Lefty! (You are an introvert, and you are the left out person but that's ok, you have Lefty!)
Foxy! (You are brave)
Freddy! (You like to make jokes)
Springtrap! (No body ever understands what you're going through)
Circus Baby! (You are kind and friendly)
Scraptrap! (People tend to make funof you because of how you look, but you ought to defend yourself)
Toy Freddy! (You love playing videogames!)
Chica! (You eat too much because you looooove food)
Fredbear! (People fear you for no reason)
Spring Bonnie! (People trust you way to much)
Funtime Freddy! (You have such a bad temper)
Toxic Springtrap (You are toxic l0l)
Freddy Frostbear (You love icecream and eat ice cubes)
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Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker
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