Moltress Articuno Mew Mewtwo Zapdos Celabee Celebee Ho-oh Your just a pigdy! HAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lugia Arceos (wow) Dialga Palkia Eternatis Mew Giratina Rayquaza

What LEGENDARY POKÉMON are you related to?

Unleash your inner Legendary Pokémon with the 'What LEGENDARY POKÉMON are you related to?' wheel. Give it a whirl and discover which iconic Legendary Pokémon you're most connected to. Are you the fiery Moltres, the enigmatic Mew, or perhaps the powerful Mewtwo? With a dash of humor, we've even thrown in a wild 'You're just a Pidgey' slice for a good laugh! Did you know that Mew is said to contain the genetic code of all Pokémon? Now you can find out which Legendary creature shares a connection with you and embrace your legendary side for a day of epic adventures in the Pokémon world."
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

What LEGENDARY POKÉMON are you related to?

Unleash your inner Legendary Pokémon with the 'What LEGENDARY POKÉMON are you related to?' wheel. Give it a whirl and discover which iconic Legendary Pokémon you're most connected to. Are you the fiery Moltres, the enigmatic Mew, or perhaps the powerful Mewtwo? With a dash of humor, we've even thrown in a wild 'You're just a Pidgey' slice for a good laugh! Did you know that Mew is said to contain the genetic code of all Pokémon? Now you can find out which Legendary creature shares a connection with you and embrace your legendary side for a day of epic adventures in the Pokémon world."
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
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