18,2],[11,17],[11,6],[13,18],[11,12],[14,24],[0,4],[13,18],[11,12],[6,1],[9,5],[18,2],[9,14],[14,24],[9,10],[18,7],[14,21],[9,25],[0,1],[14,24],[7,8],[4,26],[0,19],[27,6],[14,24],[13,16],[18,2],[19,23],[7,8],[4,24],[6,28],[13,18],[19,10],[18,2],[13,14],[14,24],[7,15],[4,3],[2,3],[9,24],[4,24],[4,3],[9,17],[18,7],[19,23],[14,24],[14,21],[18,2],[2,3],[2,3],[13,16],[0,19],[6,19],[6,24],[9,17],[11,6],[6,5],[14,21],[19,23],[13,18],[13,14],[14,21],[6,24],[7,15],[0,4],[2,3],[19,23],[11,6],[9,2],[14,24],[18,2],[6,29],[18,7],[9,1],[7,15],[4,16],[6,22],[6,3],[9,2],[4,3],[9,23],[4,6],[14,25],[19,23],[18,2],[19,23],[13,14],[6,14],[9,1],[14,21],[0,1],[7,15],[11,12],[6,19],[9,1],[4,24],[0,4],[9,30],[0,1],[0,1],[19,23],[7,8],[14,21],[11,12],[11,12],[14,24],[19,23],[0,19],[19,23],[13,18],[4,2],[11,12],[13,18],[4,22],[0,19],[7,8],[11,17],[18,7],[13,14],[2,3],[11,17],[18,7],[4,22],[19,10],[7,8],[2,3],[19,10],[19,10],[6,2],[6,18],[9,4],[6,3],[7,8],[18,7],[4,16],[7,15],[19,10],[0,4],[13,16],[19,23],[0,19],[6,18],[13,14],[2,3],[4,3],[19,10],[18,2],[18,7],[9,24],[7,8],[18,2],[14,21],[13,16],[13,16],[14,21],[6,17],[13,14],[0,4],[6,13],[9,10],[19,10],[18,7],[7,15],[11,17],[7,15],[6,18],[4,3],[7,8],[13,16],[0,4],[14,24],[11,6],[14,24]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/warioware-move-it-microgames.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-12-27T10:05:14.868Z","CategoryId":12,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"warioware-move-it-microgames"}